responses to COVID "caused" 🔼youth suicides
We now have 4 years of pandemic data showing that school-aged youth did NOT have an increase in suicides; in fact, rates decreased 18.3% from recent trends AND averages.
This is true for girls in the US (pretty much right on the 3-year average (-0.8%), and 16.3% less than expected from the 10-year trend).
This is true for boys in the US (10% less than the 3-year average and 18.9% less than expected from the ten-year trend)
This is true for elementary-school-aged children 5-12 years of age (a whopping 23.1% less than expected based off of the 10-year trend, and 6% less than the 3 year average)
This is true for 13-year-olds (23.2% less than expected from 10-year trend, and 9% less than expected from 3-year average)
This is true for 14-year-olds (12.2% less than expected from 10-year trends, and within 1% of the 3-year average)
This is true for 15-year-olds (20.6% less than expected from 10-year trends, and 13% less than expected from 3-year average)
This is true for 16-year-olds (17.4% less than expected from 10-year trends, and 10% less than expected from 3-year average)
This is true for 17-year-olds (18.6% less than expected from 10-year trends, and 11% less than expected from 3-year average)
This is true for 18-year-olds (11.8% less than expected from 10-year trends, and 8% less than expected from 3-year average)
And this is true for 19-year-olds (11.9% less than expected from 10-year trends, and 4% less than expected from 3-year average)
Due to statistical limitations, I had to group CDC races quite broadly. Boys labelled as white and non-Hispanic on their death certificate demonstrated a remarkable 24.3% and 11% reduction in suicides compared to the 10-year trend and 3-year average, respectively.
Girls labelled as white and non-Hispanic on their death certificate demonstrated a 26.3% and 4% reduction in suicides compared to the 10-year trend and 3-year average, respectively.
Boys labelled as Hispanic on their death certificate demonstrated a 16.1% and 11% reduction in suicides compared to the 10-year trend and 3-year average, respectively.
Girls labelled as Hispanic on their death certificate demonstrated no change in suicides compared to the 10-year trend and 14% higher than the 3-year average.
Boys labelled as Black and non-Hispanic on their death certificate demonstrated no change in suicides compared to the 10-year trend and 12% higher than the 3-year average.
Girls labelled as Black and non-Hispanic on their death certificates fared the worst out of the analyses I ran, following the 10-year prepandemic trend (not statistically significant but 4% higher) and much higher than the 3-year average (23%).
If anything, length of school closure in the US is associated with better trend comparisons. When controlled for race and urbanization, the states with the longest school closures performed better than the states with the shortest school closures.
With now 4 years of pandemic data in the US, we can clearly state that the evidence does NOT support an association of suicide rates increasing with the pandemic or measures taken against it.
This claim is either misinformation or disinformation.
The reprehensible advocates and politicians who wielded child suicides to advocate for pandemic measures ending should (but likely won't be) ashamed for their ghoulish behaviour.
And on a very positive note, it appears that the US has now established a downward trend in youth suicides since 2018! Yay.
On a personal note, thank you to everyone who reached out to me in my absence. I truly appreciate all of your support.
Please keep this thread stored to battle the suicide misinformation that continues to swirl in the United States.
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Talking to kids when they're struggling🧵
For parents (or anyone who cares for kids!)
It can be really scary to notice something in your kid & be worried suicidality/self-harm.
How do you approach kids?
I've had this conversation >10000 times so I have some tips!
CALM is a memory-trick to remember the key concepts of communicating to a struggling kid but also to remind you to be in control of your own emotions. If you are prepared, you will defeat your initial instinct, which will be to FREAK THE BLEEP OUT!
You & your kid are a team, and you have a common goal: their present & future wellbeing. Don't set yourself up as the security guard, jailor, punisher, or antagonist. Don't push. Don't pull. Be alongside them, tell them you're willing to walk with them.
A recent study looking at >2M Americans presenting to ERs with MH concern shows the difficulty of "predicting suicide" - we can't predict suicide to help guide important clinical decisions.
The problem: Sensitivity vs PPV
They used machine learning EMR-coded variables (outpatient visits, medications, previous appointments, age, etc etc) - you can see the entire dictionary used to "predict" here (word doc):
They had 2,069,170 ER visits and 899 suicides within 90 days.
After running the model and letting machine learning do its thing, the best fit had the following predictive properties at the 95% percentile cutoff of risk:
Debunking Antivaxxer Tropes:
"Antivaxxer is a slur" 🧵
Many many many accuse me of using a "slur" when I say "antivaxxer". It is a twitter shorthand for sure, but it is not a "slur", and I use it without regret or remorse.
I certainly believe that if one is an "anti-vaxxer", they are not using science, reason, or reality to understand vaccines.
& I note a distrubing trend in antivax and some concerning other beliefs.
That being said, when I say antivax, I only mean "antivaccine belief holder"
Check out my "antivax misinfo" threads. Someday take a look at the "hidden replies" & note that the antivax profiles are quite.. well.. recognizable.
Note: Do not assume every "Antivaxxer" is, I just notice the trend. As do many of my colleagues here space fighting misinfo.
Debunking Antivaxxer Myths
"🇪🇺 Vaxxed Countries have higher mortality"
No, they don't.
This is COMPLEX:
a) countries had different PRE-VACCINE infection (offers more dangerous protection than vax but indeed protection). Obv, vaccination NOT correlated with pre-vax death.
b) The FIRST VACCINATION SERIES against OG COVID was phenomenally effective at preventing infection, transmission, illness, hospitalization, and death (VE >80-90% in all).
This is clearly evident by one of the most striking correlations you'll see!
COVID deaths vs Vax:
And because COVID was the primary driver of excess mortality in 2021, excess ALL CAUSE mortality was almost identical to COVID MORTALITY.
He presents data to scare people into believing that vaccines have caused harm, & he continuously is on the bandwagon that C19 vaccines cause cancer. This is contrary to the damage.
Here, he's using a report using 1998-2019 data.
In fact, there was such a DROP in incidence (assumed to be due to lack of access to health care) in 2020, that they had to amputate the model at 1998-2019 so that it wouldn't project a decrease! (a reasonable thing to do!)
In their report, they clearly show that their trending is based off of models that ONLY end at 2019. ZERO PERCENT of this report is suggesting, implying, or reporting that vaccines have led to an increase in cancers.
He will have a huge platform & can say what ever he wants as long as there is right wing grift.
He is a licensed professional being held standard.
It is against his license to publicly suggest to die by suicide.
It is against his license to publicly & intentionally call physicians 'criminals,' people "not beautiful" or "appalling self-righteous moralizing things."
His license prohibits misgender people intentionally.
The standards of his college are publicly available; including social media. By being licensed, he represents his college and the profession, and that college/profession gets to have a say in how they are represented.