This is EXACTLY what I 🔮 yesterday. The Haitians are backed by high-level military-focused GOP leaders. And that, I suspect, is bc the military is importing the Haitians to capacity-build its existing backchannel network as Haiti gets reconstructed & DOD seeks now to buff it up
2 weeks after Tucker interviewed Pavel, the CIA-founded Radio Free Europe (run directly by the CIA for its first 20 years), ran a long piece insinuating Russia was secretly controlling Telegram & Ukraine must seize control of it instead as a military intelligence imperative.
Straight out of a Benzpill lecture, the piece begins by lauding how wonderful Telegram is for (CIA-backed) rent-a-riots in Belarus, Iran, & in Russia itself. It applauded Telegram’s 2014-2020 era bc Pavel never gave in to the foreign gov’ts the CIA was using Telegram to topple.
72% of Ukraine uses Telegram. It was only 20% 2 years ago. So now everyone, including Ukraine’s military & high-level politicians, are all there using it for war & business. If Russia has a Telegram backdoor, the CIA-founded media org argued, Ukraine is totally, totally screwed.
pop star mega-hottie Dua Lipa was given a formal award by the Atlantic Council (Pentagon-funded, State Dept-funded, CIA cut-out funded) for using her activist voice & reach to promote NATO’s political objectives in the Balkans
I do feel, for science, I need to drop this in the thread for fellas to appreciate how effective this… NATO soft power technique… can be
The Atlantic Council has 7 CIA directors on its board, is funded by the Pentagon, the State Dept & cut-outs like the National Endowment for Democracy, and had a formal partnership to kick deal flow to Burisma
This is outrageous. Sander van der Linden has been working directly with both DHS & the US State Department thru his Cambridge U censorship center, which also gets Google Jigsaw funds, & here he is advocating the UK gov’t ban US company X from the UK. See thread below for more 👇
The DMV is run by the Department of Transportation. That means the DMV’s registering of illegals to vote is being run by Pete Buttigieg, the former military intelligence officer beloved by our CIA Blob class.
“Media darling Pete Buttigieg was in unit that worked with CIA in Afghanistan” from @TheGrayzoneNews…
@TheGrayzoneNews And from the Department Of You Can’t Make This Shit Up, the centerpiece of Pete Buttigieg’s living room is a huge resource-and-mineral map of Afghanistan
Thank you @EricRWeinstein for the shout-out! Below in this thread, I’ll post the USAID Blob Guide to censoring the Internet. Also, it’s this exact network everyone will learn a whoooole lot more about on Sunday-Monday when the thing I’ve been working on all month finally drops…
Below is USAID, which was set up to be a State Dept foreign policy funnel for overt US gov’t initiatives & CIA funding conduit to rush cash to US gov’t covert initiatives, proposing 31 times to financially bankrupt anyone who speaks or hosts online speech that challenges them
Here is USAID plotting to get the 1000s (yes, 1000s) of media organizations it works with to "Agree policies on strategic silence" to collectively censor media coverage of social media narratives.