Weekend is here #MilkTeaAlliance & here is the upcoming events🧵
b4 we start our allies & friends in Myanmar have been facing brutal flooding this week, but the Junta continue to carry out airstrikes on civilians & IDPs.
Given the situation here are some orgs that can be donated to who are continuing important work in Myanmar:
@karenwomenorg /
Kachin Relief Fund /
or DM @BeastBurmese
@karenwomenorg @BeastBurmese There are 11 events in the calendar this weekend. 2 exhibitions, 1 film screening run, 1 cultural month, 4 mid autumn festival events, 1 solidarity street station, 1 talk & 1 protest.
Full details of all events can be found in the calendar:
@VHKA_AU hold "Mid-Autumn Festival" & "Victoria Moon Festival Celebration Night" at Manningham.
香港人移居英國 (Hongkonger in Brighton) for 2nd year running hold bazaar in Brighton, UK with the theme "Hong Kong, A City in Memory"
@VHKA_AU Sat cont'd
@hksa_official & friends hold “Blessing Market” in St Albans
@birminghamhkers hold "Mid-autumn Street Station" to highlight political prisoners in Hong Kong
Myanmar diaspora will protest @ UN Plaza, San Francisco for 79th UN credentials campaign
@newbloommag host discussion "August’s Protests in Indonesia & Black September” to talk about recent protests in Indonesia & the struggle for justice.
Ongoing cont'd:
@ProtectRohingya hold "Rohingya Genocide Commemoration Exhibition" w/ @thelibrary_o in Johannesburg.
@anewburma & More hold: "LIMBO Festival Re-Imagination Work-in-Progress" in Chiang Mai!
& that's all the events for now.
Thanks to @BefriaHongKong & @MTA_Museum for sending us events to flag & @mtealliance for some bits to highlight... inc this interview with Memee of @MilkTeaTHA from @bbcburmese talking solidarity with Peoples of Myanmar
@BefriaHongKong @MTA_Museum @mtealliance @MilkTeaTHA @bbcburmese Then..
Journalists in Hong Kong have been facing coordinated intimidation, threats & harassment, doxing & death threats. @selina_cheng of @HKJA_Official spoke on the matter.
Lastly will end on some good news.
A human rights activist in Laos has been released after 5 years in prison! Learn more about her fight here:
New week is here #MilkTeaAlliance & so is our events 🧵
B4 we begin highlight a win:
Last few days Malaysian netizens been pushing back against MCMC plans to implement DNS redirection as a tool to block websites, earlier today it was instructed not to!
New week is here #MilkTeaAlliance so time for our upcoming events🧵
Yesterday HKers & allies across the world marked the 831 attack. Pics of London & Birmingham
& in Hong Kong itself some attempted to also mark the day. Read more from @RazvenHK
Weekend is here #MilkTeaAlliance & it's a busy one, events🧵follows:
1st, In the last couple of days we've seen Editors of StandNews convicted for sedition in Hong Kong, Journalists jailed by a military court in Myanmar & more.
21 events in the calendar this weekend!
1 Exhibition, 1 commemoration date w/ 9 events, 1 festival, 1 cultural market, 3 film festivals/screenings, 2 protests, 1 cultural night, 1 talk & 1 online campaign!
Sat: TW Police violence
Aug 31st marks 5 years since the brutal police attack on Prince Edward street MTR station in Hong Kong.
It was the final blow to any trust HKers had with the police.
@NiaoCollective 🧵
@MekongWatch, @NPOayus &
@LotusProject1 hold screenings of "Above & Below the ground"
Free Burma action committee - San Francisco weekly protest! In solidarity with the Spring revolution!
Busy few days! Thai friends & allies been out with banner protests! to remember the 8888 uprising in Myanmar, against the dissolution of MFP & in solidarity with Palestine. Also a Thai protest guard got released.
Nice way to begin the weeks event 🧵
Monday is Karen Martyr's day. The @knuhq will mark the day, remembering all those who've laid down their lives for the freedom and safety of Karen people and all ethnicities of Myanmar.
There are 9 events in the calendar this week, 1 exhibition, 2 community talks, 1 project presentation. 2 webinars, 1 letter submission, 1 film screening & a seminar.
All details can be found in the calendar as usual: