🚨Open Records Reveal: Harry Sisson Not Only Received Coaching and Scripts for His Interview with Secretary of State Blinken, But Has CONTINUED to Receive Scripts for TikTok from the Secretary of State as Recently as October 2024 🚨
In April 2024, I released requested records from the Office of Governor Josh Shapiro. The records reveal texts, emails and correspondence between the Governor’s office, Harry Sisson and Palette Media. We already know Harry is being paid. This was proven repeatedly by myself and MULTIPLE others, I didn't aim to keep rehashing the worn-out issue of Harry's compensation. The records I obtained don’t just prove he was paid, but that his “interviews” are not organic. He is a used, coached puppet by the left with little to zero original thought. Every question is scripted, coached and timed. And when Sisson wanted to ask his own questions, he had to receive approval from Shapiro’s staff. This reveal was received with outrage from the left and right alike.
As you can see in a video screen of Harry’s live, he desperately attempted to discredit my report. He stated that he was never coached and that it was all a conspiracy theory. Even though my records came straight from the office of Shapiro.
My records also revealed that there are serious legal implications to how Sisson and many other influencers are operating. The courts have upheld disclosure laws over and over again. With the general consensus being that “disclaimers provide critical information about advertising sources so that the electorate can more effectively judge the arguments they hear” (FEC website).
I will attach my prior post on Sisson and Shapiro in the thread. It is an important part of my release today. Why? Because NOW officials have started COVERING for Harry. The official letter sent to me, along with the Sisson file, made it clear that redactions would be made because of what the office of the Secretary of State called “foreseeable harm”. (What harm? EXPOSURE?)
What was redacted?
👉👉Harry’s SCRIPTS were redacted.
The following thread contains the full file I received. The records show that this goes much deeper than Harry Sisson. The file shows that TikTok creators are being used to influence the election, with zero disclosure. Certain narratives such as “h@m@s is being asked to ceasefire” and that the “Ukraine War is a LONG war”.
Also an interesting side-note, William Russo, the Assistant Secretary Bureau of Global Public Affairs, went on sabbatical in April 2024, directly after these records were requested. (Continue in 🧵)
(Sisson Thread Pt 2).
The opening cover letter - Stating that redactions were necessarily due to “foreseeable harm”. They only redacted scripts. Meaning they defined “harm” as exposing Harry Sisson.
Now is a good time to remind everyone that nearly a year ago, when I first exposed Harry, He participated in doxxing my family, including my daughter, who was a victim of a horrific crime committed by my Ex-husband. Harry was told this and given receipts. He not only participated, but he did not stand in the way or try to correct the issue when his following doxxed me and accused me with outright lies that placed me and my family in danger.
(Sisson Thread Pt 3).
Emails shared on the 15th of December, just before Sisson’s “interview” with Blinken. Scripts redacted. Emails mentioned digital content and engagements. Talking points.
(Sisson Thread Pt 4).
Clearance requested to comment on thread regarding the Sisson and Blinken “interview”. Nothing is organic.
(Sisson Thread Pt 5).
Redacted policy points made on the “impact of TikTok”
(Sisson Thread Pt 6).
“the most important thing you can do is work through influencers”
- Please note that when it says draft note to “S” on TikTok, S stands for Sisson. Harry works for them.
(Sisson Thread Pt 7).
Adding insult to injury, here is documentation of Harry stating that he has not only been paid through his videos and lives on TikTok, but also through collaborations with advocacy groups.
(Sisson Thread Pt 8).
(Sisson Thread Pt 9).
(Sisson Thread Pt 10).
(Sisson Thread Pt 11).
Ridiculously redacted pages of scripts as recent as October 2024 for Harry Sisson.
My exposé of Sisson and Governor Shapiro from April 2024.
🚨Did you know that cell lines from aborted fetuses are used in vaccines?🚨
For me, this is yet another reason to say no. Let’s get into it. (Full thread).
🔴RA273: Taken from the lung of a 3 month gestation aborted baby.
R=Rubella, A=Abortus, 27=27th baby, 3=3rd tissue explant.
Stanley Plotkin, vaccine developer, would later reveal that 40 more babies were aborted after RA273 was successfully isolated, with virus strains taken from 34 of them. A total of over 80 separate abortions were involved in the research and final production of the present day rubella vaccine- 21 abortions from the original WI-1 through WI-26 fetal cell lines that failed, plus WI-38 itself, plus 67 from the attempts to isolate the rubella virus.
🔴MERC-5: Developed in 1970 from the lung tissue of a 14 week gestation male baby. Introduced in Great Britain by the Medical Research Council.
🔴HEK-293: Developed in 1973 from aborted baby kidney cells genetically engineered combined with adenovirus. 293 is the number of the experiment.
🔴Per C6: Developed in 2001 from an isolated retina of a baby about 18 weeks gestation. This cell line was made to be ‘immortal’ but failed. It caused cancerous tumors in mice. Was used in the HIV vaccine trial but caused cancer so it was pulled. Crucell-advent of their PER C6 fetal cell line took off. PER C6 is a normal cell that has been modified to resist cell senescence. In doing so, it introduces the potential for cancer to form in the vaccine recipient.
🔴WI-26 VA4: An SV40 transformed derivative of WI-26, a human diploid cell line derived from embryonic lung tissue of a male Caucasian. The cells have SV40 T-Ag but infectious virus has not been rescued.
🔴WALVAX2: Recently developed from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation baby girl. To replace the current MERC-5 and WI-38 which are depleting.
To obtain all these, the scientists had to be present at the time of the abortion because, "In order to sustain 96% of the cells, the live tissue would need to be preserved within 5 minutes of the abortion" ~ Dr. C. Ward Kischer.
WI-25 = W1-1 through WI-25 was 19 electively aborted fetuses. Cell strains derived from lung, skin, muscle, kidney, muscle, heart, thyroid, thymus, liver to test the difference in tissue characteristics for different organs.
WI-26 - male fetus lung 3 months gestation
WI-38 - developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted fetus of about 3 months gestational age.
WI-44 - female fetus lung 3 months gestation
IM-90 - 16 week old human fetus
MRC-5 - developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 year old physically healthy woman
HEK-293 made from human embryonic kidney cells from electively aborted fetus in 1972
PER-C6 - human embryonic retina cells from abortion in 1985.
My investigation began at the beginning of 2024 when a source provided me with information regarding a large dog fighting ring in Tyler, Tx.
Multiple videos showed dogs on short chains with barrels throughout the property. These videos are from January 2024.
During this time, multiple young men in Tyler had gone missing near this area. One young man’s body was found. And to this day, we do not have answers regarding his death. Therefore tensions were high in Tyler at this time.
However, even though concerns were stated by my source to the Tyler PD and the footage was handed over, Sheriff Larry Smith stated during a press conference recently that East Texas had no dogfighting cases in 12 years. Smith has been in office since 2013 and has assured the citizens that he has had no cases of dogfighting during his time as sheriff.
Oddly enough, the previous sheriff, JB Smith, had five dog cases in five years.
Dogfighting cases have been reported to the local sheriff’s office and to the local FBI office for the past TWO years, yet nothing has been done.
After my source stated that the local FBI and PD was not assisting them, even though they had VIDEO EVIDENCE, I referred the source to multiple friends and sources within the DOJ and The Texas Rangers. The source tried again, but with no luck.
Several incidents occurred in January that were reported by my source (an animal activist in Smith County) but those reports were not acted on.
🔴 A bait dog and a wallet were discovered in a ditch near the previously reported property. The wallet identified an Individual who worked for KLTV. This evidence was turned in. No action was taken.
🔴 It was discovered that the Smith County Judge who has refused to prosecute dog rings in the past has multiple family members who are involved in criminal activities.
🔴 One of my sources spoke to an Uber who refused to go near the property in question. He stated that there was dog fighting and he was fearful of the individuals that work on the property. He would not respond for an interview.
🔴Several bodies have been found near the property in this footage. I want to say a huge thank you to my source for risking their lives to get this footage.
🔴 Dog Rings are a FEDERAL OFFENSE. WHY IS THE FBI IGNORING THIS and passing it off to local authorities? This is not normal.
On September 9th, 2024, an “anonymous phone call was made” regarding a 9 acre property in Tyler Tx. The caller said dogs were living in horrible conditions and dogs “were possibly eating each other.”
Animal control was dispatched to the location where they arrived and saw the conditions and immediately called the sheriff department. This is due to the fact that animal control has no law enforcement ability. While waiting for the sheriff department, animal control watched while an individual placed dogs into a car and drove off. To this day, we do not know where these dogs went or where this individual is. Only two men have been arrested.
The property was reported at the beginning of the year to the sheriff department and nothing was done at that time. Since then, these dogs were made to suffer and live in horrific conditions. 60 dogs and two cats were seized from the property.
The dogs in the perpetrator’s possession were running on treadmills in a hot barn with no ventilation. They were wearing weights which is meant to build muscle for fights. The vests they placed on the dogs weigh approximately 20 to 25 pounds and the neck weight, which is taped with duct tape, weighs around 15 to 17 pounds. The dogs wore a wide collar. These collars are attached above their head to a treadmill. This keeps the dogs walking, and if they fall down, it will choke them. To keep from choking to death, they must stand back up and continue walking.
Some of the dogs were used as bait dogs. Their jaws were broken, teeth removed, and numerous other things were done to the dog so that they were unable to fight back. Once they are no longer viable bait dogs, they are tossed away like trash. Sometimes they are not dead, but are left to die a slow and painful death.
The men had “break sticks” otherwise known as a bite stick to break things up. They had a ring where the training takes place. It had boards around it, and the carpet was soaked with blood. Some blood was old and some fresh, like a training session had just occurred.
According to CBS 19 local news, the address had reportedly been under investigation for previous reports of a possible dog fighting ring, but “authorities could not find any dogs or evidence on the property until Sept. 9.”
We know this to be FALSE. The videos you see in the original post, were handed in to both the sheriffs office AND the FBI. These video are footage of property adjacent to the property NOW under investigation.
On the day of the arrests, the Sheriff’s Office announced in a press conference that a dogfighting ring was found, and he stated the exact address of the location. Even though the original call was simply for animal cruelty, he stated that this was “on an organized crime level” on DAY ONE. This is incredibly strange to do when an investigation has just begun.
Was he warning someone?
The day that the investigation started, the sheriff’s department invited veterinarian Dr. Gary Spence and a local rescue called Nicolas pet Haven to the active crime scene.
Since September 9, the rescue, Nicolas pet Haven, has disclosed a large amount of information that has possibly jeopardized the investigation. While they have been helping six of the animals found, the need for attention and media coverage has seemingly been the bigger priority and motivator for them.
The Previous location that was reported for over two years had over 50 dogs on property. This location is extremely close to the other location now under investigation. TODAY, if you were to go back to the property seen in the footage in the original post, All of the dogs and the roosters (you can hear them in the videos) are now gone. Now, a few dogs can be spotted and they are all in good shape. Unfortunately, it seems that they have had time to clean up their mess and were warned by the interview the sheriffs office gave and with the posts on Facebook were made by Nicolas pet Haven.
Dogfighting is a federal offense. Why did the FBI walk away from this?
Records show that Olivia Julianna works as a Political Director at Gen-Z for Change. Many already know this. However, she has not disclosed that Colin Allred has PAID her multiple times. She has received several thousand dollars to support/post about him.
This wouldn't be such a large issue, except she has blatantly lied multiple times.
Olivia is 21 years old and has a large following. Over 380k on X and over 700k on TikTok. With such a following, you would hope that one would use such power by spreading the truth. But she does the exact opposite. She has lied about herself and she has lied about her parents. Even more concerning is that her father KNOWS she is lying, but is going along with this anyways and has made appearances in her cringy short films about "door knocking" and he has made several media appearances. So now we know who she learned to lie from.
Olivia does not share her last name. So it took a little longer to find much of this information. We know why she doesn't share it. She has gotten away with lying to her audience for far too long.
On June 17th, 2023, she claimed she was "unpaid in a political capacity". But on May 31st, 2024, and June 7th, 2024, Olivia received disbursements from the Allred campaign. What changed, sister?
Olivia recently claimed that her dad "voted Republican all his life". And "In 2018 he voted for Ted Cruz". This is false. I found his voting records using two separate systems. And the answer was the same. Records show that her father did not vote until 2020. He did NOT vote for Ted Cruz in 2018.
In a TikTok video just a few days ago, Olivia brought up "being 14" and "rooting for Trump". Interesting that she brought up this exact age! Because photo evidence shows that in 2016, when Olivia was 14, her dad posted a "proud moment" to his daughter on his social media, with 14-year-old Olivia showing her "project" that showed she was not for Trump.
In both English and Spanish, her project stated "Cuz I'm not Trump. Vote Olivia ****** for president of student council".
From a spiritual perspective, Olivia is depraved and demented. At one point, her family claimed to be Christians, posted scriptures, and Olivia was involved with youth ministry. It is very sad to see where she has ended up. Used by Dems to reach the youth. Convincing the youth to tear their unborn babies apart. Lying about her own parents to climb to the top, and taking a false self-righteous stance of "not being paid" in order to keep up political appearances.
She worked at Boys and Girls Country of Hockley (N of Houston)-
She had 8 foster siblings.. It’s sad that she’s so pro-abortion. She would rather see them all dead.
Olivia talks about being 14 and loving Trump. Social media photo of her at 14.
Olivia responding to the communications director for the Cruz campaign. And saying her dad supported Cruz
🚨Records through a FOIA provided by the CDC - A Thread 🚨
I cannot make it clear enough how important this is. And how important it is that the American people SEE THIS.
For a very long time, many Americans were under the impression that the CDC would not do a Vacc*nated vs. Unvacc*nated study on the health outcomes of our children. But, They actually did, back in 1999.
Why didn’t we know? Because the results were so d@mning against va((ines, that they deliberately hid it from the public.
But thanks to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Children's Health Defense, they were able to obtain the records through a FOIA request several years ago.
So here it is: A Vacc*nated VS Unvacc*nated Study done by yours truly, the CDC..
🚨 Chris Nelson - Republican Candidate for Fort Lauderdale Mayor - A Thread 🚨
🚨According to FOIA responses, Nelson has a past of drunkenness, abusing his wife and blaming it on his “bisexual identity”. (More in thread).
🚨While working as a delivery driver in PA, Nelson ran for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 2014 and failed.
🚨During the anti-lockdown protests Chris and his GF went viral together for jumping up and down in a Fort Lauderdale target while screaming to ‘take the masks off’ while blasting the 1984 metal song “We’re not gonna take it”. The video has quickly been forgotten and Chris Nelson was memory holed.
🚨Now, it would seem that in order to stay relevant, Chris has decided to change from his previous “Republican” candidate support and throw his “weight” towards Kamala Harris in the middle of his candidacy.
Chris vehemently protested lockdowns in 2020, but now supports the oppression occurring in Brazil; so, who got to him?
Or, is he simply an unhinged abuser looking for relevancy? Read on…
According to responses to an Open Record Request , Chris Nelson, has attributed his history of disorderly behavior and harassment towards his ex-wife to his “bisexual identity”.
Nelson, who has been arrested in the past for drunkenness and disorderly intoxication, is currently campaigning for mayor in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
According to a copy of the statement from 2019, from Nelson’s ex-wife, she came home to get ready for their bible study when things took a turn for the worst.
“He came home around 6:30, jumped in the shower, listened to eminem and swearing before bible study at our house. I found out that he had been drinking alcohol. I canceled the study and asked him to leave.”
She continued to explain that she asked a guest to stay while he packed up his belongings, while continuing to yell and swear at her. She said he “called her evil”, and said “He was not leaving”. However, the guest requested him to leave. He left temporarily and came back. She then told Nelson that she was calling the police, causing him to leave the house again. He then texted and called her nonstop.
“He said ‘if God is on your side, then I am on Satan’s’. That I will answer for my actions to God for my lesbian lover. (He said) I’m a bitter old nasty dyke (Though I have never been with a woman). He got his stuff. He called his sponsor and said ‘F you both’. The police then came and gave me a case number and advised me of my rights’”
“I expressed to him that ‘I feel you are harassing me, I am asking you to stop’. But he then said that he is bisexual.”
“I was told that he was going to a hotel. But then he started pounding on the door at 1:30ish. I called the police again and he left when the police came. He then called and I gave the phone to the police and he started swearing at them and he wanted his stuff.”
“He refused to come get them while the police were there. He messaged ‘Nevermind I decided to take my own life. Not your fault. I deserve to die’.
She then went on to state that he called 39 times afterwards, and that he had been in ‘recovery’ for nearly two years from drugs and alcohol. But had started drinking again on May 31st, 2019. She also stated that on May 27th, he “imploded and started hitting his head against the steering wheel and smacking himself across the face over and over, giving himself two black eyes.
“The look he had in his eyes yesterday was pure evil, demonic influence and I feel if I hadn't had someone there, he could have exploded. He (lunged) at me but stopped”.
In 2017, Nelson was arrested while working as a DJ for a wedding. According to witnesses, he was acting erratically and causing a disturbance with the guests. The manager of the venue stated that Nelson not only attempted to start a fight with three men, he was “jumping out in front of children, scaring them to the point of tears”.
The police officer observed that Nelson was drunk and instructed him to leave the venue. The officer escorted Nelson to his vehicle to call for a ride home. However, Nelson observed that he had forgotten his phone inside the venue. When the manager brought his phone to him, Nelson screamed “Thanks a lot you bald-headed assh0le!” in front of several minor children and guests of the venue. He was then arrested for disorderly intoxication.