1/4 Good FT article about the financial consequences of replacing the 2018 comp package now (would cost us at current share price 21x more, and who knows where the stock will be when this drama is finally over).
Also about Elon's unfavorable tax situation.
Amy's excellent lawyers have added a joinder to the Tornetta case (see excerpts below), and will hopefully be heard this Friday at the hearing of the motion to reconsider the January preliminary ruling.
They are making a difference, allowing us shareholders to be part of the fight at the Delaware Chancery Court.
Amy truly has assembled a rockstar legal team with
- Joe Grundfest, Former SEC Commissioner Stanford Law, Rock School of Corporate Governance;
- Don Verrilli, Former Solicitor General of the US, Founder Munger Tolles DC Office,
- Aychut Phadke, Federal and Delaware Complex Securities Litigation Specialist, Munger Tolles and
- Anthony Rickey, Margrave Law, Delaware Expert and Fee Objection Expert,
all of whom are not even sure they will ever get paid.