A populist demagogue tricked low information voters into abolishing democracy for the price of groceries. What nobody told you, prices for groceries ain't coming down. Because you know climate, floods and drought and such and Trump's mass deportations /1
and tariffs are going to make it worse as most produce is harvested by migrant farm workers. While groceries will remain expensive, Biden passed a lot of transformative legislation that is bringing costs down and creating high paying jobs for non-college educated people /2
but you probably didn't hear about it because the media was busy with Trump's crimes, scandals and Biden's gaffes. Biden also brought down the costs for prescription drugs, and junk fees and lots of other little things that help. But it would have taken time to feel the /3
effects. Kamala added more good proposals that would have helped the working class. But yeah go believe Trump would be better for economy when every economist says the opposite. Good luck. While the hardships are probably necessary for MAGA to wake up /4
the global effects on the dollar and international world order and national security are what really really scare me. Hitler got elected on the back of the Great Depression when unemployment was 5 million and people were actually starving. Many people did not like his rhetoric /5
but he did put people back to work, by building the Autobahn, railroad system and defense production. He only got 33% of the vote and then dismantled democracy from within. Populist demagogues / wanna be dictators often take advantage of economic hardships but that a /6
a country that has objectively the best economy in the world with record low unemployment falls for this is quite remarkable. This is a product of a big ecosystem of misinformation and a result of the 1st amendment being too strong. Yes, it is meant to protect democracy /7
but achieving the opposite. About every other western democracy has some form of state independent media oversight preventing lies and misinformation to be aired on tv. Look at Germany, UK and Canada for examples. And yes, of course racism and misogyny played a role /8
as well. And there are maybe 20-30% that truly like this hateful rhetoric but the other 30% that are good people but low information voters have been tricked and will suffer. /9
Here are the details of the landmark infrastructure bill Biden passed. I am truly shocked how many people don’t know about it. And yes the effects are not immediate but just starting /22 whitehouse.gov/build/
And here’s the Chips & Science act that will create lots of good paying working class jobs that Trump/Johnson said they will repeal /23 whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/…
The tariffs can be random different for each category/country & destroy one business or another. The tariff policy will be for sale & Trump & lobbyists will get rich from the bidding/bribery war. So much for draining the swamp /24
Which states will suffer most? Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma & West Virginia likely to be the hardest hit by Trump’s proposed policies and see a surge in unemployment and food insecurity. /28
If you need a new TV, AC or appliance, now is the time to get it. They will cost at least 20% more soon. All TVs & AC window units are made in China. /29
What personality worries me most (aside from crashing the dollar) are the National Security implications. You know those guys that have foiled many terror attacks post 9/11 that we don’t even know about. /30
Ok hear me out. No Trump voter would have changed their vote to Harris based on @washingtonpost endorsement. BUT: many moderates, independents & undecided are pissed about these billionaires bowing to facism. This is the perfect lesson how facism works. Obeying in advance. /1
As per Timothy Snyder 👇. This will only shine a bright light on the clear & present danger we are facing & if it moves the needle it will tilt it towards Harris. More will speak out. In soccer that’s an own goal /2
Speaking of the Mega donors. Biden did lots of things to help ordinary people & US had best post covid economy in the world but it will take time for ppl to feel it in the pocketbook like effects from infrastructure, chips&science act etc. And key reason ppl are feeling crunch /3
In 2017 Puerto Rico was hit by cat 4/5 Maria. 65 direct deaths. 3000 in the aftermath (lack of drinking water, electricity, insulin, IV fluids…). 8% of roads were passable, 100% of cell towers as well as local radar were destroyed. 0% of households had power. Puerto Rico is 1/
a US territory and about the size of the area between Fort Lauderdale & Miami. It takes a cargo ship traveling at 15-20knots 2-3 days to get to Puerto Rico from Miami. The flight duration is 2:40 minutes. Trump was president at the time. 2/
His first response after hearing about the was “can we divest the asset / trade for greenland” as reported by life long Republicans in Trump admin: 1) Elaine Duke 2) Miles Taylor 3) Olivia Troye. 3/
NATO spending is set 2% of GDP of each member country. There is no bill and no payment to NATO. This is money the member countries invest IN THEIR OWN MILITARY. E.g. it pays for troops, training, R&D, weapons stock piling etc. So all the money the US spends for "NATO" goes 1/
Directly into the US economy. Now the US spends more than 2% of GDP on defense anyways so NATO is not "costing" the US anything. Because the spend is % of GDP of course a smaller country like Greece spends a smaller total amount of money. This is not unfair. The reason for 2/
the 2% rule is that a country cannot abolish their army or have an army of 200 volunteers and still expect to be protected by NATO. Somehow Trump must have seen the numbers and thought it is unfair (?) that US spends more than Greece, or maybe his friend Vladimir told him 3/
Orange Grandpa goes on increasingly weird tangents in his rallies (magnets in glasses, -40 in Iowa his EV going bzzzbzzz, GSDs are better than machines, dementia tests etc.). He still knows how to read a crowd and does notices when he is losing them. He then quickly brings out 1/
his all-time classics, drill baby drill (which is a lie as US domestic oil production is higher than ever) and the border. So of course he is not going to give up on this all time classic about the only thing that still gets major applause in his increasingly lunatic rants. 2/
Now I do wonder how the Rs fall in line with killing the bi-partisan border deal. Do they get a visit from the brownshirt equivalent? A mafia style visit: Beautiful daughter you have, would be a shame if something happened to her? A friendly reminder of the contents of the 3/
This weekend in Germany 🇩🇪, over 1.4 million people in 145 cities and villages came out for pro democracy demonstrations agains the far right. Ordinary people who never attended a demonstration in their life came out. Grandparents, families, everyone. What triggered it? 1/
Germany's far right party AfD is gaining traction esp in the former East. Some party members were overheard talking about deportation and some were filmed singing Germany to the Germans in a club. Now if what Trump says at his rallies about deportations and poisoning the blood 2/
is 10/10 what the AfD members did is maybe a 3 or 4/10. But Germany won't have it. The slogans at the rally were "Never again is right now" and "the difference between 1933 and 2024 is you" and F**** Nazis and Germany is colorful. What 🇩🇪is doing right, is teaching history. 3/
Florida, take note. In Berlin 🇩🇪 a memorial is set into the cobblestones of a plaza and contains a collection of empty subterranean bookcases. The plaque reads: That was but a prelude;
where they burn books,
they will ultimately burn people as well. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Empty…
DeSantis is turning FL into 1930s Germany. Pay attention. Hitler started w/ attacking the press, changing school curricula, building his private police force & firing non-loyalists.