I know everyone is tired, but heads up, #MedTwitter. #Mpox has just been declared a #globalhealth emergency. Incubation period usually 1-2 wks, illness lasts 2-4 wks. Here’s some #MedEd info & images from @CDCgov: cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/…
There is a widespread outbreak of #norovirus, a GI virus that causes projectile vomiting & profuse diarrhea usually lasting 24-48 hrs. Wastewater levels nationwide are high. It’s miserable & incredibly contagious. So many friends are texting us SOS, so here’s a 🧵. /1
Norovirus spreads when as few as 10 viral particles get in the mouth. This happens via direct contact (eg, kissing), contaminated food/water, or touching contaminated surfaces (countertop, toy, soiled clothes) then mouth (eg, toddler toys in mouth, eating by hand, nailbiting). /2
Given how contagious #norovirus is & how it spreads, it is like a brushfire in close quarters and/or where common items are handled by many. Cruise ships are famous for outbreaks, but also daycares/schools, dorms, dining hall/salad bars, nursing homes, jails, etc. /3
🧵 #MedTwitter IMPORTANT
The case of this 🇨🇦 adolescent with #H5N1 #BirdFlu is terrifying. Her only medical history was mild asthma, & symptoms started w/ fever and conjunctivitis. On d5 from symptom onset, she was admitted in respiratory failure, kidney failure, in shock … /1
Despite 3 antivirals (oseltamivir, amantadine, & baloxavir) to which her virus appeared to be susceptible & plasma exchange (three times !!), she spent 2 wks on ECMO and almost 3 wks on a ventilator and was dialysis-dependent. She survived. Let her be a warning, #MedTwitter /2
In an H5N1 outbreak, if even a small % of people get so sick, hospitals are in trouble. If a #H5N1 virus gains ability to spread btwn humans & enters widespread circulation, humanity is in trouble. No amount of #publichealth effort or cost to prep for #BirdFlu is too great. /3
NEW Analysis of 641K hospital admissions in 3.5y finds ending universal masking & #COVID19 testing was assoc w/ a 25% ⬆️ in hospital-onset resp viral infections (w/ longer stay & ⬆️ mortality) & resumption of universal hospital masking with a 33% ⬇️. #WearAMask /1
The ⬇️ in respiratory viral infections w/ universal masking included #COVID19, #influenza, & #RSV: .
We need universal masking in hospitals, especially now when #SARSCoV2, #flu, & #RSV levels are high nationwide based on wastewater testing. /2 ja.ma/3Z5fdn7
The study didn’t assess #longCovid (LC) risk but given that preventing #COVID19 is the only reliable way to prevent LC, universal masking in hospital would likely also ⬇️ LC risk. In my opinion, lack of universal masking should be a hospital quality measure. /3
President Jimmy Carter died today at age 100, having lived w/ melanoma that had spread to his brain & liver for >9y. I grew up in GA admiring him, so as an oncologist, I’d like to honor his life by teaching you a bit. #melsm #MedTwitter
First, the ⚠️ signs (ABCDE 👇) & pics
It’s important to know who’s at ⬆️ risk for #melanoma (see 📸 ).
UV exposure (☀️ or tanning bed) is the major risk.
Having 5 sunburns doubles your lifetime risk of melanoma. Age matters. Even ONE blistering sunburn as a kid/teen doubles lifetime risk!
People with dark skin can also get melanoma (though they are at much lower risk than people with fair skin).
And #melanoma can appear in unusual places including some you might not expect like your nails or even areas that get little or no sun exposure. /3
NEW 📣 Nat’l study in #Sweden: 86% of people on sick leave due to #COVID19 in wave 1 of #pandemic still had symptoms 18m later, esp fatigue, cognition, sleep, movement. Risks higher if hospitalized or female. Vax didn’t exist then.
#MedTwitter #LongCovid
The study also found nearly half of respondents also had problems w/ functioning in daily life 18 mos after they were infected w/ #COVID19. That is #LongCovid. This is a stunning number.
Sweden never had a full lockdown or mask mandate in wave 1. /2
With this approach, #COVID19 deaths were noticeably higher in #Sweden than in neighboring countries with more precautions. For example, see this graph from ABC based on a Johns Hopkins analysis of the region. The King said: “I think we have failed.” /3 au.news.yahoo.com/leaders-tragic…
NEW Longest prospective study of #LongCovidKids: 1.3K kids who tested pos for #COVID19 were followed up to 3y. Of note, 89% of cases were “mild” & 9% had no symptoms, & 80% had zero doses of vaccine. Mix of variants, but most were Omicron then Delta. /1 thelancet.com/action/showPdf…
Sadly, 23% of kids had #LongCovid at 3 mos. While #s fell over time, 13% at 6 mos, 8% at 1 yr, 6% at 18 mos, & 7% at 2 yrs still had #LongCovid. This is tragic, both because it means that 1 in 12 kids are still suffering a year later, & most of those remain ill longer term. /2
Adolescents/teens were at MUCH greater risk than age <12, as were those infected by earlier variants. Females & those w/ comorbidities were also at slightly increased risk. Infection w/ orig variant resulted in ⬆️ autoimmune disease. Vaccination reduced risk of #LongCovid. /3