#MPox “Therefore, these novel findings and the analysis with aerosol dynamics show that aerosols carrying MPXV could be present in environments where patients have resided and that airborne transmission of MPXV can occur.”
“…viral concentrations were stable between 19 hours and 90 hours, suggesting a potential for mpox virus to retain infectivity in aerosols for more than 90 hours.”
“MPXV can enter the host via the oral/respiratory tract, infecting the oral and respiratory tract mucosae, with the upper, middle and lower airway epithelium as main targets for primary infection”
You’re about to type something about how disabled people should just stay home if they don’t want to get sick in the current #Covid surge, even when people have spent the better part of four years telling you how wrong that is.
Don’t do it 🧵
See, if you’re a real person and not a paid troll, your words reverberate past this site.
You teach that attitude to your kids. Your kids carry it to school, where it does damage. /2
If a wheelchair user takes the time to gift you with an explanation of their condition - which they are under no obligation to do - and your response is to assert that they could walk if they tried harder, most people would likely agree YTA. /3
Part of the huge gap on opinions on Gaza really truly comes down to the digital divide and who sees what pictures. Numbers, while staggering, still don’t communicate the scale of loss as well as video and images.
The following is a conversation with my boomer mom. /🧵
Mom: well what would YOU do if someone came to your house and kidnapped your kid?
Me: Let’s say it’s a neighbor. I’m absolutely going after that one particular party. I may go find folks who funded it, too. But what I’m not gonna do is level the neighborhood. /2
Mom: well, that’s the cost of war. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Me: 20,000 kids aren’t a game, they didn’t vote for Hamas, and there is more than a fair chance their parents were noncombatants. That’s why the ICJ said this was breaking international law as #genocide /3
As we get closer to the US election, or if there is more #Covid or #H5N1 news, expect to see more bot activity.
You *can* help to shut down the impact by doing the following:
1. Hide troll, but do not block right away. /🧵
2. Next, go to their profile. Very few followers and / or fairly recent account creation means it’s likely inauthentic.
3. Click on their followers, and block their followers. You’ll often find their followers are recent accounts, also with mostly very low numbers. /2
4. Next, click on their verified accounts. You’ll likely see a couple of very large accounts following your troll, which will be unusual esp. if the account doesn’t have spectacularly brilliant or unique insights. Be sure to block the big verified accounts following your troll /3
Strictly hypothetically speaking, of course, what do you think this app would look like if there were globally high rates of lead poisoning that affected the prefrontal cortex?
Behavior would show increasing signs of reduced executive function and reasoning skills. 🧵
People would notice a change in others with more significant poisoning, and they would be alarmed at the implications of this going on unabated.
They might try to warn the public and repost mountains of scientific data.
They might try to lobby politicians for action. /2
If it were discovered that there was a global epidemic of lead contamination and governments were unwilling to act to educate the public on the risks, you might see individuals trying to take action to protect themselves and others. /3
The #Chevron decision also paves the way for the realization of a long term fever dream of American fascism:
Full dismantling of the administrative state with all power concentrated in the office of the President and the back rooms of #SCOTUS.
Super brief 🧵
When the judiciary is eventually overwhelmed by cert requests and cases beyond their expertise, agencies will be unable to fulfill their missions to the extent the American public expects while they wait on judicial determinations on their regulations. /2
Calls will grow louder to “defund the (agency name),” likely because delays from the bench mean they fail in some critical mission.
Lawmakers will chip away at agencies in order to satiate the public rather than passing legislation to correct this enormous overreach. /3
Brief explainer for overseas friends about what the Supreme Court of the United States did today in overturning what is called the Chevron deference, and why it really matters for issues of climate and global health.
We’ve really mucked it up again for everyone. 🧵
For many years, the precedent was that companies and individuals were subject to regulations imposed by federal agencies. Those agencies are headed by presidential appointees who are then confirmed by Congress. The agencies were free to make regulations specific to their niche /2
Because members of Congress and the judiciary do not have encyclopedic knowledge across all of agriculture, medicine, transportation, and environment to name a few, it made sense that these agencies were empowered to oversee activities that pertained to their unique expertise. /3