First off, we can debate the prevalence but one thing is clear even at the lower end, LC in children & adolescents is not a rare disease.
As usual in medicine, kids are not small adults.
Note the brain is affected. And no, it's not from the "lockdowns" or the stress of the pandemic. They had a control group for both the School-Age Children and the Adolescents.
Behind every number is a story of a child or adolescent and their family.
The patient and family advocate and RECOVER Representative, Megan Carmilani, Founder and President of @LongCovidFam was fabulous.
She clearly made the case for accommodations in schools and greater flexibility for teaching children with Long COVID, and other disabilities.
I always struggle with research that uncovers harms and yet, the next step is not taken.
A bit like logic: "If this then what?"
"This" is already looking bad, should we not take the next step beyond "Raising Awareness".
By refusing to accept that SARS-CoV-2 spreads through aerosols, all 🇨🇦public health officials put children & educators [and their families & communities] at risk of repeated COVID infections, and now measles in schools.
What's next, TB?
By doubling down on droplet spread of SARS2, 🇨🇦public health officials have prevented improvements to schools' indoor air quality, that would have also helped against measles.
Instead in 2024, in 🇨🇦, the public is told by public health to wash their hands. It's a disgrace!
People need to listen to the "real experts", people like Prof. Linsey Marr, an environmental engineer examining indoor & outdoor air quality & airborne pathogens that affect human health. Working at the intersection of atmospheric science, public health, & infectious disease.
Dr. KW : « la pandémie est définitivement finie »
Vrai ou Faux?
Faux! Voir le graphique ci-dessous.
Dr. KW : « Covid, c’est devenu un virus respiratoire comme les autres »
Vrai ou Faux?
Faux: Ce n’est pas un virus respiratoire, c’est un virus vasculaire.
Attended this talk yesterday.
@BlairWilliams26 presentation particularly resonated
with me. From 19:15 to 28:56
It offers a path to possibly get out of this unsustainable pandemic situation.
Source @BlairWilliams26
Shows the disconnect of what acceptable number of Covid-deaths were for Australian & what played out.
Reminded me of last fall's survey stating British Columbians most willing in Canada to return to masking, and yet BC PHO & #bcpoli let tripledemic rip.
Source: @BlairWilliams26
For Australia, and yet fits for BC and many other countries.
First off thank you to @MoriartyLab who is the only person providing early indicators for people in Canada to be able assess their risk of Covid infection in their province/territory.
“PHO Bonnie Henry said in statement that her team continues to closely monitor # of lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases, severe illness & hospitalizations bcse of COVID-19 outbreaks, as well as complete whole genome sequencing on all + COVID-19 PCR tests & viruses [in] wastewater”
There is no doubt that physicians who sign an open letter or speak out can face retaliation. Retaliation takes many forms: your OR time gets cut, you're called into dept head's office, hospital privileges are threatened... |…
What normally happens is a courageous senior physician will step up and be the face for the group, as they are at the end of their career and can walk away. Like happened here. Thank you Dr. Urbain Ip.
Lived through something like this years ago. Very stressful. Found out after the fact, the other tool leadership uses, is tarnish physicians' reputation.
"Every Canadian needs access to a family doctor. Governments need to step up and commit to doing what’s right for the system, instead of focusing on Band-Aid solutions."
"We need a true understanding that the best patient care is care in the community, and that in part, hospitalization for preventable illness is a failure."
I'd had we need a culture change from within and from outside healthcare.