In the heart of every metropolis lies a promise - a promise of opportunity, connection, and progress. Effective Urbanism seeks to fulfill this promise by embracing urban growth and evolution.
1. Embrace Density
Cities thrive when they are dynamic and dense. We champion developments that maximize space, promote mixed-use areas, and foster vibrant communities. Density isn't just about buildings; it's about fostering connections.
2. Housing for All
The housing crisis is a direct affront to our urban promise. We will relentlessly push for diverse and affordable housing options, dismantling any barriers in our path. Affordability and accessibility should be the norm, not the exception.
High speed rail in the US has long been a dream. So long, in fact, that creating conceptual and fantasy HSR maps has become a national pastime.
Here's a list of some of the most realistic, ambitious, ridiculous, and even infamous maps from over the years...
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The infamous "United States High Speed Rail System Map" (2013)
It would be criminal not to start this list with the most popular fantasy US HSR map of all time.
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@alfred_twu The Realistic American HSR Map
This was made in response to the infamous "United States High Speed Rail System Map". @alon_levy argued that a regionalized system makes more economic sense and that any long-distance trips are better served by airlines.