More evidence AB Health Min LaGrange never intended ANY vaccination in physician's offices continue past April 2024.
Feb 2024: she "specifically asked" Alberta Pharmacists Association if they could do it, even if beyond their current scope of practice.
@drDavidKeegan @JMeddings
@drDavidKeegan @JMeddings @JenLeeCBC @TheBreakdownAB @TehseenLadha @Albertadoctors For the evidence she lobbied them, rather than the other way around, search Alberta Lobbyist Registry for "Alberta Pharmacists" to see their 9 Oct 2024 semi-annual filing.
For background, see @JenLeeCBC excellent reporting, especially this tweet and my 4 replies to it, showing how Min LaGrange gamed Alberta Purchasing Connection to only put out an unprecedented RFEI for this, not an RFP as she falsely claimed.
@drDavidKeegan @JMeddings @JenLeeCBC @TheBreakdownAB @TehseenLadha @Albertadoctors Some clarification on my wording above.
I don't intend to say LaGrange lobbied pharmacists to act beyond their scope of practice as defined by their professional regulator. I mean their scope of practice as defined in their contract(s) with Alberta Health.
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ICYMI, my request Friday to Minister @AdrianaLaGrange to recoup $49.4m from MHCare Medical/Atabay boondoggle.
Sorry to openly copy AB reporters, but questions at her pressers are so restricted.
@alanna_smithh @Jantafrench @ByMatthewBlack @gthomsonink @MBellefontaine @JenLeeCBC
@AdrianaLaGrange @alanna_smithh @Jantafrench @ByMatthewBlack @gthomsonink @MBellefontaine @JenLeeCBC I wasn't aware that on 10 Aug 2020, then-Education Minister Lagrange had fired a pre-emptive deceptive strike at Alberta's Ethics Commissioner Trussler about the IFR chlorine masks purchased within the previous two (2) weeks from a company in her riding.
@AdrianaLaGrange @alanna_smithh @Jantafrench @ByMatthewBlack @gthomsonink @MBellefontaine @JenLeeCBC Complaint alleged the Minister lied by claiming her political staff were NOT involved.
There are, as expected, MANY reports like this of Vanch mask problems.
Some mistakenly filed as PRIMED, but all correctly identifying importer MHCare Medical and/or the Beifa Group Chinese exporter printed on the box.
@John1MD @RajBhardwajMD
with typical MHCare Medical problems:
• poor material or build quality
• skin inflammation, rash, etc...
1. Danielle Smith ordered EVERY shipment of the $80m MHCare Medical/Atabay children's acetaminophen boondoggle to be AIRLIFTED at taxpayer expense.
2. It's likely these airlifts were handled by MHCare Medical too, with their usual profiteering off the Gov of Alberta.
How do I know Item 1 above? Well, for starters, Smith told us in her opening PR stunt.
Stupid, wasteful decision. Even if you truly believed you were solving a shortage, you might airlift the first 1-2 shipments, while bringing the rest by ocean freight.
When I finally got my hands on $80m Danielle Smith/MHCare Medical boondoggle children's acetaminophen, I weighed & measured it.
Thanks to glass bottle: 291 grams
250,000 bottles = 73 tons!
Smith's decision to airlift that to Alberta in Jan 2023 is case study in bad ethics.
@TheBreakdownAB @LukaszukAB @JMeddings @PfParks The whole boondoggle is enough to kick out a gov and bring in Auditor General.
But Smith's decision to manufacture AND airlift these 250,000 bottles – without a child safety cap (!) – shows the worst of it in one incident.
Shameless Smith made an expensive PR stunt about it.
GoA admitted that the package design they + MHCare submitted for Health Canada approval did not have child resistant cap required by law since at least 2006.
But Smith decided to:
• manufacture 250,000 deficient bottles anyway
• AIRLIFT them here
@TheBreakdownAB In this video, I show that the UCP gov claimed from the start that this product would be available on the same pharmacy shelves as the brand name products, at retailers so parents would not have go to hospital to get the meds.