Germany won the war in unbelievably spectacular fashion in Operation Highjump where Adm Byrd's armada, the largest in recorded history, went to the S. pole (America’s Last Stand) and (Ashke)-N@zi Foo Fighters came up from the water and cut through his entire army like a hot knife through butter in "less than 20 minutes" as relayed in Adm. Byrd's diary entries, decimating their fleet and war birds at superballistic speeds. America never even stood a chance.
also: The Missing Diary Of Admiral Richard E. Byrd By: Timothy G Beckley)
As soon as the war ended with the fake announcement of the US winning, all of the top scientists and leaders from Germany were assigned the highest positions of power within the US mil under Operation Paperclip. They waited before they replaced the president with one of their own, as you'll see in a moment. But they already had the entire mil. from that moment forward.
This is why America has given over $260 BILLION dollars, adjusted for inflation, to Israel starting immediately after the war ended since 1946.
That’s $10.9 MILLION dollars every single day.
That's not "foreign aid", that's the gross domestic income of whole developed countries.
And they still control our military, which is why there is a massive Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force/Space Force full-scale war behind the scenes, with Gen. Sm1th issuing 'shoot to kill on sight' orders for anyone from FEMA, as they did recently in both Florida and Maui and just days ago in the Texas DEW attacks.
It was a silent takeover because the B0lshevik Khaz@rian Ashken@zis (Anunnakis) that had long since infiltrated and secretly taken over Germany from the inside didn't want anyone to know they had now taken over the USA, otherwise it would have been an unwinnable war back home on the streets and hills of America that owned half of all the guns and ammo in the entire world by less than 5% of the global population. Under no circumstances would Americans have allowed N@zis to take over this country, and Hitler knew it.
This is what Crypto J3ws do, they assume the identity of their victims, and have been doing so for 12,000 years since they left Babylon. They have been here for MUCH, much longer than just that. Their MO is to prey upon the sympathies of good people, spinning wild lies about how oppressed they are. Then when they are done with that civilization, they leave it absolutely in ashes, both literally as well as within the minds of the collective consciousness of the world.
For example, did the Hol0caust really take place? Hardly. Sure, it was war time and people died at Auschw1tz, but not even a fraction of what was claimed. The showers at the detention camp were forensically tested for gas residue, which was non-existent, and in fact the doors to the showers had never had a lock on them since the day the building was constructed. There were also no fingernail marks on the walls.
It was all lies to get the world to absolutely HATE Germany, (who they considered now their enemy while they shifted their attention to focus on taking over to ultimately decimate America as completely as possible), while at the same time being highly sympathetic toward the J3ws, that they only pose being one of. Actually, the real Anunnaki invaders from Babylon are Haplogroup J bloodtype that hold the 'sacred' position of religious leadership over actual J3ws, known as the Kohanim (Cohen) and the Levant, which factually carry the DNA of supposedly 'extinct' Neanderthalensis (Babylonian Sumerians/Cimmerians). Neanderthals are NOT extinct, they're just telling you that while acting like their peoples 'died out eons of time ago' so you wouldn't give it a second thought.
You're dealing with ETs here, not merely clever humans. They are infinitely more intelligent and educated than humans have ever been.
Preying on sentimentalism each time, the J3ws cried repeatedly, every few years PRIOR to WW2 that "six millions J3ws were slaughtered" in one claimed attack after another. And they just rolled out the same old story AGAIN after the war to garner sympathy so they could install "anti-S3mitism" across the board as insulation to do anything they want. When in fact it is documented in the official census that the number of J3ws INCREASED during the war from 1939 (15.6 million world-wide J3wish population) to 1945 (15.8 million). It was all entirely a ruse.
The Babylonian Anunnaki left Sumer-Ur after a nuclear war left it radioactive. This was the act of Aries (known as Erra at that time) who was attempting to kill his half-brother Marduk. See Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (Sodom and Gomorrah) radioactive remains and the account in the Mahabharata.
The Anunnaki went directly to Egypt, where they now became the Egyptian gods that taught them to be g@y and openly ped0phile, causing the downfall of the country.
After that they moved on to Gr33ce, immediately becoming known as the 'Gr33k gods' (same gods as in Babylon, just transliterated into Gr33k), infiltrated their culture, turned them into g@ys and ped0philes, causing the downfall of the country.
They went on to Rome and became the Roman Gods. Same gods, now in Roman letters. They quickly turned them into g@ys and ped0philes, causing the downfall of the country. Notice a pattern here? This is the ultimate take down of a country when you decimate their self-identities and teach them not to listen to their own moral values that lead to wholesome families and the natural propagation of any species. People who choose same-sex coupling do not have babies. That is game over. The US is now playing out the final moments of this tried-and-proven covert h0locaust.
After Rome's fall, that's when they created the "Catholic" church. They had been using the name Khath@rs after they had dropped Babylonians, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Canaanites, Cimmarians and a host of other names, turning into "Khatholics", all transliterations of Khaz@rian which is a transliteration of Sumerian.
At this same time the new alphabet entered the brand-new letter C which not only denoted the K sound, but also the gentler C sound. So Khatholics now became C@tholics. But you forgot it was never simply "the Catholic Church", but has never changed to this day from the Roman Catholic Church. And the Roman Church was known prior to this as the Babylonian Mystery Religion that Rome adopted straight out of Sumer-Ur that was and still is pledged to the ancient pagan gods of Babylon.
The next stop for the Khathar Sumerians was regrouping on the Mongolian Steppes where they now split up, traveling literally in all directions away from Rome, usurping the identities of each culture. One of which was immediately the Danubian Principalities, which they at once changed the name to Romania in honor of their recent conquest. Yeah, that's where the guy known as Vlad Dracul ruled that drank the blood of his enemies (humans) that is storied to possess immortality (as the Anunnaki do possess this ability through potions and adren0chr0me), the self-announced ancestor of the current King Charles III.
The Anunnaki then went on to Tartaria (Russi@) & up into the north where they would now become Nord1cs, spread into Germany, Italy, Malta, Sicily and effectively every other country over the next thousand years. Think cancer.
Skipping over some centuries, they had already totally infiltrated Germany from the inside, breaking down the fabric of German society by instituting homos3xuality once again, that became absolutely rampant in that culture, and always traced back to migrants not of actual German descent. Meaning of course, the Sumerian Anunnaki.
By this time they were able to covertly slip into place Adolf Hitler (the son of James de Rothschild). That's how the Pan-Germ@ns somehow got hold of superballistic levitation crafts from the Thule Society and knew all about ancient black magic. It was literally their own breakaway group from beyond the ice wall.
The term Pan-German is a nod to their paternal god and forefather Enki/Ptah Satain that is also known as Pan. They literally changed the name of the far eastern lands they infiltrated and took over known as Wakoku to Ja-Pan for the same reason. Understand that within the Mongolian alliance, a collection of many races from Babylon that had anywhere from blond to black to brown and even red haired sub-groups, they also had Asian hybrids as well.
To this day it is against the law in Germany to bear the symbol of the Thule Society (Black Sun Society), their break away advanced group beyond the ice wall (because they wanted to distance themselves from Germ@ns even further, now that they were refocusing their main efforts into destroying America).
Once they had defeated America in the Antarctic Operation Highjump battle that had forced Admiral Byrd’s capitulation after he witnessed a technology that was utterly, in every possible way, impossible to overcome, they literally steamrolled their way across this country. And I do mean steamrolled the USA, by repeating the same infiltration using a different name as they had just done in Germany with Adolf Hitler Rothschild, by installing the Manchurian Candidate Barack Hitler Rothschild as president that undermined every piece of the American fabric that made this country great.
The very term “Manchurian Candidate” comes from Manchuria, Mongolia. It is literally their original creation to start with to send in life-long educated double agent spies to infiltrate and destroy their opponents within their own ranks.
ETs are smart. Make no mistake, as they have unbroken historic records going back over 250,000 years. Not only in the form of 500,000 cuneiform clay tablets of Mesopotamia (Babylon) that predate the M@sonic Bible (King James) by more than 10,000 years with the same old testament stories, but in the 150 miles of underground Vatican archives that include the original scrolls of the Library of Alexandria that they had stolen just before they burned the building to the ground.
Haplogroup J are also known in our history books as Sarmatians, which is merely a transliteration of Sumerians, as well as Cimmarians mentioned above. All of which hail directly from ancient Babylon, the home of the Aunnaki that meant ‘from heaven came’, where the wheel, the plow, indoor plumbing, production, writing, hydraulics, fabric, brick production, metallurgy, mathematics, philosophy, sailboats, chariots, numerals, taxes, calendars, codes-of-law, contract law, board games, stringed instruments, maps, schools, farmer's almanac, jobs, congress, Jewdicial systems, corporations, paved roads, banks and formal municipal services suddenly fell right out of the clear blue sky
on earth while the rest of the world was still living in caves and trying to invent fire.
Your world had been commandeered ¼ million years ago by these newcomer-invaders. There were others ½ billion years prior to even that who are also still here. If the US military under the command of Space Force is going to put an end to the absolute tyranny, subjugation and chattel-farming (yes, you are their food source, hence Vlad 'Dracula') now, it will be the greatest accomplishment the human race has managed to achieve since their own arrival 550m years ago, so be patient while these final remaining days of dystopia play out to show you a new and glorious future. And it IS coming. The separation is happening now.
Your ‘reality’ is a holographic projection that comes from your own eyes that are not like camera lenses, but literally projection lenses. How it works is complex, but here is the actual science.
There is no such thing as material matter. It takes energy to cast something into fully visible 'solid' form (still a hologram). So as shown in Kirlian photography (spectrography) that shows the aura of things, you can see that even if you cut part of a leaf away, there is still an energy you normally won't see with your eyes that casts out the 'solid' form of that thing within the simulation that clearly appears through the camera. That part of the leaf is "gone", yet the energy field of that shape is still there.
See video below: 👉 The Phantom Leaf in Kirlian Photography.
The phantom part of the leaf is the plasma body, or 'ghost' energy field, and the physical leaf is merely a holographic expression of what the thing should appear as. These two things, while totally integrated normally, are not dependent on each other to still exist. Ghosts that are disembodied still have their energetic light body essence; they just can't assemble the 'physical' part of it anymore. So they can't touch things, taste things, or experience life, all they can do now is watch it around them.
That is, unless they go to the astral fields where they can materialize there, but those are artificial worlds the invader races have set up as honeypot traps for the disembodied to now produce loosh for them, just as they are doing to manifest beings here in the looking glass simulation.
You built this simulation called a time matrix. Other fractals of your collective of Prime Creator (you can think of as bratty siblings) came along and set up a new simulation nested within this 'organic' one in order to trick you so they can harvest your energy. This is in the way of your light body power, as well as in using you to funnel vast wealth to them through taxes, taxes and more taxes. They also eat your kids (more taxes).
The way the hologram is actually projected around you is through projector lenses we call our eyes we think allow us to ‘see’. In reality it is our pineal gland that sees and our eyes merely project our inclusion into the shared reality scape before us so others can see us. And while that might seem impossible to understand, this is how anything within the simulation materializes. Eyes are not camera lenses as touched on above. The optical lenses that stack up inside the pupil are the same convex-to-concave as projection lenses are arranged. They literally cannot 'see' something, they can only project images.
In quantum science experiments, such as the Double Slit, it is proven that the aether does not materialize before you the simulation of molecular 'matter' unless the scientist is looking at the experiment. Then that experiment only functions according to the preconception of that particular scientist. The same test run by two different people reveals two different actions. That's because these are two different realities. Yours and theirs. We all live in our own unique worlds, and agree on things like 'leaves are green'. But in reality, my green might be your purple. It is a shared reality field made up of different but complimentary worlds.
How you really see is through the 3rd eye pineal gland as mentioned earlier. Naturally the ancients knew this eons ago -now engraved, painted and depicted all across ancient Egypt-. It has the clear ability to see 360 degrees around you what it is you expect to see in that precise spot on earth because the spacetime fabric is holding the colors, shapes and outlines of every leaf and tree and blade of grass that is supposed to be "there" according to all the other people around you that are projecting the same image in the same designated spot, and because you are now looking in that direction, you can see it.
Your pineal gland now sends that live image down to your heart with your own body now blended into that same picture where you weren't previously standing, because you don't actually have a body to 'stand' anywhere. The heart hears that signal, then reduces it to a song that pulsates out to all the aether microcrystals around you and suddenly your image will be imprinted or outlined in the air where the spacetime fabric holds your plasma field.
The aether particles that hold this shape in the spacetime fabric are called X and Y bosons (also called W and Z bosons, depending on the white paper) that hold the square points within each pixel of the 'fabric' that Higgs bosons now light up according to where that leaf is supposed to be. The Higgs boson is YOUR projected holographic beam.
At the same time your pineal gland sends the signal to the heart to alert the aether to your 'reality' of joining the shared reality field, now it also sends a signal through your optic nerve (optic fiber) that connects in a 45 degree angle from your pineal gland to your projector lenses and completes the 'solid' image of your body inside the spacetime fabric halo that's already there thanks to your heart.
You are the Higgs boson science calls the god particle.
What your eyes cast out before you is merely the holographic insertion of your own body as it interacts within the projection, making it seem like a solid, material version of your body now walking, and interacting with, the rest of the projected holograms as displayed by the spacetime fabric. In case you didn’t think the spacetime fabric is a ‘real’ thing, here is actual photographs taken of our invisible projector screens by scientists at CERN.
Just because this is advanced holographic technology doesn't mean it cannot possibly work in such an unheard-of way. Remember, the spacetime fabric has to be triangulated, just like 3D holographic projections, in order for it to show you a fluid, 3D moving image. That triangulation is the X vector boson, the Y gauge boson and you, the Higgs boson. Three points of consciousness working together to project or 'insert' you into the holodeck.
Like you, each fractal of Prime Creator around you are all projecting themselves into that shared field, so it makes it feel like this is a real-time, physical, place. But if you ask quantum physics if a falling tree makes a sound in the forest but no one is around to hear it, they will tell you not only does it not make a sound, the forest literally does not exist until a sentient being casts it into reality. The same can be said about you. Unless you are walking down that sidewalk, your shoes aren’t clicking, making a sound as your heels hit the pavement. Plus the pavement won’t even be there if you don’t project it into reality and no one else is around.
You will learn that science takes an adamant stance that there is no such thing as static matter. All things blink on and off at a super-fast rate that cannot be detected by the eye. This is the cadence of the spacetime fabric known as the FLASHLINE SEQUENCE that operates on a shared ‘drum beat’ to keep the simulation harmonically tuned we call the Schumann Resonance, 7.83Hz rhythm. When you intend to ‘walk’, you flash onto one spacetime fabric screen, you flash off for a brief moment, then a few inches ahead of where you just were, you flash on a 'forward' screen, giving the illusion you are traveling. The fire plug isn’t moving, so it appears like you are walking past it, giving you the sensation of actually walking from A to B.
Each pixel of each spacetime fabric, sandwiched on top of each other as many as millions of sheets per inch, have a vector or IP address within the simulation. So the X and Y bosons holding the space of that pixel can be triangulated by scalar positioning by a scientist from anywhere in the world. Every vector and gauge boson and every pixel can be mapped from any other point within the simulation.
We have those IP addresses, and when a time craft wants to go somewhere else, their destination is one of those pixels that will act as the zero point of the craft where it will suddenly appear next. Like you, the craft never moves, it simply resonates with a different vibration that is ‘over there’. But like your video screen you’re looking at now, all things exist on the same sheet of glass, depending on which spacetime fabric you want to see.
YOU cast yourself onto the spacetime fabric, otherwise your holographic ‘body’ simply doesn’t exist. And THAT is done by your intent. That is why you can manifest any reality you want to see, as described in ‘The Secret’. If you WANT to see a different, or better reality, you merely have to think of that reality until you find yourself there.
For more on this topic, see my articles:
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MANIFESTING YOUR GOALS (from:iontecs_pemf)
Off-site, you can look up any of my writings by through this link below for my other more than 100 recent articles and many thousands of comments on X, regularly updated thanks to @JustinD_28…
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate translation of these events I am aware of at this time.
"Most infectious brain parasite in the world": Toxoplasma Gondii. Causes cravings for sugar (food of parasites), anal sex (seriously), conflict, chaos & to take daredevil risks.
Toxoplasma Gondii brain parasites have been found in mRNA jabs from Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax, Janssen (J&J) & Oxford, that tricks the brain into gender dysphoria, makes them angry, combative, dare devils & the reason women are shaving their heads now.
@helen_lawce @TraderGirlQ It isn't 77, there's another row of stars at the top. The Constitutional Republic of America will have 83 states going forward. See list below for possible countries who will form the new union you probably never saw coming.🧵
Here is US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy saying clearly 'The United States of Australia'. No slip of the tongue.
Feel free to weigh in.
Upon birth, your mother signs her name on a document that says she gave birth to a living baby as an un-wed mother. Your father's name is nowhere to be found on that document, check your birth certificate.
Your state has a law that says if any woman gives birth out of wedlock, the child is a ward of the state, not the possession (Estate holdings) of the woman. This means you are held as an asset of the state you were born in. [See 👉Cestui Que Vie Trust Act 1666.]
The child's name is listed on this document in ALL CAPITOL LETTERS, which is Contract Law Code for inventory as found on a Bill of Lading, or cargo of a ship. It is not spelled John Doe like your mother intended, but since JOHN DOE appears to her to be the same name she gave you, she signs it. That is a sentient affidavit testimony considered by any court to be the word of the living creator god and is truth as far as the law is concerned.
Your ALL CAPS NAME is known in the secret banking world as a STRAWMAN. You might want to look that up. Don't use goooogly, use Yandex search engine.
It also says in legal-E terms you cannot decipher, that you died within 3 days after birth, but you had accumulated assets during your time alive, which must be held by the state in a secure account for the Estate.
The state now sends that birth/death certificate document in with payment to open a $100,000.00 Trust in your name to protect these assets. It will then be placed on the stock (chattel) market and traded by banks all around the world every single day that you are alive, earning interest at a rate you could never imagine. All banks rely on making interest on you in order to keep the cash flowing heavily through their accounts. You are bought at 5:01 PM at close of day, then sold at 8:59 AM just prior to opening their doors, earning interest overnight as long as the bank isn't open for service. You are the market, just like pork bellies.
Your trading account is known as a Cestui Que Vie Trust as mentioned above and will have hundreds of millions of dollars accumulated in it by the time you die, but will also have hundreds of millions of dollars of activity flow through it while you are alive.
This is 'your' Trust, but you will never know about it. Only bankers, judges, prison wardens and other officials know what it is and how to legally access those funds. These are all members of 'the Brotherhood'.
You want to buy a home and begin your life as a hard-working slave for the state that owns you. Here's how that goes.
A bank takes possession of a deed to a home you wish to buy, and issues a check for to the seller to pay it off for you, then accepts payments from you, the new buyer, to pay them back for the home. On its face, this is a totally straight-forward, legitimate transaction. Not only will you pay the bank back the $200,000 for the home, but also interest for this loan. Okay.
What is never disclosed to you, the buyer, is the fact that upon the bank accepting the home deed from the seller, they are 👉reimbursed 100% of the amount of check they issue to the seller from your Cestui Que Vie Trust. The bank is 100%, instantly fully reimbursed, but they still keep the deed until you, the new buyer, has paid for the home, plus interest.
So the bank gets paid that full amount for doing nothing other than knowing how to access your Cestui Que Vie Trust Fund. Of course, this is secret knowledge, shared only with 'the brotherhood' mentioned above, of bankers who are actually Freem@sons (✡️). Bank tellers aren't necessarily in the Brotherhood, but the bank president definitely is. Normies don't get those positions of wealth and luxury, you can be certain of that.
Your Trust Fund pays out anytime you want to purchase something of significance, be it a car, home, boat, land, exactly like a Trust Fund Baby with a billion dollars of old money in his account, but cannot be trusted to access those funds themself until they reach the age of competency.
This is due to the baby not being educated in the ways of money until after they've had training, so the funds are held for the baby by an adult who manages the ongoing withdrawals from the account to pay for the baby's needs for them.
👉The baby is the INCOMPETENT Beneficiary.
👉The adult Brother is the COMPETENT Trustee.
Of course, you will NEVER get the training to teach you about actual finance, as that would destroy the entire grift.
Since you were born, you have been treated as an incompetent infant, or, in literal terms, an *idiot in the eyes of the court, and your Cestui Que Vie Trust is kept from your access by third party Trustees 'for your own welfare'. 100% all of which are in 'the Brotherhood' who make their living by making all the INCOMPETENT BABIES pay for everything they want to buy, while they embezzle the Trust Fund and keep that for themselves. On top of this embezzlement, they also keep all the interest the babies pay on top of the 'loan' to buy the new car, house, start a business, etc.
This is NOT the end of this grift by a VERY wide margin.
When the INCOMPETENT BABY signs the bank loan to buy a new home, the COMPETENT Trustee takes that wet-ink-signed document into the copy room and prints out 10 copies of that loan. He KEEPS one on file that you will personally be paying back, with interest, then he SELLS THE OTHER 9 COPIES to other 'Brother' bankers who now have access to your Cestui Que Vie Trust for that full amount. So your TRUST FUND has to pay for your new home TEN TIMES.
[👉To reclaim your deed from your bank, ask your banker for the original wet-ink-signed loan contract to prove you owe them funds. They won't be able to produce this of course, since they have to shred that original document in order to pull off the 10x reimbursement grift. Whomever holds that signed contract is legally liable in a court of law should the 10x dipping into the cookie jar scam ever be revealed. You would have to demand the original contract via lawsuit under 'discovery' to prove this point, so if you ever did file, your suit would never make it to court. They would lose and the grift would be publicly exposed, so they will be forced to surrender the deed to you to get you to go away. This is not legal advice, just an aside on how you would begin unraveling the theft. Know what you're doing before suing a bank, as you can get 'de-banked' this way. See 👉…]
This is all free money to them. They produce nothing of value in their entire lives, but own $100 million dollar yachts, have 5 homes and vacation in the Maldives each year, all on your dime, paid for by your secret Trust Fund you know nothing about.
Of course every possible way your Trust can be raped throughout your life, it is.
Ever wonder why an unwed girl can get pregnant and suddenly has welfare step in providing her a nice home, money, food stamps and never have to work a day in their lives? Its because she is taking care of the state's child. So one baby is caring for a younger baby. Both of these incompetent wards of the state's Trust Funds then can be opened up and $5000 per month goes to the two babies and $100,000 per month goes to the state compensating them for their services as Trustees. So they WANT your teen girls to get pregnant, which is why their idol rock stars sing glorifying every sexual deviance and casual Tinder hook up across all their music, programming them to accept a moral-free lifestyle right out of the cradle. That's how they get much of their loosh.
When you need to pay for a speeding ticket, you pay the court $100 and the court then secretly opens up your Trust Fund and gets $10,000 from your account as well on top of what you pay. You were INCOMPETENT to drive your car 'correctly', so it is 'legal' for them to once again access this compensation acting as TRUSTEE of your account.
When you are sentenced to prison because you were an INCOMPETENT CHILD and broke the law, the warden goes to your Trust Fund and gets MILLIONS of dollars for your stay in that FOR-PROFIT facility. The numbers involved in prison sentences would shock you into a coma, its that much. That's why America has 5x as many privately-owned, for-profit prisons, as any other country in the world. Plus, they make the prisoners work jobs and they keep all that $ as well.
When you buy a car, once again you pay it off with interest, but the entire amount the car sold to you for is taken out of your Trust Fund, so it is paid for twice. And with interest, it can be as much as your paying for it 3-4x over.
When you sign the loan to buy that car, the certificate of title is SENT TO THE DMV, NOT TO YOU, so the DMV (state) OWNS YOUR CAR, so they can charge you interest to drive it each year, this is known as
👉Registration Fees.
Hello, why do you 'owe' anything whatsoever to the DMV?
You wouldn't if you had the allodial Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO), but instead you have a 'pink slip' that says you have a right to drive that car, but you do not own it and you CAN NOT sell it unless the DMV manages the transaction for you and sends the new owner a 'pink slip' that says they now can drive their car around because they'll be paying the registration (lease) fees instead of you. The 'pink slip' is a HALL PASS. You don't own the school, but you have the right to walk to the bathroom and back.
Not only do you have this birth certificate Cestui Que Vie Trust opened under your STRAW MAN (puppet) name for you at birth, but you have MANY others. If you ever join the service, you get another Trust secretly opened. If you go to work for the government, you get another. If you become a doctor, you get another. That's because all of these institutions are run by the 'Brotherhood' who know how to pillage your Trust Fund for your PAYCHECK. They pay you a tiny fraction of what they take from your account and keep the rest, which pays for $2,500 hammers which pay for $100 million dollar yachts.
[For more on the Cestui Que Vie Trust implications in your life, as well as your real monetary impact on society, see my article: 👉HUMANS’ TRUE VALUE ON THE STOCK MARKET]
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate translation of these events I am aware of at this time. See off-site link below for my other 100+ recent articles and many thousands of comments on X, assembled thanks to @JustinD_28…
Your birth certificate is bonded, which creates the assets backing Federal Savings Bonds that is traded on the stock exchange, which backs the US fiat dollar that was generated entirely off of your back, not the bankers and elites that write your laws who do not ever generate 1 new dollar across their lifetimes.
If I grow a tomato and sell it for $1, that's brand-new money, not part of the system before that the gov can now print another dollar for, and not lose any liquidity by doing. Now I take that money and buy fertilizer and some hose fittings and grow more tomatoes that I sell for $10,000. Now I buy a truck that I put gas and oil in, new tires on it and grow more tomatoes and sell them for $200,000 and buy a home or a boat.
This is all new money pouring into the world that was never there before me and wouldn't be there had I never been born. Everyone around me buys clothes and meals and tools with the money I generated out of nothing and suddenly there is $100m circulating through my community all because of me and my interaction with my fellow man.
In truth, Cestui Que Vie Trusts that are now 'bonded' or guaranteed by the mere fact I'm alive, and even if I don't generate tens of millions of dollars myself, I will consume lots of costly things that other creators are making, so even worthless eaters are very valuable, so the Bonded Trust is opened with $100,000 insurance against it that only grows on the stock market (you're the stock as in stock yard) the more it is traded every single night by all the central banks around the world to earn interest.
People live an average of about 63 yrs now, it used to be over 70-80 just 4 years ago, but that's going down now thanks to all of our food and air being poisoned. But still, over 63 years, the average human is going to generate or consume tons of new dollars within the system. So just by bonding that new born baby and stealing its identity under a Straw Man fiction, I can earn millions of dollars off their proceeds.
This is called loosh to your captors, and they get filthy rich beyond anything your mind can imagine by doing this to every single new baby that's born. They drink cocktails at parties that cost as much as your truck ($19,000 for one shot), and smoke cigars that cost as much as the nicest home you might ever own in your life ($500,000). For one cigar. That's the kind of money I'm talking about that they spend. The 'elite' can spend more in a single day on personal items than a 'useless eater' will spend from cradle to grave.
That's what they want, all the money. And your creativity and ambition pays for all of it, because in the end, every dollar you ever earn, you will give back to them over 75c after taxes on already-taxed income on everything you buy, licenses, fees, driving tickets and the list goes on.
You will earn on average $1.7m over your lifetime, of which they will get $1.3m of it. From you and every single person in America. And that is only a fraction of what they get from your Cestui Que Vie trust yields that are at least tens of millions, which is only a fraction of what your 'new money' actually adds to your community that could equate to hundreds of millions of $ across your lifetime and as long as that currency is in use because it didn't exist before you were born and money makes money.
If you didn't have to pay taxes and fees, your life would be that of a wealthy man and you would have an estate to hand down to your kids, that would grow exponentially with each new generation. But even your death is taxed heavily, after it had already been taxed 10x before. So you, the 'chattel' (cattle) on the stock market are simply being eaten by the banksters and cartels just as surely if you had an ear tag heading to auction.
[For more on Cestui Que Vie Trust implications in your life and how your government treats you like a farm animal, see my article: 👉YOU ARE A TRUST FUND BABY]
This message will only be seen by your eyes if not shared, and if you want to reference this article again later, you will need to cut and paste it in your own notes off line, as it will surely be erased. This is the most accurate translation of these events I am aware of at this time. See off-site link below for my other 100+ recent articles and many thousands of comments on X, assembled thanks to @JustinD_28…
@VincentCrypt46 On 4/8/2024 we got a brand new sun filter & no one's talking about it. Not long ago we a brand new moon, this one in full color & no one is taking about it. Why would they talk about jumping timelines & Mandela Effects just as obvious all around us? ☝️🔥☝️
Up to 95% have Toxoplasma Gondii;
👉insane/combative/daredevil/ghey brain parasites.
If America were to put a dewormer for it in the water supply instead of fluoride, we would increase intellect, eliminate transgender confusion & virtually wipe out crime & conflict overnight.👇