You'll see media claiming because he wants to engage latinos, or that he owes California, or because he's lazy, or that his ego wants to play big arenas.
The media isn't thinking about it correctly and, unfortunately, continues to treat his campaign as normal and honest.
So what is really going on?
While these states are proportionally very blue, in terms of raw numbers:
California has the greatest number of registered Republican voters (5.25M) in the U.S.
New York is fourth (2.84M).
To talk to a lot of Republicans, this is where to go.
These people can't vote in other states, so he's not there trying to win their vote.
He's trying to rile them up. To make them angry.
And there's a history here that most people might not appreciate.
The MAGA movement was born in California, as GOP radicals became increasingly extreme in their relative isolation.
A few MAGAs leaders from California:
Stephen Miller
Tucker Carlson
Steve Bannon
Andrew Breitbart
It's also where fervency can be found in the rank & file...
... as the @ADL published a report *last year* about the rising levels of extremism in California.
Report here:
Trump wants to give the extremists a reason to fight.
Not with ballots, but with fists.
Trump not only violated the sanctity of Arlington, but he violated the official cemetery conduct.
Below is the official conduct for national military cemeteries.
As a reminder, Trump and his team tried to take private photos at Section 60, when asked to stop, Trump staffers verbally and physically assaulted a cemetery staff member.
Source: 553.32 Conduct of memorial services and ceremonies.
(a) The Executive Director shall ensure the sanctity of public and private memorial and ceremonial…
A few awesome lines from @VetsForRL board member Lindsey Schiro in her OpEd in the @fayobserver.
“With the possibility of Donald Trump reclaiming the presidency in November, voices from the veteran’s community must speak up…”
Link at the end…
2/ “…Trump has never understood us, our devotion to service and our faith in each other. We don’t always agree on politics, but we share a common understanding of duty, honor and country.”
3/ “[Trump’s] interactions with, and comments about, military families consistently reveal a disturbing lack of respect and understanding. It started during the Vietnam era when he schemed to avoid military service.”
Last month, a 22yo nursing student was on a run at the University of Georgia. Laken Riley was an innocent woman that was killed by blunt trauma. The man arrested is a Venezuelan in the U.S. illegally and has been charged with murder.
This is a tragedy. A promising young life taken by violence in a place she should be safe.
We clearly need to do a better job of controlling who enters the U.S., both for identifying threats & for making sure everyone here has documentation.
But it’s also true that immigrants commit significantly *fewer* violent crimes than native born Americans.
And those here illegally are the least violent as a group.
Statistically, allowing *more* immigration would *lower* the crime rate.
Three years ago, thousands of people broke into the @TheUSCapitol, assaulted @CapitolPolice, and tried to violently stop the peaceful transfer of power.
This insurrection was intentionally fomented by its beneficiary- Donald Trump.
There will be people today that will tell you that you what you saw happen - in real time - didn’t really happen.
Some of them will have changed their story from condemning the violence to excusing or even denying it.
They’re cowards & crooks.
If you love this country
If you believe in the American Experiment
If you have sworn to support and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies
Then you have a moral duty to stand against these lies and stand for holding those who did this to account.
As Trump slinks away, we’re left wondering if perhaps America was lucky.
Lucky that our 1st national taste of fascism came from someone with disastrously good instincts, but without the drive or the competence to pull it off.
Even with thousands of lives destroyed, we escaped.
Let us resolve to never come so close to the edge again.
To hold to account those who brought this tragedy, with the law where appropriate, but socially & politically in all cases.
To raise the memories of the fallen and the stories of the abused prominently & respectfully.
To end the concept of selfishness and vengeance as patriotism.
To insist that rebuild our communities and country in a new image - one focused on mutual respect and public service as the virtues they are.
To insist that the government must work and it should for all people.