herusolares Profile picture
Aug 12, 2024 91 tweets 39 min read Read on X
Dumb tweet, but so many mangaka nowadays are miserable and regurgitate right-wing garbage all the time
Mamoru Oshii has been off the rocker for a few decades. Image
Spy x Family author is sus Image
Usogui guy follows every single far-righter you can find in Japan and is face first in all culture war spats Image
A lot of mecha legends have gone nuts, Masami Obari follows tons of far right politicians(kana shindo he's retweeted) Akiman endorsed far-right Akane Himasora. Makoto Kobayashi is a qanon putin lover
Lain creator is a qanon alt-right guy lmao Image
Kaiji guy is besties with holocaust denier Katsuya Takasu and his wife Image
I swear everyone said the Tanya guy was some big communist. He retweets anti-communist stuff and LDP ew. Image
Pole star author endorsed the far right candidate as did a lot of mangaka
Murata endorsed Akamatsu the guy who wrote a cringe anti-feminist manga and was retweeting Kishida stuff afterwards
"What manga" he literally joined the LDP cause the japanese communist party wanted to ban loli and soc dem party leader introduced a bill to ban it as well lol gamerant.com/manga-anime-ce…
Yoshitaka Amano was asked by Akira Amari to draw 7 LDP politicians as 7 samurai, and he did 🙄 Image
Sadamoto's nasty anti-korean rant is well known, but he also had a lot of prominent mangaka covering for him. Nobuteru Yuki being one of them Image
And? I'm aware he was cheering the JCP back in 2014 and before. He has done interviews on what pushed him to join LDP and he points at JCP and it's loli views. Now he literally makes manga about feminists censoring manga with affirmative action lol
Taimanin creator voted LDP cause several prominent old fart CDP politicians wanted to ban porn btw
Speaking of NSFW artists, a lot are deep in that anti-sjw mindset. Remember the outrage of Butcha-U being scared of the gays Image
Kimi Onada is one of the most anti-korean politician's around and the one CDP guy endorsed was shut down by his own party cause he was going on weird sexist tangents about the feminist group Colabo
Also, Akamatsu and Taro Yamada have heavily supported LDPs core policies, so?
Hiroya Oku is always causing a fuss, so he has dozens of takes to pull from Image
Remember when the Uzaki chan author retweeted antifa was disguised as trumpers to invade the capital. BTW this thread is all for me, idc if it upsets ppl. 🙂 Image
Ken Otsuka's whole Twitter is full of right-wing fear mongering. Anti-kurd, anti-chinese, and moaning about Yasuke existing in assassin's creed. Also had a lot of misinfo regarding BLM a few years back. Image
And? I can make this thread 10x longer if i started dropping BL/yuri mangaka spouting TERF trash lol. Akamatsu has supported the majority of LDP core policies that have no relation to freedom of expression 😃
Yasukai Kita endorsed far right Akane Himasora
Tatsuya Egawa(author of golden boy) is an anti korean trump supporter Image
A lot of popukar gag mangaka spout rw reactionary garbage
Yasutaka Tsutsui(the girl who leapt through time author) has been making disgusting rw statements for decades japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/04/1…
I'm going for more obscure tbh. Who isn't aware Kumeta spouts nationalist and xenophobic rhetoric 24/7?
KAKERU(mahou mangas, 100+ published books) endorsed the far-right Akane Himasora and he has been tweeting right-wing garbage as long as I can scroll back. He blames all things censorship on the "female left" Image
One of the original artists for Uma Musume Silence Suzuka is deep into reactionary garbage and also endorsed Far-right Himazora Akane. They have now gone private since Akane lost 😢 Image
Hiroshi Tamaru akso supported Akane, retweeted tweets calling for the arrest of Renho(CDP candidate for Tokyo Governor Election) and mind numbing anti-feminist/vegan takes. Akane is a magnet for rwers. He worked with Akiman and other big industry figures Image
Hiroyuki Oda(eromanga, eureka) not only supported Akane, he supported the invoice changes targeting his own industry Image
Yoshito Yamahara(author of Ryuurouden) believes every single right-wing conspiracy theory that drops in front of him. Also, a diehard trump supporter
Erotica mangaka Akira Narita and former Tezuka Osamu assistant formed a niche party because LDP wasnt right-wing enough for him 😆
Kiseki Himura(Sword art online, Tawawa on Monday) has stacks of racist and misogynistic takes like the below up to 2018
Satoru Ozawa(Ao no 6-gou) is a supporter of the war crime denier Naoki Hyakuta, leader of the conservative party Image
Leiji Matsumoto(Space Battleship Yamato), Shinji Hiramatsu(Shin Doberman Deka), Kenji Morita(robotan) and Yoshinori Kobayashi(credited being the first ever neto-uyo)  frequently donated to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine and a lot more Image
Atsuji Yamamoto(Ultimate teacher) tweets and retweets a lot of dumb right wing culture war filth and stacks of transphobic tweets from a transphobic yuri mangaka, Natsuko Mori Image
This explains a lot as to why Yasuhiro Irie(Full metal alchemist anime) endorsed racist Kimi Onada several posts up. He supported far right Akane Himasora 🤢 Image
muv-luv creator has been a die-hard LDP supporter forever, supports Trump, and all in the right-wing culture garbage Image
Yoshimurakana(Murcielago) supported Akane and Trump and blocks anyone that calls him out 😫
Legendary Kazuichi Hanawa works alongside his bestie Yutaka Ano, a far-right conspiracy trump supporter blogger and youtuber where they both reminisce of old war days. 🙄 Image
Hirofumi Neda(MHA Smash!!) was one of the earliest supporters of Akane and even donated to him, Akane became infamous for his conspiracy that the communist party and feminists were siphoning tax money from the government. 🤔
NSFW artist Asanagi(VictimGirls) also endorsed far-right Akane, not really surprising with his works and the anti-feminist rhetoric he's spouted already. Akane just lost a legal case against Japanese communist affiliated colabo NPO(womens support group)   asahi.com/articles/ASS7L…Image
Rin Horuma(Creator of medarots/medabots) frequently posts/follows and retweets anti-trans prageru tier garbage, such as the below. 🙄 Image
Toh Azuma(spin-off of Fate/Stay Night, Lord El-Melloi II), his feed is full of anti-lgbt and the below. 🤮 Image
Masanao Kurihara (Uramiya Honpo) is deeply involved in rw culture war issues, where these beliefs seep into his works. He portrays communist human rights groups as leeching taxes and censoring content.😄 Image
Still sitting on a fat list of 80+ mangaka with problematic stuff. Tsukasa Kotobuki(Saber Marionette J, Gundam origins) as a lot of other mangakas have been whining recently about DEI in gaming, probably related to the Tekken thing. Image
Takeshi Nogami(Girls & panzer char designer, strike witches), long term supporter of LDP anti-korean Kimi Onada, does promos for LDP and supports Okinawa base development and the SDF(these two things are heavily opposed by the left) Image
Kouji Mori retweeting the Lauren Southern of Japan and chief assistant at studio gaga retweeting Tucker Carlson? Something to keep an eye on. 🙁 Image
Takashi Hashiguchi( Yakitate!! Japan, Chousoku Spinner) was an adamant supporter of Shinzo Abe, constantly emphasizing how apolitical was, aside from his admiration for Abe. Image
Shinji Katakura(Green Green char designer) was discovered to be using an alt Twitter account pretending to be a woman to spout right wing hate, got police trouble for harassing women groups and he runs an account dedicated to stalking his former idol Akane togetter.com/li/2132380
Souryuu(Machimaho) another supporter of far-righter Akane, is just cowardly to own up to it and constantly dog whistling his support 
Seiji Matsuyama(Eiken) has been known by anti-hate groups forever and is constantly twitter banned for spouting racist, anti-feminist rhetoric 24/7. just throw his now banned @/seijimatsuyama into the search and see for yourself
Yuka Nagate(Gift±, Fist Of The North Star Mangas) social media is just stacks of right-wing conspiracy nonsense and support for the Trump tier LDP candidate Image
Taeko Watanabe(Kaze Hikaru, Hajime-chan ga Ichiban!) whole social feed was full of typical right-wing stuff including anti-korean rhetoric regarding comfort women statues. Anno also credited her for inspiring Shinji and Rei. Her Account no longer exists Image
Scifi writer Aritsune Toyota (Space Battleship Yamato, Astro Boy) known nettoyoku who wrote dozens of anti-Korean novels from the late 1980s until his death, based on his time living in Korea, blaming all of Korea’s woes on leftist forces
Takao Koyama (screenwriter for a ton of Dragon ball z, Saint Seiya) supports the conservative party, endorsed far-right Akari Iiyama and a supporter of anti-LGBT Mio Sugita. Image
Yabako Sandrovich(Kengan Ashura creator) is known for his right-wing leanings during his vocalist days with his skinhead band called Hien ameblo.jp/bronzefist/ent…Image
Akiko Hatsu(Literally coined the term Yaoi) is a right-winger lol. Follows all of the typical rwers and retweets them all. imgur.com/a/AtxtUV9Image
Aoi Nishimata(Char designer for Shuffle!) actively worked alongside the LDP and Abe Shinzo, did illustrations for multiple members.
Kimio Yanagisawa(Aoki Honoo) had an article in True Story BUNKA Taboo praising Trump finally bringing the anti-global movement and full of anti-Korean and China rhetoric. Image
Tachikawa Mushimaro(character designer for cygames Rage of Bahamut, Shadowverse) endorsed Far-right Akane Himasora for Tokyo Governor.
Got sent a private doc from some Japanese that monitor Nettoyou activities. It's a lot to dig into and only half the list. 😴 Image
Yoshihisa Tagami(Grey Creator) IRL friend of Anti-LGBT lawmaker Mio Sugita and had some questionable convos with her.😲
Katsuhisa Minami (The Fable) 😃 Image
Satou Fumiya(Character designer for Kindaichi) draws newsletters for the anti-Korean cult religion Happy Science to this day and Takaaki Ishiyama(Director, and storyboarder for dozens of anime) is another follower and actively directs Happy Science productions. 🙏 Image
Wataru Yamazaki, well-known for his 4-panel works (Dragon Quest, Super Mario, Fire Emblem), has been making anti-Korean insults continuously up to the present year—too many to screencap. 😠  archive.is/6hQVd imgur.com/a/D78poCu Image
Hiroyuki Kawasaki (screenwriter for After War Gundam X, writer for Sakura Wars 2, 3, 4, and 5) has a lot of anti-China/Korean hate on his feed, as well as some really dumb anti-LGBT takes. There are always many more examples than the ones posted here, btw. archive.is/M5ZuMImage
Satoru Iriyoshi (key animation Pokemon, Dragon Ball. Storyboard for Precure/Dokidoki and more) social feed is full of your typical American right-wing culture war and he's also a Trump guy. Married to Hiromi Niioka(screenwriter/director for A LOT) who is a Takaichi Supporter. Image
Just some extra tidbits for the above posts that were a little light. Akiman retweeting anti-trans accounts. Uzaki-chan author going on his anti-feminist rants, Makoto Kobayashi endorsing a very niche rw party and Usogui author endorsing Akane Himasora.  Image
Fairly known one. Kazunari Suzuki (Megami Tensei creator, advisor to a lot of anime/manga) full-on right-wing nationalism and also recently endorsed Akane Himasora.  Image
Shouzou Kaga (Fire Emblem creator) may as well be mentioned, as he is another creator of a big game franchise. He rarely speaks about politics, but he let it slip that supported Abe Shinzo during his early days and promptly deleted it. 🤫 Image
Shin Kibayashi (creator of Kindaichi, Bloody Monday, and GetBackers) also had a significant role in Fire Emblem Fates. His entire feed is filled with Trump conspiracy accounts, Elon worship, and a lot of anti-COVID stuff. Image
Military mangaka Motofumi Kobayashi(Apocalypse Meow) social feed is full of anti-Korean/China garbage 🗑 Image
Fukuda Mitsuo (Mobile Suit Gundam SEED director) follows all the usual right-wing pundits and engages with them. His social media feed is full of anti-foreigner sentiment and complaining about the non-existent Kurdish threat in Japan. Image
Mitsuo Iso(Dennō Coil creator)has been caught retweeting and liking all sorts of anti-korean and comfort women things. Image
Yun Kouga(Loveless, Akuma no Riddle creator) liked/retweeted all of Sadomoto's anti-korean remarks and responded to him positively following the backlash. jin115.com/archives/52266…Image
Hikaru Yuzuki(Amai Seikatsu, Sweet Life) is full of such takes as below. 😵‍💫 Image
More Oshii! He runs a paid newsletter on Nico, sharing political takes. He praised Ishiba, supported Abe, backed Suga 2020, opposed the Science Council, placing himself firmly on the right wing. Invited LDP Ishiba as a secret guest in 2013 to his event. amazon.co.jp/dp/4344027574/Image
Yoshiyuki Tomino (Gundam creator) supported the Minna no To Party and met its leader Watanabe before the 2009 elections. A long-deleted interview with Watanabe shows Tomino's disinterest in politics until this party emerged. 1/2 archive.is/hbi5I
The below is from his 2011 Gundam Family Theory and shows his disdain for the DPJ. It was possibly during this time that his dislike for politicians originated. He wrote the Minna catchphrase to spite DPJ Ozawa. His beliefs are more layered now, making him hard to pin down. 2/2 Image
The threads biggest mistake is the mishmash of dunking boomer conservatives, neoliberals, and similar with the more looney right-wing racists
Yasunaga Koichiro (Prefectural Earth Defense Force) Feed full of transphobic takes like below and more Akiman equating trans with lobotomies.  The thread is so long that it's starting to bug out when you scroll. Maybe a new thread later, as there are still plenty of nasties. 😠 Image
Kenshi Hirokane (Kosaku Shima) depicted leftist Okinawa anti-base protesters as paid actors in his manga. Shortly after this portrayal, it was revealed that he had been working as a public relations advisor for the Ministry of Defense on behalf of the LDP.
All the Discord servers I frequent are lighting up with creators retweeting and engaging in the whole black edit fiasco. Anyway, this thread is fairly in-depth on creators who supported Akane Himasora.
Shoji Gatoh(creator of Full Metal Panic!), infamous for his meltdown over Greta Thunberg
Keiichi Sigsawa (Kino's Journey) is very openly right-wing, supported Abe Shinzo, and advocates for Yasukuni Shrine visits by politicians.
Buronson(Fist of the North Star Creator) vv
Few LDP collabs done on request. Nobuyuki Fukumoto's public relations anti-drug manga, Minato Hitori SDF recruitment manga,  Koji Kumeda's pamphlet on birthrates, Golgo 13 Overseas warning Image
Few LDP collabs done on request. Nobuyuki Fukumoto's public relations anti-drug manga, Minato Hitori SDF recruitment manga,  Koji Kumeda's pamphlet on birthrates, Golgo 13 Overseas warning Image
Peko Watanabe (Niko Tama, 1122 creator) nuked her Twitter when it was uncovered that her entire likes list was full of anti-trans 🗑 Image

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