Population-wide, 10.4% of people with pre-existing disabilities had #LongCovid as of summer 2022, vs 7.5% without. 2/
The prevalence of #LongCovid was highest in those with chronic illness (diabetes, asthma) & lowest in those with sensory disabilities (deafness, blindness).
With the exception of sensory disabilities, all disability categories had higher LC rates than the general population. 3/
The analysis compares data from the National Survey on Health and Disability (NSHD) to Household Pulse Survey (HPS), as HPS doesn't ask about whether people had disability prior to COVID infection. 4/
This has deep public health implications: first, we must better document the prevalence of #LongCovid, possible contributing factors, and effects among people with varying preexisting disabilities so that adequate services and support are provided. 5/
Second, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues and as we prepare for future pandemics, we must center the needs of people with disabilities to create equitable policies and responses that result in better health outcomes for this health disparity population. 6/
The paper was authored by PLRC's @LisaAMcCorkell together with Life Span Institute's Jean Hall, Noelle K. Kurth, and Kelsey S. Goddard. Thank you all for this work! 7/
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We’ve released a new paper on designing & optimizing clinical trials for #LongCOVID!
Strong, high-impact trials are critical & most current ones are insufficient. The paper gives guidance on treatments, outcomes, design, participant inclusion, & more.
It also gives an overview of the promising interventions being trialed (as of May 2024) for #LongCovid and their targets, including viral persistence, immune dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, and symptom management. 2/
Some other key points:
-Trials should prioritize potentially curative interventions, including repurposed drugs and the development of new drugs.
-Combinations of therapies may be beneficial or necessary, which should be considered in clinical trial design. 3/
We are happy to announce a new #LongCovid review out in Nature!
This was led by @zalaly, with co-authors @leticiasaurus @LisaAMcCorkell and @ahandvanish from PLRC, alongside @VirusesImmunity, @EricTopol, and @swulfie.
Today, we are thrilled to see the introduction of The Long COVID Research Moonshot Act by Senator Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders), co-sponsored by Senators @SenTimKaine, @SenDuckworth, @SenMarkey, @SenPeterWelch, and @SenTinaSmith!
9 months ago, our co-founder Lisa McCorkell (@LisaAMcCorkell) & Long COVID researcher Michael Peluso (@MichaelPelusoMD) called for a Moonshot for Long Covid - an investment of at least $1 billion yearly for 10 years into Long Covid research. 2/
The Act is a historic piece of legislation. It includes $1 billion/yr for 10 years to NIH to establish & run a #LongCovid Research Program, led by a Director with expertise in Long COVID. Clinical trials & the development of new interventions would be prioritized & expedited. 3/
"Long COVID is an IACC that occurs after SARS-CoV-2 infection & is present for at least 3 months as a continuous, relapsing and remitting, or progressive disease state that affects one or more organ systems"
Full report & thoughts👇🧵/1
This #LongCovid definition was developed by @theNASEM — commissioned by @HHSGov through @ASPRgov & OASH — to promote consistency in diagnoses, aid awareness efforts, help patients access care & benefits, harmonize LC research, & public health monitoring/regulations /2
1 pager👇
The definition can be used in clinical care, public health policy, & gives researchers/healthcare workers both consistency & flexibility in studying #LongCovid. Importantly, it also emphasizes how health equity is impacted by & impacts LC. /3
@polybioRF Dr. Amy Proal @polybioRF kicking things off with the history of the foundation, its Long Covid Research Consortium, and its focus on the viral persistence hypothesis. This culminated in this position paper published last year. 1/nature.com/articles/s4159…
@polybioRF Now, the focus is on Phase 2, exploring mechanisms/locations of persistence, connections to other conditions, and clinical trials. 2/
@SenSanders begins the hearing: "Today we will be talking about an issue that has not gotten the attention it deserves...Long COVID." "By the way, we have a full house here. An overflow room is over there."
@SenSanders @SenSanders: "Long COVID is a serious illness that can have devastating consequences."