'COVID-19 can accelerate progression of dementia and induce BBB disruption and inflammatory blood clots causally linked with neuroinflammation and neuronal loss'.
BBB - Blood Brain Barrier.
Neurological sequelae of C-19 will be a huge challenge in the future.
1. To understand the navigation of an environment in which multiple and competing risks exist, a thought experiment - grounded in my own life - is useful. I am a recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety is the single most important element of my life.
2. If a genie was to appear before me and offer me lifelong and complete immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection if I drank a single alcoholic drink, I would immediately refuse; the risk of jeopardising my sobriety vastly outweighs the risk of Covid-19.
3. Likewise, if I felt at risk of picking up the bottle again as a result of the extensive precautions I take to avoid infection with SARS-CoV-2, I would reduce or drop those precautions in a heartbeat. A heartbeat.
1. Masks are tools used to mitigate the risk of infection by airborne pathogens, including, of course, SARS-CoV-2. The politicisation and the consequent symbolisation of masking has, overall, reduced their use. This is true whether you are anti or pro masking.
2. Increasing the symbolisation of masking is a guaranteed way to reduce their use even further. This is why I am adamant that my use of masks is purely for risk reduction. I make no statement by masking; I simply have no desire to get infected.
3. In addition, as I have often stated, the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 is one risk amongst many. There are situations in which removing one's mask is the correct risk / benefit decision to make. These are easy decisions to make when one accepts that masks are tools.
1. As I have mentioned several times before, the moment I learned that anosmia was a cardinal symptom of Covid-19 was the moment I decided I was going to do everything in my power to not get infected with SARS-CoV-2.
2. I knew anosmia was a prodomal symptom for both Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Parkinson's Disease (PD). I also knew that encephalitis lethargica - which in some cases developed into a form of PD - was the major sequela of the Spanish Flu.
3. From the linked article above:
'While the observational nature of our study precludes definitive causal inferences, our results provide new evidence that mild-to-moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection may initiate or accelerate brain β-amyloid pathology...
The pandemic has been blamed for a decline in school readiness among reception-aged children, but some teachers who took part in the annual poll *said the “Covid baby” explanation was starting to feel like an excuse*. theguardian.com/education/2025…
2. From this recent article in Nature:
'In summary, children exposed to antenatal COVID-19 have higher frequencies of DD as compared to non-exposed controls. Risk factors for DD beyond maternal COVID-19 were not identified across sites; ... nature.com/articles/s4159…
3 ... severe maternal disease was predictive of below average neurodevelopment. Long-term neurodevelopmental follow-up should be considered in children exposed to antenatal COVID-19. Understanding of mechanistic pathways triggering DD should be investigated'.
1. As I noted recently, science is inextricably nested within politics. Public health, epidemiology, virology and so on, all subject to the whims of politics. We are seeing this very clearly now. However, viruses are not nested within politics.
Viruses are molecular sharks.
2. We must be careful not to anthropomorphise viruses; they sit on the very edge of what we define as 'life'. However, the function of a virus is simple: replicate. To produce more viruses by hijacking animal or human cells.
3. The mitigation of the effects of a virus on humans and / or animals is absolutely a political phenomena. However, viruses themselves sit completely outside human politics. Attempts to ignore or wish them away implies a hubristic omnipotence we do not possess.
1. I am of the firm belief that it is now impossible to get H5N1 out of the ecosystem of North America. Bluntly put, there is now simply too much virus present in wild birds and mammals to be able to contain it. There are also likely many more human cases than reported.
2. As such, it is vital that the new administration in the United States grips this problem, regardless, or in spite of, the views on vaccines held by some incoming senior health officials. Messaging to both agribusiness and the general public needs to be vastly improved.
3. Biosecurity of commercial and backyard poultry flocks, cattle, and especially swine needs to be significantly increased. Mass vaccination of poultry against H5N1 (as has already been done in France) should be undertaken. Accelerating the development of a vaccine...