“Viruses hide, that’s what they do,” said @PutrinoLab. “If you’re finding evidence of them in plasma, that probably tells you that there’s a lot more going on in tissue where viruses like to hide, like nerve tissue, gut tissue, joint tissue, et cetera.” #LongCovid
“Walt’s team applied.. blood test 1,000x more sensitive than standard laboratory tests to 1,569 blood samples.. The ultra-sensitive tests, detected fragments of virus’s signature spike proteins in roughly 43% of samples drawn from those [w/] #LongCovid” bostonglobe.com/2024/10/15/met…
“They also found fragments of the proteins in 21% of those who had no symptoms. (It was not clear why the persistent virus did not make them sick, too).” #LongCovid
“The presence of the fragments, which were in such small amounts they would not be detectable using standard technologies, are a smoking gun, experts say.” #LongCovid
“Others have detected.. viral fragments in #LongCovid patients before, @PutrinoLab said the new study is among the most comprehensive.
The fact that it was funded by @NIH.. is ‘very important’.. federal officials may finally be willing to listen to front line LC researchers”
@PutrinoLab @NIH “The traditional medical establishment, including NIH, @PutrinoLab said, has been slow to embrace the viral persistence theory, because it defies conventional medical thinking. Until recently, many argued viruses that replicate using RNA.. are incapable of persisting in the body”
@PutrinoLab @NIH “The key to the current study was a single molecule test called SIMOA that he developed in his lab more than a decade ago to detect cancer. It uses tiny beads attached to antibodies that are engineered to seek out and stick to specific proteins”
@Silas33 @PutrinoLab @polybioRF @LongCOVIDPhysio @LongCovidSOS @long_covid @LongCovidKids @LongCovidFam @C19LH_Advocacy @NIH @PeoplesCDC @CDCgov I know we’re all shellshocked about the fascistic reign of Twitter terror that anyone questioning this theory being bombarded as enemy of the state — we should be able to have these discussions in good faith without any fear of harassment.
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“Matthew Fitzgerald, a 28-year-old former engineer at Tesla, described his #LongCovid impairment during a clinic visit: ‘I’m a shell of myself. My physical issues aren’t half as bad as my brain problems. You can say brain fog, but that doesn’t come close to doing it justice.’”
"There is now ample evidence that both older and younger people with #LongCovid and other infection-associated chronic conditions are at risk of developing #Alzheimers disease and related dementias (ADRD)." nature.com/articles/d4158…
"Over the past 30 years, US$42.5 billion have been spent on Alzheimer’s research, with limited progress."
"Whether they were hospitalized or not, adults who have had COVID-19 are about 36% more likely than uninfected people to develop GI disorders including ulcers, pancreatitis, IBS, & acid reflux, according to a study in Nature Communications." #LongCovid time.com/7027179/covid-…
"GI problems are also common among kids with #LongCovid. Stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting are telltale signs of the condition among children younger than 12, according to 2024 research published in JAMA."
"Once SARS-CoV-2 gets into your body, it infects cells by binding to a protein called ACE2, which is found throughout the body. ACE2 is prevalent in the lungs, which helps explain COVID’s respiratory symptoms—but it’s also found in high concentrations in the GI tract" #LongCovid
“In the most expansive study of its kind, researchers have for the first time shown serious and prevalent symptoms of #LongCovid in kids and teens.
The study, which followed 5367 children, found that 20% of kids (ages 6-11) and 14% of teens met researchers' threshold for LC”
“By enrolling children who had been infected with acute COVID-19, as well as those who had not, researchers were able to isolate #LongCovid symptoms in kids and teens” medscape.com/viewarticle/lo…
"It allowed us to separate symptoms related to #LongCovid with those that may have resulted from changes in a child's environment during the pandemic.
For example, learning loss & mental health changes that were caused by pandemic vs those.. symptoms associated with LC”
“The Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University have developed a Model Clean Indoor Air Act, which state legislatures throughout the country could use in writing new indoor air laws.”
"We—and especially our children—should be able to walk into a store or a gym or a school and assume the air is clean to breathe. Like water from the faucet, regulations should ensure our air is safe." scientificamerican.com/article/kids-a…
"Kids are headed back to classrooms—Somehow, four years into a viral pandemic that everyone now knows spreads through the air, most schools have done little to nothing to make sure their students will breathe safely."
“Schools must make it safe for all children that attend, whether they currently suffer from #LongCovid or not,” Robertson said. “Many children are.. just one more infection away from developing the debilitating effects of long COVID.”
“We feel we will never heal from this as long as schools have no ventilation, open windows, air purifiers, and policies that children and staff can come to school while actively positive with COVID," #LongCovidKids salon.com/2024/10/06/for…
“A study published in February 2024 estimated that up to 5.8 million children have #LongCovid. Recently.. health experts declared this a public health crisis among the pediatric population.”
“There are political reasons to deny that there are any long-term effects of COVID,” @kfrhoads said, “to allow for us to ‘get back to normal.’”
“Dr. Linda Geng said #LongCovid has become a ‘huge public health problem,’ affecting millions of people in the United States long term”
“It really shows that this bill has broad support — as it should — because it’s aiming to address the crisis of #LongCovid in a way that puts the resources that are necessary behind it,” @LisaAMcCorkell said kqed.org/news/12006894/…
@LisaAMcCorkell “#LongCovid patients & advocates in the Bay Area have spent years pushing for a concerted effort toward research, prevention and a cure.”
They’re now hopeful that the increasingly widespread chronic condition that follows many COVID-19 infections will soon be better understood,”