As I watch Trump once again insult injured veterans, and those who sacrificed everything, I want to share a story that shakes me to my core every time I think of it.
It’s about a family friend
At 19 or so, he went to Vietnam.
Never talks about it. But it’s…
…clear he saw and experienced horrific, traumatizing things while there.
He came home, worked hard, and raised a family. He’s now retired.
He never even sought help from the VA because he felt that that was for veterans who’d endured injuries and challenges he hadn’t.
But recently, his family convinced him to access the VA, so he finally did.
During a health screening, they found that a skin growth was cancerous, and scheduled surgery to remove it.
It was successful
But the real story is what happened when he awoke from anesthesia.
Nurses told his family that when he awoke, he was alarmed to be in the hospital.
Because he wanted to know what had happened to put him there, if his tankmates were ok, and he wanted to leave the hospital right away so he could get back out there to be with them.
One of the nurses asked this veteran’s family—in the waiting room—if he had served in Vietnam.
“Yes. Why?”
The nurse told the story. And then added: “this happens a lot with Vietnam vets. They wake up and still think they’re there.”
When the veteran’s relatives entered the room, he still was talking as if he was in a hospital in Vietnam, was still asking about his tank mates, and was still eager to leave to rejoin them.
Think about it:
He was 19.
It’s more than 50 years later.
He’s lived a whole live since returning.
He never talks about it…ever.
But when he comes to after anesthesia, that tour and whatever hell he went through are still so close to the surface, he thinks he’s…
…still there. He’s reliving it. His first concern is helping those he served with
It makes me tear up whenever I think about his story.
What we ask of young people.
How much they give.
How even those who return without physical injuries still live with their wartime…
experience (and trauma) the rest of their lives, right under the surface, but often don’t share it with even friends or loved ones.
But it’s all still there.
And I think of this veteran when I see and hear appalling comments from Donald Trump, like those he made yesterday, and has made before, that show that just under HIS surface is a shocking lack of respect for those who serve our country
His lack of appreciation and respect runs so deep, the man can’t help but letting it spill out. Privately. Publicly. And directly to people who’ve served.
And what he said yesterday about national heroes who were injured or killed serving this nation is beyond the pale.
Trump is unworthy of this veteran, and all the other veterans who have served our nation, been wounded in that service, or paid the ultimate sacrifice.
And he is certainly unworthy of leading this country, or the very forces he so disrespects.
Every Republican supporter of his should be asked their views of those comments.
And if they do anything but reject them unconditionally, they too are unworthy of public service.
Veterans like my friend deserve so much more.
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One of their slickest, and sickest, tactics in attacking democracy.
When the Ohio GOP is losing, or fears a loss, their officials actually twist and manipulate the very ballot…
order will deliver victory for them from the jaws of defeat.
And in some cases, they are actually trying to trick the voters into voting the opposite way from their desired intent—which is about as sick as it gets.
And they’re at it again….today in fact.
Example 1:
After losing three of four Ohio Supreme Court races in two years (even in a year where Trump won by 8), the Ohio’s GOP solution: add party labels to the ballot and move those races much higher on the ballot so that they appear as partisan as all the others.
And as we enter the new school year, and the end of the first full year of universal vouchers in Ohio, the numbers continue to explode (as they are in other states).
As @clevelanddotcom wrote Tuesday, the total cost of private school vouchers for the last school year (through August 7) ended up being….
And no surprise, the big jump in spending came from the newest voucher “program”—the one that eliminated all restrictions on who’s eligible to receive those vouchers:
“Enrollment in EdChoice-Expansion ballooned last school year…”
In the United States, federal law ensures that U.S. military forces are not to be used as part of domestic law enforcement.
But an old law—the Insurrection Act of 1807—allows the President of the United States…
to remove that bar and order National Guard or active-duty military to quell unrest, “domestic violence” or “conspiracy” that he deems a domestic rebellion or insurrection.
The Act’s language is so open-ended (“bafflingly broad,” according to the @BrennanCenter ), it gives
the President “almost limitless discretion” to determine what meets the Act’s standards.
And an old Supreme Court decision ruled that it is “exclusively” the President’s decision to make.
No surprise, experts like @RepRaskin call for the Insurrection Act to be reformed.
They are on the ropes. Trump. Vance. America's far right.
Losing momentum. Running from their core beliefs. Panicking. Trying to change the subject.
Don't. Let. Them.
So in my latest installment in exposing their plans, I explain how they will destroy America's public education if they are given the opportunity.
What they are planning to do is deeply unpopular across the country.
Which, again, is why they don't want to talk about it.
What's their plan for education?
Basically, it's to double down on their reckless right-wing policies that are already tanking outcomes and destroying public education in state after state.
Here's the plan:
1) they will divert huge chunks of the federal education
The nightmare of universal vouchers is already playing out across the country, siphoning away billions to private schools while dramatically underfunding public education.
Project 2025 doubles down on all of it, converting precious federal funds that lift communities and kids in need into even more private vouchers.
Throw in censorship, Trump's promise to end vaccinations and the elimination of wide-ranging support services in public schools
and what you get is a true meltdown of education across the board.
Chapter 8 of "2025" shows how this will play out for schools and families trying to educate kids.