I don’t think all Americans are so evil, callous and horrid people as a whole. I truly don’t…I just do not believe that they live on the same planet as the rest of us. & as someone that spent a decent amount of my life there, it’s hard for them to ever understand the rest.
I’ve often said that being a poor American still makes you richer than almost all other countries’s middle class does.
The amount of privilege you have when you’re born there, when you are raised there, and when you get to go outside of it with that fancy American passport…
It’s difficult for any person to see past their own experiences, their own trauma and marginalisation. That’s a natural part of being human in some ways. Empathy is difficult.
But for Americans, empathy isn’t just difficult…it’s out of reach.
I also do not think Americans are any dumber than other people on average. I really don’t. Many are idiots, sure, but last week in a cafe in Sarajevo I had to argue with 4 educated Bosniaks that Geneva was not, in fact, a country.
The issue for me isn’t their lack of empathy or intelligence or anything of the sort. The issue is that ultimately they are Americans before they are human. They will always be American before they are any other marginalised identity. Even Diaspora groups fall into this.
Some realise it and some do not but the reality is that the American dream and its exceptionalism has always been built of the exploitation of others. Starting with Native Americans, then Africans, then immigrants, and the slowly the world and its wars.
My country is a corrupt cesspit of ethnonationalism and woeful inadequate government. Maybe it would still be so even if it was Yugoslavia. Maybe it would still be so if it was still the RBiH. But we fought for one country & America forced a different one on us.
We fought for equality, multiculturalism, democracy, human rights for all, dignity for all. We got none of that. & yes, the USA ensured we did not. They imposed Dayton. They keep the ethnonationalists in power. The people suffer and American & Euro companies get richer.
Whether it is Bosnia or Palestine or Syria or Yemen or Ukraine or Iraq or Afghanistan or Somalia or Congo or Venezuela or Cuba or countless other countries on this planet….it is our suffering that pays for American exceptionalism.
& after being forced to watch as a genocide unfolded for over a year, only 30 years after the genocide I survived did, it has been made more clear to me than ever that my anger towards America has slowly turned to loathing. & yet, even with that I still hold their passport.
& I won’t get rid of it either because I worked for it for so long…and I try to trick myself into thinking I earned it. I paid for it with the blood of my family members and the displacement off my land and working from age 14 and paying taxes.
The reality is that the passport I earned came from Iraq or Afghanistan or Yemen maybe…and passport the person that granted me mine came from Bosnia or Somalia and theirs came from Vietnam or Korea and the person before them the Native Americans and the enslaved peoples.
America will be fine under Trump, even if some Americans won’t be. But entire countries could and may very well disappear and become an old Yugoslav map you hang up in the bedroom of your parents house, who work 2 jobs each to give you the American dream.
There are so many times that I see American people, some on the left, some hardcore communists & anarchists and yes, VoteBlue libs too, post the most asinine, self-indulgent bs ever and I can’t help but roll my eyes. The exceptionalism is so so deeply ingrained.
All of this to say is that I strongly believe that we have made a serious error in judgment when we started following Americans on socio-political stances.
They are superficial and self-indulgent at best.
Human rights, anti-war movements, disability justice, feminism, anti racism etc etc has boiled down to this self-indulgent public stoning machinations that are simply not ever going to be the thing that saves us.
We do not need 1000s of books on feminist history nor do we need the same 10-15 type of threads on 10-15 type of most marginalised identities.
None of that will save us.
Americans will not save us. They will save themselves, they will save each other and they will save their country before they even blow a little air out of their exceptional lungs to “help” get us out of the fires.
I can’t help but think of the past week and think it is as if many Americans woke up and found out the world is ending when Trump elected but for the rest of us, the world has ended many, many times before…and we survived it.
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Nobody goes to bat for my work & me the way my Serbian aunt does. The Bosniaks will be “Idk why you bother with that genocide stuff, it was 30 years ago” and my Serbian aunt, who btw was hunted by Chetniks b/c she married a Bosniak, who was imprisoned in a camp freaks out on them
& while this is extremely anecdotal, something I have found to be true in my own experience is that Bosniaks are far too forgiving and far too often simply want to wish in delusional that with the genocide ending, so did the hatred for us.
I can understand Diaspora having those feelings as many of them left early on. Many left during the genocide. Many got to save their heads…but wtf do you mean they massacred you family and you want to forgive them? For what? For “multiculturalism”? Thats not what it is!!!
The gist of many Holocaust books came down to “be kind and also look at how the Jewish people suffered, dont be like that to the Jews”
Instead of genocide is a process that starts with classification, symbolisation, discrimination and dehumanisation. Genocide can happen anywhere, to anyone. The Holocaust was a genocide that targeted Jewish people but also Roma people, Slavic People, Disabled people, LGBTQ people, black people, etc.
It started slowly enough and then came all at once. It started with propaganda. With fear-mongering a target identified as “the scary other”.
Genocides have been perpetrated before and after the Holocaust. Which means nothing has been “learnt”.
There is an ambiguity about Holocaust and Genocide Education as a whole. There is a vague “other” and a vague “hatred” instead of naming it for what it is: fascism.
The vagueness of Genocide Education has done precisely what it meant to do all along: erase the history and reality of how and what precisely happened. Focusing on one singular group in order to manufacture consent for the occupation, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of a completely different group by that initial group.
By making Holocaust and Genocide education into terms of ambiguity and vagueness instead of specificity and direct information, it has erase the suffering of countless groups of people, predating the Holocaust, during the Holocaust, and after the Holocaust.
It was painted as the single, greatest evil to ever occur. It turned into a perpetual mark of victimhood for the Jewish people alone and it turned Israel as the great saviour of the Jewish people, who had suffered deeply and horrifically and even uniquely in many ways…but not singularly.
Instead of outright naming the genocides of the past, the present, and those who came after The Holocaust…the concept of Holocaust & Genocide Education became stuck in time.
The story became: “Jewish people suffered, the USA and the UK saved them, they got their own safe haven. Never Again will it happen to Jewish people.
Be kind to each other.”
& thus the manufacturing of consent for an ethnostate built on ethnic cleansing and genocide began.
Worth noting that Holocaust Education became prominent in the 90s, really. Up until then, there was continuous pushes for it to become more and more prevalent.
Apparently the Israeli Embassy in Sarajevo will be hosting a special event to remember October 7th. Many are outraged, including the mayor. The event will be held at a private venue & some are saying how it should be shut down while others are claiming to shut it down is a violation of freedom of speech & people should protest it instead.
This event is far less about commemorating the October 7th and its victims and far more about causing issues. Why you ask? B/c the Israeli Ambassador is one of the most vile people to exist & is throwing this event in order to cause agitation so they can play victim.
If they wish to commemorate October 7th, they could just do a small thing in the Embassy itself, which is considered Israeli property anyway. But they want the outrage, the upset, and the anger b/c they want to play the victim.
One of the dumbest things I hear, especially from liberals & even Balkan liberals, is that I should not criticise the USA because I lived there and got an education there.
& i love this imaginary world that they live in where they assume that these things were gifted to me by the USA instead of being things I actually worked for.
I did get my education in the United States and did go to college there and did do my post-graduate there because I was a very hard-working student who worked a full-time job all while I was going to school.
I started working at 12 under the table and 14 legally by 17 I was working full-time.
I worked immensely hard at both my education and my job. I paid taxes. I took out student loans and I got scholarships and grants because I worked hard, not b/c the US government gave it to me willy-nilly.
I helped build two businesses and I created my own non-profit organisation, I got funding for that through, again, my own hard work.
Even if none of that were true, and even if the USA were some mythical land where everything was simply handed to you, it still wouldn’t mean you shouldn't criticize the government, its actions, or its policies.
There are many things I loved about the USA, especially the people and their relentless drive to improve their lives. I found that deeply inspiring, and I met remarkable individuals during my time there.
It is because of those incredible people that I feel compelled to criticize the US government. I had the privilege of forming relationships with Native Americans, Black Americans, and Arab-Americans, and through them, I learned about the immense harm the US has inflicted on their communities. I came to understand the suffering they have endured—and continue to endure.
During the Bosnian Genocide, when there was an arms embargo placed on Bosnia, it was Hezbollah with the help of Turkey that helped to smuggle weapons into Bosnia so we would not be entirely defenceless while the 4th greatest military force in Europe at the time was massacring us.
& while Israel provided funding, weapons, and even training to Serbs and paramilitary groups, while they had a “great relationship” with Milosevic and Mladic too…Bosnia was left to rely mainly on the little weapons they had, much of it homemade & created out of bits & pieces.
& while to this day there are leftists and Serb ethnonationalists who pretend that they were the actual victims of imperialism & did nothing wrong. On Bosnia’s side stood Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey, Sudan, Brunei, & Malaysia.
Listen, I am totally fine with people correcting me when I am wrong and I am certainly not an expert in every field or on every subject.
But I am absolutely educated on genocide. What is happening in Palestine is a genocide. You are not more well-informed than me on this.
Nor are you as informed as I am on the curriculum within schools on genocide, specifically the Holocaust, because I have quite literally worked with schools in the UK and the US to improve their genocide education.
I do not mind being corrected when I am factually incorrect but when it comes to genocide, especially in Palestine, I am not wrong. It is a genocide in every sociological aspect and under every international law.