The Vance campaign provided the Wall Street Journal with a police report to prove their claims about cat-eating Haitians in Springfield.
The WSJ spoke to the woman who filed it, who said she later found her cat alive and well in her basement. She also apologized to her Haitian neighbors.
Besides tripling down on the racist hoax of Haitians eating pets, JD Vance has repeatedly claimed Sprigfield has seen a rise in communicable diseases in recent years due to immigration.
The Wall Street Journal found the opposite is true -- infectious and sexually transmitted diseases have been at their lowest levels since 2015.
Please read the whole Wall Street Journal piece, which meticulously deflates the lies the Trump-Vance campaign has run wild with on Springfield.
Greg Gutfeld says "elections don't work" and "society is in peril and chaos because our elections don’t matter" while urging for a new American civil war.
In the following tweets, I will transcribe everything he says in this clip, because it goes into some very dark territory.
"Only certain people get criminal mulligans and Jan. 6 protestors, they don’t get criminal mulligans and here’s why. They’re the oppressor. So the oppressed get criminal mulligans. The people who are complaining, like us, we’re actually oppressors..."
"...and we’re losing power so that’s why we are upset. I just got a job at MSNBC. So let’s compare the rights between criminals and victims, ok? Criminals get a mulligan, they can steal up to $900 worth of stuff, they can loiter, sleep, and shoot up in public areas..."
Fox News and Newsmax rans dozens of segments and tons of online articles raging about how Democrats were throwing homeless vets to the wolves to accommodate migrants.
The story turned out to be a hoax -- and the networks haven't addressed it yet.
Also, not only has Newsmax not issued any corrections noting this whole story about hotels booting out homeless vets to make room for migrants was false, they've ran several news segments today touting the hoax.
Fox News has added an editor's note to 3 online articles to "clarify allegations surrounding the treatment of homeless veterans," and reporter Nate Foy just delivered this update:
"We are now looking into new reports that a veterans advocate misled lawmakers and media outlets"
Fox Business host Larry Kudlow: "Lord knows what other left-wing romping was going on in these woke banks. By the way, San Francisco Fed head Mary Daly is considered herself to be quite a wokester!"
Kudlow: "Where were Mary Daly’s bank examiners? You know, Mary Daly, I hate to get personal but she is known as a woke Fed head, probably the leading woke."
Kudlow: "He needs to haul this guy Gruenberg up, he's the head of the FDIC who's a woke guy. He's got a board of woke people."
Fox News now reporting on the Pelosi attacker's social media activity.
John Roberts: "[Reads off a bunch of anti-trans, covid truther and election denier/Jan. 6 links] So, it looks like we potentially have somebody here who embraces conspiracy theories?"
Sandra Smith: "She recalled him using Biblical justification to do harm."
Bret Baier: "I don’t think we have to say anything else."
John Roberts: "Again, how do you connect all of that with Nancy Pelosi? That’s the missing trail of dots here."
Bret Baier notes that the attacker had posts attacking Nancy Pelosi on his Facebook page.
John Roberts: "You also have to be careful scouring social media because people can go out there and spoof social media sites so you have to be careful you know what you’re looking at..."
Bill Barr to Fox News: "Well, I think the whole idea of a special master is a bit of a red herring... at this stage, since they have already gone through the documents, I think it’s a waste of time."
Fox News anchor John Roberts: "Is there any legitimate reason for those materials to be in the former president’s possession?"
Bill Barr: "No. I can’t think of a legitimate reason why they should have been."
Bill Barr: "If in fact he sort of stood over scores of boxes, not really knowing what was in them and said I hereby declassify everything in here, that would be such an abuse and -- that shows such recklessness it’s almost worse than taking the documents."
Fox Business's Charles Gasparino stands by his reporting that Team Trump wasn't given a copy of the warrant.
"I spoke with Trump people, I spoke with Eric Trump. They tell me they don’t have the warrant, okay? They’ve seen the warrant... They told me they don’t have it."
Meanwhile, Charlie's Fox Business colleague Dagen McDowell was on Fox News earlier today and said that one thing we know for sure is that Team Trump DOES have the search warrant.
Charles Gasparino: "If there’s got to be a mid-ground here that is accurate, which it sounds to me – she was shown the warrant, the lawyer on the scene, I think her name was Christina Bobb--"
David Asman: "Apparently by a distance of 6 feet, so she couldn’t inspect it very good"