CIA programs you likely never heard of... a thread! 🧵
1) Project Redsox involved the illegal return of defectors & emigres to the USSR as agents. AEACRE set up a Domestic Ops Base for the interrogation, assessment, training & prep for infiltrating such agents into the USSR.
"AEASTER was a program in near east areas to spot, recruit, and train Circassians and other Russian emigres and send them back into the USSR. Tscherim Soobzokov associated with Project."
All programs/quotes from Nat'l Archives document:
QRDYNAMIC/QRPLUMB superceded Project AERODYNAMIC & supported the Ukrainian émigrés of ZP/UHVR (Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council) w/ a NY publishing arm, Prolog Research Corp (QRTENURE, AETENURE), & in Munich, the Ukrainian Society for Foreign Studies (QRTERRACE, AETERRACE)👇
"AEBLOSSOM provided training for selected projects dealing w/ Latvia. Rudolf Kocins, Juris Spade considered for possible use on Project."
"AEGEAN (formerly CAPSTAN) provided FI (foreign intel) from the Baltic States & USSR using support bases developed in the Lithuanian SSR"
"OBDURATE (formerly OBSTACLE, Plan CHARITY) (1954-56), incorporated into OBLONG in 1956, exploited the intelligence potential of a significant Albanian émigré group in Rome (Balli Kombetar). Xhaver Deva associated with Project." 👇
QKACTIVE (1951-71) operating thru a CIA cover as American Committee for the Liberation of the People of the USSR, conducted "overt anti-Soviet activities to weaken the Soviet regime & thereby reduce its threat to world security through radio broadcasts (RFE and Radio Liberty)"
GROUNDHOG was cryptonym for the POND org headed by John V. Grombach. POND was codename at State Dept for an intel op founded jointly by War & State Dept in WW2. A Foreign Service Ofc in each US Embassy (in countries covered by POND) was POND officer & provided w/ secret funds
"QKBROIL (1951-54)...superceded by Proj SHELLFIRE... was a program to encourage the Rumanian people to resist communism; establish a clandestine underground in Rumania to hamper Soviet/satellite military ops &... undermine [Rumania's] political, economic & military structure" 👇
"AESAURUS/AENOBLE... operation (1950-61) maintained communications w/ agents of Nat'l Alliance of Russian Solidarists (Narodno Trudovoi Soyuz or NTS)...founded in 1930s by Russian emigres w/ extreme rightest & anti-Semitic views & collaborated closely with the Nazis in Russia" 👇
"Project ALCATRAZ involved penetration of Communist Party of Germany. Hildegard Beetz associated with Project. Herbert Von Strempel, Kuno Wirsich considered for possible use by OSS/SSU/CIG [predecessors to CIA] on Project."
BECRIPPLE Project (1954-60) provided Polish ops run from Berlin & other Stations/Bases with support assets such as a secure safehouse on the economy; garage for a German plated vehicle; an agent/cutout for obtaining credit investigations on persons of operational interest...."
"BELLADONNA involved collection of foreign intel on USSR & TRIDENT involved collection of counterintelligence on USSR thru Ukrainian emigre activities & personalities.... Ivan Hrinioch, Michael Korzhan, Mykola Lebed, Yury Lopatinsky, Myron Matviyeyko associated w/ Projects"
"OBOPUS... was initially a joint US-British covert action program designed to overthrow Soviet dominated regime of Enver Hoxha in Albania & evolved into establishing & exploiting Nat'l Committee for Free Albania, propaganda...infiltration agents & economic warfare."
"AEFREEMAN (1953-64), which included AEBASIN/AEROOT (1953-60), AEFLAG (1955-62), and AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (1949-59)), was designed to strengthen resistance to communism and harrass the Soviet regime in the Baltic countries."
"AEBASIN/AEROOT supported Estonian emigres and émigré activities aganist the Estonian SSR. AEFLAG was aimed at people of the Latvian SSR. AEPOLE (formerly AECHAMP (formerly BGLAPIN)) targeted the Lithuanian SSR."[continued next tweet...] 👇
"These projects provided intelligence & operational data from Baltic countries through radio broadcasts, mailing operations, liaison with emigre organizations, political & psychological (PP) briefings for legal travelers & exploitation of other media such as demonstrations."
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As someone who worked with victims of torture, and out of respect and empathy for those who did reveal operational information to their captors under torture (or threat of torture), I want to clear the air on the issue of the so-called efficacy of torture 🧵
First, the use of torture is always illegal and unethical. Its use destroys civil society and its institutions. But police & spy agencies repeatedly return to its use!
If you torture a person who is innocent or bereft of information, they very often will falsely confess to stop the agony. If you torture someone who does have desired info, they will *sometimes* provide authentic info to their captors.
Just where did Israel get its strategy against the Palestinians? From the British, who used to occupy Palestine themselves. A combination of terror via bombing and "dehousing" the indigenous population. More in 🧵
"On 30 March 1942 Professor Frederick Lindemann, Baron Cherwell, the British government's chief scientific adviser, sent to the British prime minister Winston Churchill a memorandum which, after it was accepted by the Cabinet, became known as the dehousing paper."
"The paper argued that from the analysis of the reaction of the British population to the Blitz, the demolition of people's houses was the most effective way to affect their morale, even more effective than killing relatives."
THREAD: Canadian military magazine debunks myths defending SS Galicia: "The most common method that Nazi apologists use to defend the 14th SS Division Galicia is to cite the 1986 Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada, often referred to as the Deschênes commission" ⏩
"Supporters of 14th SS say the Deschênes commission cleared the division & all its members of any involvement in war crimes.... critics labelled the commission’s report as a whitewash. The decades since have further reinforced that view as add'l info... [has] emerged." ⏩
Amazingly, I haven't seen anything at all on the 1917-1920 efforts by Britain and France to dismember Russia & establish zones of influence in Crimea, South Russia, and Ukraine. France alone had 60,000 troops in Ukraine by Feb 1919! Here's a thread on whole topic: 🧵
After Russia left WW1, Germany established puppet govts in Ukraine, Crimea & the Don region. With defeat in the West, Germany withdrew & the puppets fell. The anti-Soviet forces stumbled on political differences. The Ukraine nationalists, for instance, didn't want to be part of……
A joint Anglo-French agreement in Dec. 1917 set the stage for UK- French intervention in early 1919. Britain concentrated on the Don area, Transcaucasus, & Central Asia. They occupied Baku and Batum. France entered Ukraine. Both supported Denikin's White Army fighting the Reds.
Huh!? I thought the balloons Japan's Unit 731 sent over the U.S. towards the end of WW2 carried no bioagents. But this 7/6/45 memo for FBI director Hoover's assistant, D.M. Ladd, states Japanese balloons found in N. & S. Dakota, & Nebraska, carried anthrax bacteria "in the……
I guess we were never supposed to see this FBI memo, as the footer clearly says:
From a May 5, 2023 Time Magazine article on the Japanese WW2 balloons:
"From the perspective of the War Department and Army intelligence, the thing that they feared most was biological warfare. They inspected all balloons for any presence of biological agents, something that……
In 1976, journalist Peter Watson was at a NATO conference in Oslo, when U.S. Navy psychologist, Dr. Thomas Narut, from U.S. Naval Hospital, Naples, told Watson & New Jersey psychologist Dr. Alfred Zitani, that the Navy sought men to train as assassins……
What follows comes from the London Sunday Times, "The soldiers who become killers," Sep 8, 1974. (The story is also told in Watson's out-of-print book, "War on the Mind: The Military Uses & Abuses of Psychology," Basic Books, 1978.)
"When pressed afterwards as to what was meant by 'combat readiness units,' he explained this included men for commando-type operations and – so he said – for insertion into U.S. embassies under cover, ready to kill in those countries should the need arise. Dr. Narut used the word……