I would like to suggest some very simple social media tactics that all Democrats should engage in before the election. A 🧵
1. It's fine to disagree w/ Dems from now until #EDay; That said, plz do so respectfully & kindly. The media thrives on Democratic discord. Every time Democrats/Leftists/etc engage in ferocious debate online, editors contact people like me to write Op-Eds. This drives coverage.
2. Put winning the election above social media clout. This involves not trying to be cool by dragging other Democrats (or possible Dem voters). It also involves not overly curating your twitter feed. RT Cringe. RT Democrats saying good things. This matters.
cont. . I'm bad at curating my social media bc I'm neurodivergent. If you ever think, "is she off her meds?" the answer is "probably not, that's just her brain." So I just spout off. But, I still curate in some ways. I don't, for example, RT tweets that I think everyone has seen.
cont. . . . there are a lot of tweets that I think are great, but I don't RT b/c I think people don't need to see them again. I'm saying now that RTing this stuff matters. The numbers matter along multiple parameters, including the perception of *strength*, joy, unity.
3. While you commit to *not* arguing, at least in a hostile way w/ Dems, commit to trying to argue w/ conservatives. Don't just drag them (tho dragging is good), try to argue with them. Make a debate with conservatives blow up online so much that editors contact writers to do an OpEd
4. If it's too hard to try to argue w/ a conservative, & I agree this may be the case, commit to not just dragging them, but also to finding joy in doing so *w/ others,* a la "Weird." We've never done something like "weird" before. It was great. Gave us joy/strength; put them on defensive.
5. Just as you commit to RTing great things--including cringe things--about Democrats, commit to RTing every single negative thing you see about Trump. Trump has *massively* benefited from an almost 9 month media blackout. As well as normalization. Pierce through this.
That's about it, for now. The goals are these: Deprive media of Dem Discord. Give them other debates to cover. Spread joy. Create the perception of *strength* in numbers by liking & RTing every Good Democratic tweet. Reject over-curating your account. RT @KamalaHQ in particular.
One last thing, though. I'm not trying to reignite Biden-Drop-Out debates, b/c I am delighted by how things have turned out. But I do want to note something for explanatory purposes: Post-June-Debate, many Black Democrats tried, valorously, to make "Black Jobs" trend.
This worked, to some extent, but "Black Jobs" seemed to get drowned out by Dem discord over everything else. Imagine if things had gone differently. Either Biden performed better or our social media focus had just been different. "Black Jobs" would have hurt Trump quite a bit.
Now, look at this Simone Biles Tweet. So many likes + RTs. I saw it & immediately looked at the "numbers" for the tweet. The "numbers" made me so happy, but also made me think, "I don't have to RT that, b/c everyone has seen it." WRONG, Magdi. I should have RT'd it!
Why? Again, b/c numbers matter. 1.3 million likes? Amazing. What if it got to 2 million likes. Or 200K RTs? That's strength. Strength in our joyful coalition. Strength in our patriotism. And strength in mocking the bad ideas of the other side.
From now until EDay, focus all your negativity on our opponents. Put Trump under the spotlight. All while finding joy in our coalition. Practice respect in our disagreements. Reject clout. Reject anti-cringe. Reject over-curation. Give Kamala Harris GREAT social media numbers.
Also, I'm just going to mute/block stuff like this, rather than defend myself. It's a waste of time. And what is this person's purpose, here? My purpose is that I am trying to be a human being online, in my social space. I'm also hoping to win an election.
Like, what is the purpose of stuff like this? People just want to look smarter, cooler, better than others. I've never liked it. But, my personal feelings aside, this is an objectively *bad* way to operate in a coalition. Let's reject this kind of thing entirely.
All negativity towards other Dems, all motivation to be the "most right," the "knowiest of all," etc, throw that all out the window. If someone does it to you, don't respond. They are injecting necessary negativity into the discourse. Which is why Russian trolls imitate them!
Let's just say we're done with all that. It's not the right way to behave in a coalition. Mute it out. Joyfully.
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I'm getting more frustrated by this as I age. I am a very liberal woman. Most people in this country are more moderate or conservative than I am. If my POTUS, Senator, or Rep shares 75% of the same views as I do, I'm pretty damn lucky. I live in a country of 300 million people.
"We agree that more equity is needed in education but do we agree on exactly the right way to address this inequity in terms of both the short-term needs of low-income families & ALSO the long-term strength of our school system? We don't have complete agreement on that? NO COALITION WITH YOU!"
When we witness acts like these, it is incumbent to consider 2 sets of questions
1: How do we feel about the protests themselves?
2: What would happen to these protesters if Donald Trump were president, given SCOTUS's immunity decision? What would then happen to the rest of us?
I think everyone who follows me knows, at this point, how I feel about these specific protests. They are counter-productive at best & antisemitic at worst. There has been illegal behavior, incl. violence that should be addressed by police. All of this deserves to be talked about.
Now let's talk about Trump. Trump, if he wins, will not be beginning his term as he did in 2017, somewhat chaotically, w/out a plan. Those were "normal" times; these are "abnormal" times. And, during these abnormal times, Trump has a plan. It's called #Project2025.
My partner is white-working class from rural PA. I showed him this, expecting him to mock it with me, as it seemed so stilted. His impression was wildly different than mine. He said that white people in rural PA would love this. Not saying we should cater to this, just understand it
I also want to point out just how divergent my impression was from my partner's. I lived in rural PA for almost four years & I understand it better than most commentators do, but I still don't *feel* the dog-whistles like someone brought up in the culture does.
I asked my partner, "Doesn't he sound pretentious?" My partner said, "Yeah, really pretentious. But it doesn't matter b/c he's telling people what they want to hear." He also thought the Mountain Dew ref, for these people, was effective. Vance *scared* him. He was rattled by him.
I have an observation. It will be a depressing one, but my intent is not to depress you; it is to diagnose an issue so that we can collectively treat it. I believe Democratic voters, at this moment in time, feel like they have just enough strength for one more big fight.
We lived through 4 years of Trump. We fought him at every turn. We defeated him. We lived through COVID. We've overcome that, as well. Then, we've lived through the Biden presidency & we've had to experience the fatigue of No One but Us seeing the good Biden has done.
Biden is one of the most legislatively successful presidents in American history. Not only that, but he has also been extraordinary on the world stage. He has ended wars. He has prevented wars. He has the faith of all of Europe in their fight against Putin.
Anyone who acts pompous about Biden vs. someone else at this stage is lying to you. There is no certainty here, other than the election can be won. There is no perfect way to turn the dial. To gain just enough voters such that you don't lose so many others. This is ridiculous.
I have no real knowledge of how Biden or Harris would do better in terms of the general election. All I have are arguments, tied together w/ data-analytic observations & personal reflections. That's all any of us have. I'm so tired of know-it-alls. People w/ humility know more.
Here is what I do know:
-This didn't have to happen. You could have just shaken off a bad debate. *We* made this happen.
-Now that we have a chance to move past it, some are choosing to drag it out
-We need to stop
We have to start connecting the dots. Here are 2 examples: 1. Climate Scientist @MichaelEMann, writing about how Doom is exploited by Russia to degrade climate change action 2. Historian @TimothyDSnyder, writing about how Doom has been exploited by Russia & fascists everywhere
I began to connect the dots earlier this year. I had been feeling doom since 10/7. Doom b/c of all the real, awful events. Then doom b/c of what felt like a shared reality & purpose becoming unraveled. Doom at what felt like an inability to influence anything. Loss of agency.
I began to think of known tactics that were used by both Russia and Trump in 2016. These tactics were to "Divide and Conquer." To pit allies against each other. To shred shared truth. To manipulate extant divisions. To depress the entire electorate. "Discourage or demobilize."