How a post of Congress leader Supriya Srinate led us to entire Anti India ecosystem operating from USA and jointly funded by Soros/Deep State nexus and Pakistan's ISI and Jamat e Islami and what we got was shocking
Lets open the Pandora Box
On 19th Sep, Supriya Srinate posted a video of Dalit Activist Rajratan Ambedkar where he defended statement of Rahul Gandhi on reservation. This video was widely promoted by Congress ecosystem
We started researching on Rajratna Ambedkar and it led us to OFMI
In his linked profile, he mentioned "India's President at Organization For Minorities of India (OFMI)"
OFMI is an US based NGO
Started in 2007 by an ISI linked Khalistani Terrorist Bhajan Singh Bhinder and a Christian evangelist Peiter Fredrich
OFMI is directly linked to Pakistan's ISI
We got another video where same Rajratna Ambedkar can be seen praising Pakistan
Actually this story starts from Pakistan only in 1970 when Pakistan declared World's longest going war against India - Operation Tupac
After defeat of 1965 war, Pakistan realized that they cant defeat India in direct war so they started a new doctrine - Operation Tupac
"Bleed India with Thousands Cut"
The plan was to exploit Indian fault lines and make Indians fight against Indian
Plan fully started in 1978
In first phase of Operation Tupac, Pakistan worked on K2 terrorism = Kashmir and Khalistan
Pakistan created and funded many militant org in India
In 1979, USSR captured Afghanistan
USA supported rebels of Afghanistan against USSR and this funding happened through ISI
In 1989, USA kicked out USSR from Afghanistan and entered there and it gave opportunity to ISI and Pak's Jamat e Islami to expand in USA
They created many orgs in USA and one of them was ICNA
Many ISI terrorist created base in USA and one of them was Bhajan Singh Bhinder
Operation K2 - To organize terror attack, bomb blast and killings in India
This terror plot was conceived in 1980s by Pak’s ISI & then Jamaat-e-Islami Press Secretary Amir Ul Azeem, of which Lal Singh, Saqib Nachan, & Bhajan Singh Bhinder became part of, & handled by ISI
Lal Singh was team lead for the 1992 terror plot in India, Saquib responsible for logistics, ISI operative Md Sharief was liaison with ISI and Bhajan Bhinder looked after sourcing funds and weapons for the attack, being based in the US
All were arrested in India except Bhajan
India declared Bhajan as terrorist
Bhajan lived in USA
In 20s, Internet and Social media came and here Bhajan changed the strategy and he started information warfare against India
In 2007, He met to a security man Pieter Friedrich and with him he started an NGO - OFMI
In 2011, MMS govt removed Bhajan from terrorist list and he came openly
OFMI kept targeting India
OFMI created an alliance with two more anti India NGOs
Hindu for Human Rights
Indian American Muslim Council
and they called it Alliance for Justice and Accountability (AJA)
In 2016, Pakistan's senate published a report and recommended to start NGO fronts in India to lobby against India and suddenly many anti Indian NGOs started to mushroom there
Prominent were
Hindu for Human Rights
Equality Labs
Both are connected to another NGO IAMC and ICNA
Hindu for Human Rights - don't go by name, it has nothing Hindu in it. Founded by Sunita Viswanathan its linked with Pakistan's ISI, Jamaat and Soros
ICNA - Official NGO of Pak's Jamat e Islami
IAMC - founded by Shaik Ubaid, a former ICNA member
AJA = Alliance of OFMI+ICMA+HFHR
In 2016, one more member joined them - Equality Labs
A think tank formed by US based Dalit Thenmozhi Soundararajan and a Bangladeshi Muslim Sharmin Hossain
Funded by Soros and ISI
They published a caste report in 2016 which was widely used to build caste narrative against India
In their report they gave credit to ?
(No prize for guess)
Same Anti Indian NGOs
IAMC, AJA, OFMI, Bhajan Bhinder, Huma Dar
They all are connected to each other and works together
each and everyone has assigned to work on different propaganda
Huma Dar is in board of Equality labs
Huma Dar is Pakistani citizen and directly linked to Pakistani Army
Here you can see EL founder with Imam Malik Mujahid
Imam Malik is
President of Jamat e Islami Student Wing
President of ICNA
Fonder of Justice For All NGO (JFA) with SIMI founder Mohammad Ahmadullah Siddiqi
Here you can see Equality lab founder with Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannu
Same who endorsed Rahul Gandhi statement recently
HFHR founder Sunita with OFMI founder Pieter Fredrich
This is the job assignments of all these connected groups :
HFHR - Hindu vs Hindutva narrative (They organized dismantling Hindutva)
Equality labs - Caste atrocity narrative
OFMI - Sikh Minorities are in danger narrative
IAMC - Muslims minorities are in danger narrative
ICNA - Genocide in Kashmir narrative
All these orgs receive data for their propaganda from India based DOTO database which has been discontinued now after expose
DOTO database was started by Sayed Ilyas who is father of
Umar Khaled
DOTO database is partner of Quil Foundation which is org of Harsh Mander
This is entire Soros/Pakistan Jamat ISI Anti India ecosystem
Please spare 2 minutes and know all enemies of India
George Soros/ Deep State if one front
Pakistan is second front
Now lets talk about the Third front
Since we owe to Supriya Srinate for this thread
Rahul Gandhi with IAMC
Here you can see Rahul Gandhi with Ajit Sahi and his wife. Ajit is director of ISI linked IAMC
Rahul Gandhi with HfHR
Here you can see Rahul Gandhi with HFHR founder Sunita
You can read this thread also to know more about Ajit Sahi
Rahul Gandhi also met to ICNA linked persons in his previous visit of USA
Dont forget ICNA is NGO of Jamat e Islami and directly linked to Pakistani Army and ISI
Here you can see wife of IAMC member Ajit Sahi's with Umar Khaled
Swara Bhaskar with HfHR
Same Swara Bhaskar most vocal for Umar Khaled
We have enough screenshots of Congress members promoting OFMI's Pieter Friedrich also (Am I right Lavanya Balal ?)
So how a post of Congress leader Supriya Srinate on Rajaratna Ambedkar led us to entire Anti India ecosystem operating from USA and funded by Soros and Pakistan's ISI and Jamat e Islami
Question is why Congress is aligning with this Anti India ecosystem
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Temples were always strong pillar of Sanatan Dharma from last thousands of years and always had great wealth and socio political influence and that's why they were always prime target of invaders from Islamist to Britishers
While Islamist believed in complete temple destruction, Britishers believed in controlling them and it started in 1810
During 1810 - 1827, East India company brought temple control acts in Bengal, madras and Bombay states and controlled their temples
But their British masters sitting at London didn't like Christians managing Hindu temple so in 1833 they issued directives to leave temples
In 1863, Britishers brought Religious Endowments Act and transferred administration of all temples to Hindus but it didnt last long
Vultures of Hathras (Case Study)
How Fake Propaganda is created
How group of Politicians, Media, Activist converted a case of homicide into a case of-
Gang rape
Brutal Murder
Caste atrocities
And defamed India and destroyed life of innocents
Just to target a ruling govt
Hathras (UP)
14th Sep 2020 : A injured girl was admitted in hospital, she told she was beaten by a guy Sandeep
19th Sep 2020 : Initially she didn't say anything abt rape but after 1 week she suddenly started to say she was raped by 4 Savarna boys
29th Sep 2020 : Girl died
30th Sep 2020 : A huge protest was planned with dead body of Girl but UP police didn't let it happen n cremated her forcefully
Next 2 years : A huge global level propaganda was run with narrative "Upper cast atrocities on Dalit", "Brutal gang rape of Dalit girl by Savarna boys"
Operation PAIRS (Thread)
Inside story of Regime change operation in Bangladesh
USA stared this operation in 2019
Operation was executed by International Republican Institute (IRI) which is part of US state dept NGO - NED
IRI have presence in Bangladesh since 2001
Operation was led by following people :
Donald Lu - Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs
Chris Murphy - Senator from Connecticut
Sumona Guha - US State dept, Policy Planning Staff
Sarah Margon - Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Francisco Bencosme - Senior Advisor for the East Asian and Pacific Affairs bureau at the. Department of State
Yesterday Modi govt removed one more symbol of 250 year old colonial slavery. Modi govt decided to rename the capital of Andaman & Nicobar, Port Blair to Sri Vijaya Puram.
A decision that should have been taken in 1947
A small thread
Story starts from 1771 when East India Company was slowly slowly trying to capture India. Archibald Blair, a British naval surveyor joins Bombay Marine as lieutenant
Bombay marine was part of Naval force of East India Company
Archibald Blair's job was to conduct
survey mission along the coasts of India, Iran and Arabia
In 1788 he was given assignment to survey Andaman Islands. This map was made by him in 1789.
In 1789 he searched currents Port Blair and named it Port Cornwallis after Admiral William Cornwallis who was his senior
Recently US Politician Ilhan Omar was in news due to her meeting with Rahul Gandhi
People were criticizing Rahul Gandhi for this meeting since she is extreme anti Indian
In this thread, who is Ilhan Omar and why Rahul Gandhi should have not met to her
Ilhan is U.S. representative from Minnesota's 5th congressional district, you can compare her with Indian Loksabha MP
She is not born American, She is a Muslim immigrant
She was born in Somalia in 1982 in a Sunni Muslim family
Her father was a colonel in army of Somalian
dictator Siad Barre when Barre launched a genocide against Isaaq tribe, one of the largest in Somaliland. The genocide killed an estimated 200,000 people. People say her father was also involved in this geocide
She and her family fled Somalia to escape Somali Civil War in 1990