With all the attention on the A-50 given the recent downing of 2x, it seemed like a good time to look at the home base of the AEW&C squadron in the RuAF. 1/
One observation jumps off the page. The boneyard typically has 9x A-50 but now only has 6x with clear signs of movement in the snow. Also, those 6x, appear to have no engines and covers on the radomes. 2/
Looking at the remainder of the air base, there appear to be 15x Il-76 active with one potentially inactive given its in an unplowed location. Mixed in is 1x A-50 in an unplowed area with no engines. 3/
0.3M📷 from 31 Oct 2023. Ultra high res look at the dry docks around Sevastopol. The stripped down Minsk (127) has left the dry dock and is tied up just north of there. Rostov-on-Don (KILO) is still in the dry dock.
h/t @CovertShores
The weapons runner SPARTA IV is still in the dry dock in the back bay but she is joined by another Ropucha Class. Not sure what is going on, could just be regular maintenance.
Taking advantage of the ultra high res imagery, here are some other interesting spots. Including the Minsk, there are 7 total Ropuchas in port. Also, the Tsiklon is anchored near the port entrance. Usual suspects remain at the Frigate pier.
0.5M📷 (25 Sep 2023) of Feodosia, Novorossiysk and Sevastopol. Let's start with Feo. Haven't seen this many vessels of the BSF there before.
2x Alexandrit Class
1x Karakurt Class
1x Ropucha Class
1x Pr. 21631 Buyan-M
1x Grain Thief GOLDEN YARA
Moving to Novorossiysk...
Once again, a good deal more than usual at the piers
3x KILO Class
2x Grigorovich Class
2x Pr 21631 Buyan-M
3x Ropucha Class
1x Pr. 22160
1x Ivan Gren Class
1x Weapons Runner PIZHMA
Finally Sevastopol...
2x Krivak
2x Pr. 22160 (1x TOR mounted)
2x Grain Thieves (NENASHEV & POZYNICH)
3x Ropucha Class (not including dry dock)
1x Tarantul Class
1x Ivan Khurs
0.5M📸 from 3 May 2023. Includes Frigate pier, Avlita Grain Terminal, Ammunition Pier, Refueling Pier, Pivdenna Bay and the Submarine piers as well as a look at layered defenses throughout the harbor.
Frigate pier is still missing the primary warships of the BSF. Only addition from yesterday is a Grisha III Class. MATROS KOSHKA is buttoned up and ready to transport her #stolenukrainiangrain (she left later in the morning).
The 2x Tarantul III vessels are still at the ammo and refueling piers joined by a Bora Class & a Ropucha (respectively)
Pivdenna Bay, there is a Ropucha, Natya, Tarantul and 3 other amphibious ships (1x Dyugon and 2x Serna)
There are 3x Improved KILOs at the sub pier