🚨Dr Jones, Chair of CATA, in the Module 3 hearing on Thursday 12 September stated that:
“We absolutely concur with Prof. Beggs’ expert opinion, particularly on the definition of aerosols and droplets which we regard as absolutely critical..”
🚨Mr Scott, Counsel to the Inquiry, asked Dr Jones, about transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via the airborne route and
“…and, realistically, that those who were making the IPC guidance didn't take a sufficiently cautious or precautionary approach to the risk of aerosols?"
What if the person at ‘increased risk’ is too young to advocate for themselves?
What is being done to support them?
This is just one example - wondering if it’s being considered how someone at school who is at ‘increased risk’ could “Try to avoid contact with people who have symptoms of COVID-19 until they feel better, or until 10 days after they tested positive?”
Some more snippets and excerpts from the closing statement by Mr Stanton, on behalf of the British Medical Association (BMA), for Module 2 of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.
13 December 2023.
A thread 🧵
“… slow to act, too quick to ease protections, it failed to adopt a precautionary approach, failed to adequately consider the impact of decisions on those at greatest risk…”
“…The failure to provide adequate protection against the risks of aerosol transmission is an issue of serious and ongoing concern…”
🧵I thought I would share again, in this new thread, some video snippets and excerpts from Professor Anthony Costello's evidence for Module 2 of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.
16 October 2023.
Professor Costello:
"..after SARS-1, papers published in 2004 and 2006, including actually three members of SAGE, showing that for a coronavirus outbreak you need to pursue a very different strategy from pandemic influenza."
Mr Keith KC, Lead Counsel to the Inquiry:
“…I'm just asking you about the East Asian states.
Was it fundamentally on account of their earlier experiences that they were in a better position to be able to respond to the viral epidemic that was coronavirus?”
Some video snippets and excerpts from Professor Anthony Costello’s evidence for Module 2 of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry on 16th October 2023.
A thread 🧵
Professor Costello:
“…after SARS-1, papers published in 2004 and 2006, including actually three members of SAGE, showing that for a coronavirus outbreak you need to pursue a very different strategy from pandemic influenza.”
Mr Keith KC, Lead Counsel to the Inquiry:
“…I'm just asking you about the East Asian states.
Was it fundamentally on account of their earlier experiences that they were in a better position to be able to respond to the viral epidemic that was coronavirus?”
Just checking that I am reading these statements correctly. Are you saying that SARS-CoV-2 is airborne and is transmitted by both droplets and aerosols?
Very urgent public health messaging and protections are needed.