Lots of good debate about virus transmission, yet it's dwarfed by mis/disinformation and lack of nuance, allowing eejits to dismiss the precautionary principle, or, worse, re-run 1980s bigotted attitudes🤬
Viruses don't fit easily into boxes. So, nuances of transmission, a 🧵
I will focus on the example of airborne transmission, but the underlying principles apply to all modes of infection.
Caveat: I research the start/end of the transmission process, but the middle bit is not my forte, so forgive omissions/errors!🙏
See @ukhadds for added nuance!
Right, so I would define transmission as the transfer of sufficient infectious virus from a site of infection or environmental source to an individual, followed by the successful establishment of a productive infection (ie the completion of the life cycle) within the new host.
There are some key concepts to understand before we get going:
1. Most virus particles are imperfect, unable to establish an infection regardless of whether they make the journey.
The ratio of non-infectious to infectious progeny is termed the particle: infectivity ratio.
2. Viruses r obligate intracellular parasites. They can't thrive without a permissive host. 3. Infection and pathology is a dynamic of virus, host, & environment. 4. Viruses are ultimately selfish genes. Their evolutionary drive is to multiply and spread. Disease is a byproduct.
5. B4 someone mentions Koch's postulates, or "isolation in purest forms" - former, out of date, latter shows abject lack of virology understanding. 6. Particles carry viral genomes. They r complex but all essentially comprise a protein shell. Some also have a membrane "envelope".
7. Dogma holds that non-enveloped virus particles, aka virions, are more robust in the environment. This is often true, but there are exceptions, e.g. hepatitis B virus.
8. The largest human virus particles, pox viruses, are still small enough (~300nm) to be carried by aerosols.
So, we can think of transmission in a series of stages, all of which are like an obstacle course for the virus.
The fact that something with a genome 6 orders of magnitude smaller than ours navigates these barriers, infects us, and moves on, has always astonished me, frankly...
Stage 1. Making enough virions at the right time, and in the right place.
Viruses hijack cells and turn them into factories, making more viral genomes and packaging them into virions, ready to be shipped out.
The tissues in which this occurs, therefore, dictates exit routes...
For example, blood borne viruses like HIV, HCV, HBV, etc, transmit via body fluids, so you see high viraemia, esp early infection.
Some cause high viraemia yet transmit via other routes, eg poliovirus.
Others, eg SARS2, have low viraemia, but high VL in resp tract, gut etc.
So, sometimes you find virus everywhere yet only one transmission route is favoured, sometimes it's obvious, but they are always adept at delivering progeny to the right tissues in a new host that favours the virus in terms establishing itself and spreading before it is stopped.
Any infection is a race, pitting rate and magnitude of virus replication, and so virion production, vs innate and adaptive immune systems; if latter is winning the race➡️ lower virus replication➡️fewer infectious particles made➡️lower virus load. But, virions are also targets.
Many stages by which new virions are formed and then shipped out of cells are targeted by innate immunity, mainly through interferon-driven responses.
Infected cells/factories are also targets for immune-mediated killing, whether innate (NK cells, ADCC) or adaptive (Tcells).
Even if sufficient virions are released, they must navigate multiple innate barriers (eg mucins, complement, lectins) and specific antibodies, all aimed at limiting spread and/or rendering particles non-infectious.
Genetics dictates our responses, bell-shaped curve time again...
Why is this important?
Two things. First, the ideal scenario is to mount a combined innate/adaptive response, and for the latter to be the more rapid/pronounced "memory response".
Hence, #Vaccines are critical for limiting onward spread as well as protection vs infection.
Second thing, it's hard to predict how infectious someone may or may not be, when this might happen, and it's not always coincident with symptoms or clinical signs of infection.
Yes, we have population averages for many viruses, but they are exactly that, an average...
So, the middle part...travelling through the environment.
Virions are complex, as I mentioned. They have a difficult job: to protect the genome from the environment whilst also being able to deliver it into a new host cell. Moreover, it needs to be the right part of the cell.
Hence, virions are "metastable". I.e. there are certain triggers that will literally cause them to fall apart...if they encounter these triggers at the wrong time, their journey ends.
Triggers can include pH, enzymatic cleavage, ionic strength, binding their receptor, etc.
Also, as with all biological entities, virions have varying degrees of sensitivity to temperature, dehydration, pH, ionic strength, etc.
Envelopes are often the most fragile components, but not always. Regardless, their properties are, by definition, evolutionarily advantageous.
So, I'll focus now on respiratory transmission as a) it's highly relevant to current public health threats, and b) it seems to have become a somewhat controversial issue.
The most extreme challenge of this route is airborne transmission via aerosols, i.e. v small fluid particles.
Aerosols are generated by different forms of exhalation and in different parts of the lung, but can also form via evaporation of larger droplets depending on the environmental conditions.
Droplets are a relatively comfortable environment for viruses, but aerosols are volatile.
For one thing, there's obviously a limit to the number of particles that can fit within an aerosol, but also issues wrt dehydration, salt concentrations (incl crystallisation) and pH, temperature, uv exposure, etc. They also disperse rapidly in ventilated spaces...hint, hint!
So, aerosolised viruses need to be able to survive these conditions w/o damage or any of their triggers being sprung. They also need to be both competent, and highly efficient at initiating infection...a bit like super swimmer sperms both reaching and fertilising the ovum first.
So, whether a virus is aerosolised AND infection via that route depends on 1) whether sufficient virus was made in the right bit of the lung, 2) surviving droplet evaporation, 3) having virions robust enough and infectious enough to establish infection at very low doses...
So, on to part 3, establishing infection...
This is not as simple as just mixing virus with the right cells, although this IS critical, naturally. For example, variola was highly pathogenic when infecting the lungs, yet far less so when the skin was infected, aka "variolation".
Sorry, looooong thread, but hopefully done soon!
Where was I?
So, let's say the small elite team of virus particles has survived the journey and landed where they want to be...
First, they will encounter innate barriers, eg mucus, which they must cross to physically reach a cell.
There will also be complement, mucosal antibodies (if host is immune), and these can both inactivate and clump viruses together such that phagocytic cells literally eat them up!
So, many of the hurdles from the way out also hit on the way in, and this time, numbers are limiting.
So, viruses need to infect their target cell as quickly as possible before they succumb to defenses.
This mainly depends on the affinity of the viral attachment protein for the cellular receptor used to gain entry. But you have to both unlock the door AND walk through it...
🚨Anti-vaxxers are twisting a study into mRNA armageddon.
TLDR, all this study says is IF certain groups experienced an adverse event COINCIDENT with vax, then it was more likely to be myocarditis than if taking a different drug🤦♂️
It's behind a pay wall, so will keep brief to save anyone having to read it to stave off the various nutters quoting bizarrely inflated risks of death etc...#LiedSuddenly
Expect it may feature in certain press and on a "patriotic" news channel before long 😉
So, in brief:
1. This is data from JADER, the Japanese equivalent of VAERS, yellow card etc.
Reports of adverse events COINCIDENT with a medicine are made by healthcare workers, pharma, public etc.
Main point, it's a sentinel system used to spot patterns, cases need verifying.
Some issues here...putting it mildly. 1. These are NOT the only high-risk groups. @CDCgov recommend >50s and children as a minimum. 2. This is an influenza strategy, we are NOT in the same place with SARS2 by a country mile. 3. Vax status by age is worrying, 1/3 u40s no vax 😬
4. % of kids u12 vaxd was only ~10% in 22/23 b4 offer was stopped... 5. We age, folks die, and are born. The % population covered by the emergency programme is therefore dwindling across all ages. 6. Yes, our protection vs severe COVID lasts way longer than vs infection, but...
7. Recent study in @JAMA_current shows more recent, better matched vax is better at keeping folks out of hospital. 8. Vax 4 just vulnerable helps en masse, sure, but many r unlikely to make a good response. 9. Poor responders amidst high prevalence will erode protection quickly.
So, the bugs that put me in hospital recently were multi-resistant E. coli. No oral antibiotics would work, so I was on IV for 8 days; 2nd line was looking challenging had the infection not responded.
#AMR isn't a new problem, but the can is continuously kicked down the road...
It's not the same as a pandemic, so I'm not sure about that comparison.
BUT folks need to be reminded that, pre-penicillin and other abx, any wound or infection could be life threatening.
#AMR is via part over-use, part misuse, part inadequate investment into R&D.
In the main, anti-infectives aren't generally looked upon as a good way for pharma to recoup their investment, particularly as new antibiotics tend to be held in reserve nowadays because of the dangers #AMR brings...
This isn't companies being "evil", there's no conspiracy...
Elsewhere in the multiverse there's a reality where the next pandemic threat is under control.
Here, governments recognised that it was their moral duty to ensure that the suffering and pain of those affected, both directly and indirectly, mattered more than the prior status quo.
They rectified #NHS disinvestment and "built back better" to ensure healthcare remained free at the point of care.
They genuinely addressed socio-economic inequality & inequity, channelling sufficient investment to actually "level up" deprived areas, independent of train tracks.
Yes, this involved a tax policy that meant wealthy people paid more, poorer people paid less, and Non-doms paid their dues or were banned.
The poverty gap began to shrink, and the proceeds from taxes weren't wasted on the sorts of companies that populated the VIP list...
I'm experiencing an acute reminder of pretty much THE major principle of infectious disease pathology...
Namely: disease results from an imbalance between pathogen, host response (immunity and repair), and environment/niche.
Any skewed aspect of this triangle causes pathology.
For most instances, the balance is quickly restored; we don't suffer severe disease, even upon 1st exposure to a pathogen, because our immunity is so proficient.
But, otherwise "mild" pathogens can become pretty fearsome, for example, when immunity or underlying health is low...
Alternatively, microbes can emerge into a new niche where previous limitations on spread are removed.
We are all now used to this on the macro scale, i.e. a virus species jumping from animals into humans. Whether a pandemic, or a more limited outbreak, there's a growth flourish.