The constitution sets up the US government as: 1) Congress writes the laws 2) The executive branch enforces the laws 3) The Courts adjudicate the laws
Key point here is that only the executive branch has any enforcement capabilities.
The executive order says that the President is the sole arbiter, with the AG acting as proxy, for what is the law and what is constitutional within the executive branch.
- 50% or more of us either don't pay attention to politics at all, and don't vote, or pay attention for 5 minutes every 4 years and vote based on a 5 second sound bite
- Our attention span has gone from 30 to 10 to 5 second sound bites
- When we were told "their all the same", instead of demanding better, we checked out to watch "Keeping up with the real house husbands of Duluth"
- we worship money and think the wealthy are god-like and can do no wrong
- We view ourselves as temporarily dispossessed millionaires, so instead of fighting against the boot that is on our neck, we cheer it on in hopes that we get to be the ones with the boots.
Musk said he wants to use AI to review government contracts for waste, fraud, and abuse.
There are a whole bunch of questions that raises, which neither Musk nor the administration are willing to answer.
- Who controls that AI? Musk or one of his companies?
- How much are taxpayers paying for it?
- When did congress authorize spending on it?
- How many competitive bids were taken on providing that service?
- Where is the contract for that service and what are the terms?
- Where is the data being stored?
- What data is being stored?
- What are the classified data protections?
- Has it been audited for classified data security?
- Is it transferring classified data to external computers?
Back in 2008/9 Bank of America needed additional bailout money, ~$40B.
So the Obama administration was going to do a stock purchase, giving the US government somewhere around 10-20% stake in BofA. Enough to have a seat on the board.
Which meant the government would have a say in whether BofA could use that bailout money to pay executive bonuses and dividends or could enact policies such as illegally foreclosing on tens of thousands of homes.
After a few years, when things stabilized, the government would collect some dividends and sell at a profit. Good for everybody
The GOP threw an absolute shit fit at the idea of the US government having any stake in any bank and the ability to steer bank policy for any time
I'm seeing a lot of posts of people saying that Trump cannot end birthright citizenship via executive order because it is part of the constitution and requires an amendment. That it will be challenged in court immediately.
People don't understand a lawless presidency.
Dictators 101 - ignore the laws you don't like
"I'm a US citizen!"
"We don't care, get in the cattle car"
There are 3 checks on on a lawless executive in the US.
1) The courts. The problem there is that it is up to the executive branch to enforce court rulings.
Trump's favorite president, other than himself, is Andrew Jackson. For exactly one reason.