This single post has really hit home - and truly upset me.
Perhaps people don't realise why so many doctors, pathologists, public health doctors, virologists and so many more professions spend their time on here voluntarily trying to help you understand. 1/n
Most of us are clear about our identities - you can find us and where we live. Indeed lots about our background. To spell it out WE DO NOT HIDE WHO WE ARE!
We are not selling anything - we are just concerned about your welfare... 2/n
Indeed concerned about the lies that people peddle to you.
If you look at my tweets you will find that I started warning about the dangers of Covid long before the government took action. I had access to international colleagues who warned me about what was coming. What 3/n
I didn't realise is that we would face a deluge of misinformation & sadly some of that from medical colleagues. A pathologist who had worked in 'industry' without a job. A retired ENT surgeon. A cardiologist who didn't make the consultant grade. A GP who started posting 4/n
about how his injection site was magnetised, the 'Industry Scientist' who was spilling the beans on Pfizer and we must not forget one of the biggest earners - the nurse educationalist who embraced the dark side.
The difference between many of these and the rest of us is we 5/n
have no axe to grind, there is no side hussle, there is no funding stream or financial support for what we do.
We just turn up & look on here and try to help people understand what is the truth. There is no 77th but then there is in that we are a community trying to help 6/n
for NO financial gain.
So what upsets me? It is the reality that many people are taken in by the anti-vax movement. Children (and adults) are dying in the UK because of their actions.
This is truly Darwinian as they are losing their next generation and perhaps survivors 7/n
will again realise the benefits of modern medicine. I don't pretend that vaccine damage doesn't happen but it is rare. We need to support those who experience issues we need to support those with Long Covid better!
However vaccination works
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I confess I'm really puzzled tonight. BMJ Public Health published an article about excess deaths during the pandemic 2020-2022. The article is authored by Paediatric Oncologists with no history of interest in public health. The 'research' is funded 1/n
by Foundation World Child Cancer but then perhaps this is because of the fact they fund the hospital (@prinsesmaximac )where three of the authors work. Oh and 2/n
These graphs echo my timeline in the NHS as a Consultant. I started under Thatcher in 1989 as probably one of the youngest Consultants (31). I then worked through Major and then the golden years of Brown and Blair. When I started waiting lists for hips were 18 months..1/n
by the end of Blair Brown era they were typically 18 weeks. Any wait longer than 4 hours in A&E was fully examined for fault and to see what we could do better.
Things got done, good ideas for improvement got funded, we had education programmes on improvement based on best 2/n
practice across the globe. It was a great time to be in the NHS. Don't get me wrong major issues were not dealt with that are now even more pressing. More on that later if you stick with me.
Then came Cameron and Osborne and the dreaded austerity. I joined a team formed by 3/n
The role of Physician and Anaesthetic Associates has hit the headlines recently – if you haven’t heard of these roles before, they are what were previously called Physician Assistants. Physician Assistants have been around since 2004 but the name was changed in 2014 to 1/n
‘Associates’, currently there are around 3200 employed across hospitals and Primary Care. Their role has become increasingly controversial as moves have been made to have them registered through the General Medical Council (GMC) – a move that has not happened for any other 2/n
profession allied to Medicine. In this thread I will consider the issues around registration and provide what I believe is vital background to us as members of the public. My major concern surrounds confusion on the role where members of the public believe they are seeing 3/n
Fionna is correct here. Indeed the thought of implementing unproven technology in the NHS fills me with fear as a Clinical Safety Officer for safe introduction of IT. However technology covers more than IT - it includes devices, implants such as joint replacements, software 1/n
Apps and of course AI or 'Machine Learning'.
I believe we have a system to manage these fairly well but still mistakes have been made. Want some examples? Then read on.
Laser Arthrectomy for Peripheral Vascular Disease - expensive and poor results and never caught on.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy works great for kidney stones so they then went for gallstones in the early to mid 80's.
There were so many caveats that could only be used in around 15% of patients, that and the high recurrence rate made it nonviable. 3/n
In all honesty I am so fucking pissed off!
Those who know me know I never swear despite 30+ years working in the NHS. So why?
I am pissed off with grifters who are amassing a following on YouTube with their 'pseudoscience educational videos'. FFS think about your actions 1/n
I am pissed off with those who push antivax agenda for pregnant women. We now know that Covid is a serious issue for both mother and foetus (yes the unborn child) and so mothers need to be protected by vaccination.
So FFS think about your actions. 2/n
I am pissed off with the Paediatricians in the UK who set themselves against their colleagues in the US & other countries. The delay (& denial) of vaccination in children in the UK is down to Paeds & the HART Group. This needs its own investigation in the Public Inquiry. 3/n