לבנון, למרות שיש לה דגל ולמרות שיש לה מוסדות פוליטיים לא עונה להגדרה מדינה.
בהיעדר מונופול על הפעלת הכוח הן כלפי פנים והן כלפי חוץ ממשלת לבנון היא לא יישות ריבונית. על מרחב הגבול עם לבנון המאוכלס ברובו באוכלוסייה שיעית עויינת שולט באפקטיביות ארגון חזבאללה שבשמונה לאוקטובר פתח במלחמה כנגד מדינת ישראל. הארגון למי ששכח נולד עם נחיתתם של קציני משמרות המהפכה בבקעא בשלהי מלחמת לבנון הראשונה ועד היום הוא משמש דה פקטו כמיליציה הפועלת במימון ובהכוונה איראנית.
במבט רחב יותר גם סוריה וגם עיראק לא עונות כיום להגדרות של מדינה לאור העובדה כי מיליציות שונות, צבאות זרים וכוחות צבא מקומיים שולטים על אזורים שונים במדינות הנ״ל. קווי השרטוטים של סייקס ופיקו, שהתבססו על חלוקת אזורי השפעה ומשאבים בין בריטניה לצרפת לא שרדו את מבחן הזמן, קווי השבר העדתיים והדתיים, תוואי השטח הטופוגרפי ועוצמה צבאית הם אלה המעצבים את גבולות האמת שבין האוכלוסיות השונות במרחב.
תמונת המציאות הנוכחית שהביאה אותנו לפנות עשרות אלפי תושבים מביתם מחשש מפלישה קרקעית של מיליציה איראנית, חשש הנשען הן על התכניות האופרטיביות המוצהרות של הארגון, והן על הניסיון המר של אירועי השבעה באוקטובר, מחייב אותנו לחשב מסלול מחדש לגבי קו הגבול מול היישות המכנה את עצמה מדינת לבנון.
לאור העובדה כי: 1. מדינת לבנון נכשלה במימוש ריבונותה במרחב דרום לבנון. 2. נפתחה כנגדנו מלחמה משטחה ללא שום התגרות מצדנו. 3. לבנון כשלה והיא איננה מסוגלת למממש את החלטות האו״ם 1559 הקוראת לפירוק המיליציות במדינה, והחלטה 1701 הקוראת למניעת הכנסת נשק וביצוע פעולות עויינות מדרום לבנון.
על מדינת ישראל מוטלת החובה לממש את ריבונותה, להגן על אזרחיה ובמקום להרחיק אותם מבתיהם, להדוף להרחיק מהם את האויב.
* על ההערכות המחודשת להישען על ניסיון אחד עשר החודשים החולפים: יישובים שמהם נורו טילי נ״ט יפונו מיושביהם וייכללו במסגרת אזור חיץ - אין לאפשר בשום מצב איום באש נ״ט ונשק קל על בתיהם של אזרחי ישראל.
* יש להשתלט על אזורים המאפשרים שליטה באש ובתצפית על יישויבנו וכן על אזורים שבשל נתוני תבליט ותכסית עשויים לשמש כנתיבי חדירה.
אזור חיץ מחודש, נקי מאוכלוסיית אויב הוא צו השעה וזה הדבר הנכון והצודק ביותר לעשות הן מבחינה ביטחונית, הן מבחינה מדינית והן מבחינה מוסרית.
מצורפת הצעה אפשרית לתוואי גבול מחודש: במרחב הגזרה המזרחית אי אפשר לסבול את כיתורה של מטולה והתקפתה מכל עבר, כמו גם התקפות נ״ט ליישובים סמוכי גדר כמו כפר יובל, דן והגושרים. יש להרחיב את השליטה בשטחים השולטים על יישובינו ולהרחיק מהמרחב אוכלוסיית אויב.
העקרון הוא הרחקת אוכלוסיית אויב שיעית והישענות על תוואי טופוגרפיה חדים שמאפשרים הגנה אפקטיבית. אסור לנו לחזור אל תרחיש של פינוי נוסף של יישובים ישראלים בגבול הצפון, את קו הגבול מול היישות הלבנונית שלא עונה בשום צורה להגדרה של מדינה חובה עלינו לעדכן.
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I was stunned by the decision of Ireland’s President, Michael Higgins, to use the events of International Holocaust Remembrance Day as an opportunity to spit in the faces of Holocaust survivors and trample on the memory of six million innocent people murdered by Nazi Germany.
Like a professional antisemite, Higgins masked his blatant hatred for the Jewish people with fabricated tales about genocide in Gaza. In doing so, he not only dishonored the memory of the Holocaust but also grievously insulted nations that have experienced genocide: 1.5 million Armenians slaughtered by the Turks, 800,000 Tutsis in Rwanda, and the hundreds of thousands murdered in Darfur.
Let us clarify some important historical facts for general knowledge🧵:
1. The Jewish community of Europe on the eve of the Holocaust was an ethnic, national, and religious group that had no conflict whatsoever with Germany—neither national, religious, nor territorial. Moreover, German Jewry on the eve of the Nazi rise to power constituted just 0.8% of Germany’s total population.
2. Despite this, Germany chose to make the complete annihilation of European Jewry down to the smallest community of 200 Jews in Albania. Not a single objection was raised during the Wannsee conference discussions.
4. Even when the Eastern Front was collapsing, and the Soviet bear was advancing on Reich territory, with entire German armies perishing in the Russian snow, Germany still launched a massive operation to annihilate Hungarian Jewry. The death marches from Auschwitz were the Nazis’ final attempt to continue the Jewish extermination project, even amidst a chaotic retreat.
5. Daniel Goldhagen, in his book 'Hitler’s Willing Executioners', notes that there is no documented case of a German being punished for refusing to murder Jews.
Professor Ben-Shlomo reflected on the diary of the Auschwitz commandant, who described a moment when he watched a mother holding her children on their way to the gas chamber. For a brief moment, he thought of his children and felt pity.
Then, in an astonishingly “humane” gesture, he handed candy to the Jewish mother’s children, along with a light pat on the back to encourage them on their way to the gas chamber.
It is a well-known fact that Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, as described in Chapter 2 of the Gospel
according to Matthew:
“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king”…
Bethlehem is the same city where Rachel, our matriarch, died giving birth to Benjamin.”
It is also the same city in the northern part of the territory of the Tribe of Judah, where David, son of Jesse from Bethlehem, was born.
David became the King of Israel, making Jerusalem its capital and building the altar on Mount Moriah, upon which Solomon, his son, later built the Temple.
It is a well-known fact that Jesus was born to a Jewish mother, lived as a Jew, and died as a Jew.
It is also a well-known fact that the term “Jew” originates from Judah, the fourth son of Leah, from whom the Tribe of Judah descended.
It is a well-known fact that there were those who sought to eradicate the connection between the Jews and
Judah; one of the most prominent of these was Emperor Hadrian .
Seventy years after the Great Revolt, in which Titus destroyed the Second Temple, an intense revolt broke out in Judea between 132–135 CE – known as the Bar Kokhba Revolt.
This was a rebellion of the small Jewish nation against a world-spanning empire, a deeply committed nation that refused to bow to idols, refused to give up the study of Torah, and refused to forgo its religious and national identity.
The consequences of the revolt were severe.
The Roman historian Dio Cassius wrote:
“…985 of their most
important villages were destroyed. 580,000 men were killed in battles and attacks, and the number of deaths from famine, plague, and fire is beyond measure, but few survived …"
The time has come to discuss @CAIRNational, its origins, and the hidden ideology behind its self-definition as a “human rights organization.”
Let’s begin - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1994.
The organization has a national headquarters in Washington, D.C. and 32 regional chapters spanning more than 20 states.
Its current executive director is @NihadAwad.
Here is our Nihad praising the October 7 Massacre:
“The people of Gaza only decided to break the siege, the walls of the concentration camp, on October 7. And yes, I was happy to see people breaking the siege…”
@CAIRNational has had historical roots in Hamas since its inception.
In 1988, the Palestine Committee brought together Hamas' activities in the U.S. in the areas of fundraising, lobbying, education, etc.
FBI officials, who closely monitored the Palestine Committee, set up wiretaps inside the hotel, recording most of the conversations.
Transcripts of most of the conversations were presented as evidence in the trial against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF).
HLF is a charitable organization established in 1989 to raise funds for Hamas, including organizations linked to Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas figure.
After a trial of several years, the organization was shut down, and five of its senior officials were sent to prison in the United States.
HLF raised about $12 million for Hamas by transferring it to institutions directly affiliated with Hamas.
HLF provided initial funding for @CAIRNational upon its inception in the 1990s.
This is found in many official documents, such as the Florida Senat and numerous articles.
In various cases, CAIR served as a fundraising arm for HLF.
The $5,000 funding was critical for the organization in its inception. This amount was received by physical check and cashed by CAIR, indicating personal relations between the parties.
The Islamist terror Attack in Amsterdam, Executive Summary (a thread):
On November 7-8, 2024, pro-Palestinian groups with ties to terror organizations Hamas and PFLP were involved in the pogrom against Israeli tourists and Jewish people in Amsterdam.
One of the leading organizations was Stichting Palestijnse Gemeenschap (PGNL).
PGNL has a network of
connections with the local Muslim community and occasionally arranges pro-Palestinian protests and rallies in various cities in the Netherlands.
organized a protest against the Maccabi Tel Aviv fans in
The organizations declared that they are prepared for “grave violence”
Later that night, these organizations shared evidence live from the pogrom.
Therefore, we have a reason to believe that these organizations, led by PGNL, had a significant role in
offsetting the 7 pm demonstration toward the Israeli fans and Jewish people after the soccer match.
leaders of PGNL have strong connections to the Hamas terror organization through several touchpoints:
1. The previous executive member of the PGNL was Amin Ghazi Abou Rashed, who was arrested on
suspicion of terrorism financing suspected of raising around 11.9m EUR on for the militant organization Hamas.
2. Ahmad Nourallah, the previous chairman of PGNL, was the head of the Al-Wafaa Foundation, a
part of Union of Good, a network of fundraising charities for Hamas.
3. Mohamed Kotesh, a senior PGNL employee and a prominent figure in arranging pro-Palestinian
protests in the Netherlands, has close ties to Abou Rashed. It’s important to note that Kotesh and
Abou Rashed are immigrants from the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk in Syria.
In the early morning of the seventh of October, several dozen revelers from the Nova festival sought shelter from the rocket fire. They crowded into the shelter until a group of murderous under the command of UNRWA worker Mohammad Marwan Abu Itiwi reached them >>
Itiwi and his men threw grenades into the shelter, which were initially deflected one by one with bare hands by a brave young man, Aner Shapira until an RPG was fired at him.
Shapira was killed, and after his death, additional grenades were thrown inside. Of the 27 revelers who hid in the shelter, sixteen were murdered, most of them bleeding to death over hours in which no one could assist them in an area sounded by terrorists.
UNRWA was meant to operate for only two years, providing assistance to 199,000 Arab refugees in the Gaza Strip from the War of Independence and about 500,000 additional individuals registered as war refugees.
A thread 🧵
However, unlike millions of war refugees around the world, the palestinian's refugees were given a privilege that no other group has ever received – they were given the right to pass down their refugee status to future generations, regardless of their political or economic situation. This made the Palestinians the only group in the world that continues to expand the global refugee population, with 5.9 million Palestinian refugees as of 2023 (in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and more).
To understand just how distorted this organization is, UNRWA employs almost twice as many staff as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).