Let me show you how the cool kids do it these days!
An incredibly dangerous and easy-to-play attacking line that some White players recently discovered!
A thread 🧵👇
You can get this line in a couple of ways, but possibly the simplest way is from
1.e4 e5 2.Nc3!? Nf6 (by far the most popular) 3.d4!? exd4 4.Qxd4 Nc6 5.Qd3!
(Another way is via 2.d4 exd4 3.Qxd4 Nc6 4.Qd3, although now Black has the extra option of 4...d5!?)
In the starting position (see diagram) White wants to play Bf4, O-O-O and start attacking at the kingside.
Yes, with good play, Black will equalise, but when I studied this I was surprised to realise that a slight mistake by Black gives a huge advantage for White!
1/ I started this series of 🧵s some time ago, to share fresh and challenging ideas that everyone can use in their repertoire.
Many asked me when I will deal with the French Defense.
This time has come!
The French has been my favorite childhood opening. A while ago, together with a co-author that needs no introduction (@GMJacobAagaard ) we wrote a well-received opening book in this great opening.
The idea that I'll show, wasn't considered by the authors back in 2014...
3/ But, I cannot blame us. The move seems to be so extraordinary, so unbelievable, so exotic, that it never crossed our mind to analyze it seriously.
My intro is big, I know. But, I want to prepare you. You won't believe it when I saw you my suggestion. But,I am not trolling!