When ICE raided a chicken processing plant in Mississippi and forced it to fire 700 illegal immigrants, minimum-wage Americans went to work there and earned more money taking the newly vacant jobs, while idle Americans took the newly vacant minimum wage jobs. /1
Enterprising lawyers should, on behalf of the local workforce, go after the plants violating the law and hiring illegal aliens, seeking damages for lost and depressed wages. When authorities aren’t enforcing the criminal law, the civil justice system often provides a remedy. /3
@FrankBednarz @btfitzpat I mean, we just filed a class action. We even found deep pockets. Kind of sad that we were the ones who had to do it, really.
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The @HamLincLaw lawsuit is apparently so “baseless” that the press release doesn’t dare mention that it’s a class action suing over illegal pro-Hamas traffic blockades. Funny, because Dissenters was sure proud of the harm inflicted on innocent victims when it was happening. /1
Activists chained themselves within PVC tubes in a premeditated “action” to “cause pain.” That’s never been protected free speech. And if Chicago-area officials won’t enforce criminal law, we’re proud to represent victims seeking civil redress. /2hlli.org/ohare-gaza-pro…
We have a second suit pending in the District of Columbia against activists and various anti-Semitic NGOs aiding and abetting them for a February 2024 traffic blockade there. /3hlli.org/faoro-v-jvp/
Anyone hoping the Epstein files will implicate people not already implicated is going to be very disappointed. Boies Schiller represented a bunch of putative victims and left no stone unturned, suing everyone remotely involved with Epstein, including JP Morgan Chase, who was guilty solely of letting Epstein park his money there, and coughed up $290 million rather than face a New York jury and the New York press; and the FBI, whose culpability isn't even tertiary.
And with dozens of clients and years of work, lawyers sued all of two celebrities: Alan Dershowitz, who they had to apologize to in a $0 settlement when the only person accusing him turned out to be unreliable and someone who the government couldn't dare call to the stand in trial; and Prince Andrew, who settled with exactly one putative victim lucky enough to get a photo with him, probably finding it cheaper than the reputation hit and inconvenience of being dragged to America and being in the headlines for months in a he-said she-said case where he was utterly unsympathetic, and perhaps at the command of the queen to make the case go away.
Which makes sense: why would Epstein risk his freedom and fortune to find out if any of the rich friends he was sucking up to shared his weird predilections for underage teenagers? His emails with Bill Gates, long made public, showed how Epstein operated. He liked collecting celebrity exposure by offering his plane and his island retreat and other trappings of luxury to famous politicians and celebrities; rich people like hanging out with other rich people who treat them normally and don't ask them for anything other than reciprocal philanthropic donations; and universities are happy to send celebrity academics to meet with 7-digit donors, and the celebrity academics rely on the universities to do due diligence for them.
Also, Oswald and Sirhan each acted alone.
I am shocked shocked that MDC employees are incompetent.
"Recorded video evidence for August 9 and 10 for the SHU area where Epstein was housed was only available from one prison security camera due to a malfunction of MCC New York’s Digital Video Recorder system that occurred on July 29, 2019. While the prison’s cameras continued to provide live video feeds, recordings were made for only about half the cameras. MCC New York personnel discovered this failure on August 8, 2019, but it was not repaired until after Epstein’s death. As detailed in this report, like many other BOP facilities, MCC New York had a history of security camera problems.
"The available recorded video footage from the one SHU camera captured a large part of the common area of the SHU and portions of the stairways leading to the different SHU tiers, including Epstein’s cell tier. Thus, anyone entering or attempting to enter Epstein’s SHU tier from the SHU common area would have been picked up by that video camera. Epstein’s cell door, however, was not in the camera’s field of view. The OIG reviewed the video and found that, between approximately 10:40 p.m. on August 9 and about 6:30 a.m. on August 10, no one was seen entering Epstein’s cell tier from the SHU common area. The OIG determined that movements captured on video before and after those times were generally consistent with employee actions as described by witnesses and documented in BOP records."
The one Epstein victim who named dozens of famous people... well, she was kind of indiscriminate in who she named, and it's extraordinary that out of the dozens of women in Epstein's trafficking, only one claims to have been sexually trafficked to third parties. You'd think there would be more, but, for example, the (of-age) woman photographed with Clinton on Epstein's jet giving him a clothed massage says he was a "perfect gentleman."
Back in the ICU after the first and most minor of three procedures, albeit an incapacitating one. The third one will be a doozy.
I must say, if they’re not going to allocate organs to the highest bidder like a civilized society, they should really do it by FICO or LSAT score./1
Anyway, not dead yet, will try to tweet through it. Aspire to be first heart transplant recipient to argue in SCOTUS since this has crushed some other dreams.
Encourage more of your burlier south Texas Type-O friends to ride motorcycles recklessly in the meantime I guess.
Still not dead, but it’s apparently more marginal than hoped, so today getting new device first used in US five years ago.
If I die, I wish I had spent more time in the office.
There’s so little anti-black racism in the USA that the Democrats have to invent it with fake narratives about the Central Park Five, who were paid millions of dollars for their violent rampage against innocent victims.
Citation for what, that Democratic politicians rewarded them with millions of dollars of taxpayer money, or that they were convicted by a jury of violent crimes that four confessed to and in the fifth case was caught red-handed with the pipe he used to beat parkgoers with?
Google Location History settlement approved today.
Attorneys get $19M.
Class gets zero.
Variety of largely left-leaning nonprofits (and no right-leaning nonprofits) get $42M:
* ACLU gets $7M to promote abortion
* Rose Foundation gets a $6M slush fund to give grants prioritizing “BIPOC communities”
* millions to lawyers’ alma maters (who already had billions of dollars of endowments)
.@HamLincLaw objected on behalf of three class members. We will appeal.
We had a settlement before this judge involving Google and cy pres that we successfully took to the Supreme Court. Class ended up with $23M instead of zero. Guess we’re going back to SCOTUS if Ninth Circuit doesn’t fix its idiosyncratic precedent approving of this abuse.