🧵There's major turmoil in the Georgian judiciary right now, and I'll try to break down what's happening. Bear with me. 1/
First, it’s important to know that in Georgia, the common courts (city/district courts, Courts of Appeal, Supreme Court) as well as the Constitutional Court are fully corrupt and have been captured by the regime. 2/
A group of influential judges within these courts — primarily in the appellate and supreme courts — control the entire system. This group is widely referred to as the "judiciary clan" or simply "the clan." 3/
And please don’t think that this term is used only by some “biased” activists; it’s been applied by high-level Western institutions as well. 4/
Three current judges from this clan — Levan Murusidze, Mikheil Chinchaladze, and Valerian Tsertsvadze — were sanctioned by the U.S. in April 2023. 5/
According to constitutional lawyer @DZedelashvili, the clan’s strategy has been to orchestrate the system so that whenever NGOs filed lawsuits about the elections, cases are terminated at the first instance in the common courts, keeping their hands clean in public view. 6/
This context makes yesterday's decision by Leri (Vladimer Khuchua) so significant. 7/
Judge Khuchua's courageous decision disrupted their plans. Now that the case is moving to the Courts of Appeals, the clan will have to directly engage in the process and take formal responsibility for it. 8/
This has thrown the system into chaos. Today alone, there have been at least ten separate reports of court sessions being scheduled, then canceled, lawsuits being merged, responses withheld, and more. 9/
The entire process seems like a frantic attempt to find a solution in a highly chaotic situation. 10/
As I write, @NKurdovanidze from @GYLA_CSO has updated us that today’s session has been rescheduled for tomorrow at 14:00 at the Tbilisi Court of Appeals, where the judge will handle all related lawsuits together, complicating matters for the lawyers. 11/
Meanwhile, the Kutaisi Court of Appeals will hold a session today at 16:00, also merging lawsuits. 12/
I hope I’ve at least given a clear picture of what’s unfolding. Georgia’s judicial system is complex and deeply troubled, and as a journalist, I do my best to simplify it for readers. 13/
Being in a rush, I failed to link this thread above.
It’s disheartening that after 12 years of consolidating authoritarian rule, repressing opposition, activists, and media, pushing anti-Western narratives, and stalling Georgia's EU integration, Western leaders seem ready to trade the #RussianLaw to legitimize rigged elections. 1/4
So-called Weimar Triangle issued a joint letter today on Georgia's ongoing crisis amid the allegations of rigged elections, stating that they could not support the opening of Georgia's European Union accession talks unless the country "made reforms". 2/4
"Unless Georgia reverses its current course of action and demonstrates tangible reform efforts, in particular by repealing recent legislation that runs counter to European values and principles, we will not be in a position to support the opening of accession negotiations with Georgia," reads the letter. 3/4
🧵 In an absolutely corrupt and fully captured judiciary system, with three incumbent judges sanctioned by the U.S. for corruption, being a judge who truly serves justice is what we call a hero. So, let me introduce you to Tetritskaro District Judge Vladimer Khechua. 1/
Tetritskaro District Court was the only court to grant @GYLA_CSO’s motion to obtain ballots, confirming allegations that vote secrecy was not ensured during the #GeVote2024. 2/
The judge also requested the vote-counting machine, ballot, marker, and frame envelope. A technical inspection was conducted during the court session, revealing that, when placed in the machine, the choice marked on the back of the ballots was visible. 3/
Just in: HarrisX releases final Georgia 2024 exit poll analysis and raises questions over statistically unexplainable data discrepancies by the Central Election Commission involving at least 172 523 votes in 27 districts, or over 8 percent of all votes cast. 1/
“Our analysis of the HarrisX/Mtavari Channel Exit Poll of over 12 000 Georgian Voters, compared to the official results published by the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia, reveals a discrepancy of over 8 percent of the total votes cast, or 172 523 votes, across the country that cannot be explained by statistical variance, pointing to possible voting irregularities.” 2/
“Even when we:
1) Adjust our Exit Poll data with the data released by the CEC (through a process called “weighting” by survey professionals).
2) Account fully for any kind of non-response bias in our Exit Poll.
3) Test differences in vote estimates between out Exit Poll and the CEC official numbers at a 95 percent Confidence Interval – the highest statistical threshold; 3/
🗳️ As requested, I’ve prepared an explanatory thread for our dear Georgia watchers about pros and cons of using electronic devices in #GeVote2024. I will share all the information I’ve collected from Central Elections Commission and independent experts. 1/
So, this is the first time electronic devices will be used in Georgian elections (Let’s not count 2021, when they tested it at a few polling stations and, well… it was a disaster — the ballots were too big to fit in the machine). 2/
What this really means is that Georgia hasn’t had a full-scale pilot run with these devices before actually using them in a real election. And according to many experts, that’s a pretty risky move. Most countries wouldn’t dream of going down this road without a proper pilot. 3/
🧵 Hi Georgia watchers! I want to share some insights about the survival strategies Georgian media and NGOs are using under the #RussianLaw and how they’ve managed to avoid being listed in a defamatory registry.
The information I’m about to share has been kept under wraps until now to prevent GD from closing these legislative loopholes. Now that the registration process is over, I can finally reveal the details. I spoke with several Georgian lawyers to unravel the complexities involved.
First, it’s essential to categorize N(N)LEs into two main groups: those with relatively small financial resources and those with larger financial backing.
For the first group, navigating this process was somewhat easier. They had two main options: either spend all the project-related funds and distribute salaries and bonuses in advance to clear their financial accounts, or establish a new N(N)LE under a different name. The trick here is that N(N)LEs created in 2024 won’t be required to report their financial status until January 2025
🧵 Let’s take a quick dive into Georgian history to unpack the symbolism behind talking about the reintegration of Georgian territories in Mtskheta, the Georgievsky Treaty, and trading vassalage for peace.
The Georgievsky Treaty is one of the most contentious topics for Georgians. It sparks endless debates. In 1783, King Erekle II of Kartli-Kakheti, the eastern part of 🇬🇪, made a politically tough decision to sign an agreement with the Russia to protect Georgia from Persia.
I won’t dive deep into the it, but just know that Georgia had been fighting for its freedom for centuries - against Persians, Ottomans, Mongols, Arabs, etc. The idea behind this tough choice to trade our sovereignty to Russia, a powerful neighbor, was driven by 2 main factors: 3/