EM Burlingame - 蒲 奕 言 Profile picture
Nov 20 27 tweets 7 min read Read on X
The Manipulation Problem - a 🧵

"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any and all other factors combined. Any contrary opinion is suicidally wishful thinking at its worst. Societies that forget this basic truth always pay for it with their lives and freedoms." - E.M. BurlingameImage
"Bankrupt regimes, when they can no longer govern through consent or competence, resort to the dark arts of deception and manipulation, fostering violence as a smokescreen to conceal their malevolence, cruelty, corruption and ineptitude, seeking always to cling to power through enslavement, murder, genocide and near total chaos." - E.M. Burlingame
"Dying regimes, as cornered beasts, use lies to foster and fuel up fear and hatred, turning the People and Princes against each and one another in attempt to mask obvious decay, collapse and culpability." - E.M. Burlingame
We all know of the Seven Deadly Sins, the very ancient means and methods by which the Resentfuls seek out and identify those weak of character, those easily manipulated and controlled to the benefit of malevolent regimes:
Lust | Motivation and Manipulation: Lust drives desires for pleasure or beauty, often used in advertising to sell products or lifestyles associated with allure. It can motivate personal growth or artistic expression but is exploited to create unrealistic expectations, promote consumerism, or even to manipulate through seduction. Lust can lead to objectification or unhealthy obsessions if manipulated for gain or control.
Gluttony | Motivation and Manipulation: This sin involves overindulgence and excess, often in food, but can apply to other consumables like wealth or attention. It's manipulated by industries to encourage overeating or overbuying. While gluttony can motivate a lavish lifestyle, it's often used to critique or control behaviors, promoting guilt or shame to sell diet products or lifestyles of moderation.
Greed | Motivation and Manipulation: Greed motivates acquisition and competition, fundamental to capitalism. It drives innovation but is manipulated to justify unethical practices for profit. Greed can be used to motivate hard work and ambition, but it's also exploited in schemes that promise easy wealth, often leading to exploitation or financial bubbles.
Sloth | Motivation and Manipulation: Sloth, or laziness, is often used to motivate through fear of being left behind or to sell productivity tools. It's critiqued in society to push for efficiency but can also be a manipulation tactic to keep wages low by suggesting disinterest or lack of motivation in work. Conversely, it might encourage individuals or groups to resist overworking, promoting work-life balance.
Wrath | Motivation and Manipulation: Wrath can motivate justice or change when channeled into activism or legal reforms against injustice. However, it's manipulated to incite conflict or division, often in political rhetoric to rally support or in media to increase viewership through sensationalism. Wrath can drive revolutions or be used to keep populations in check through fear of retribution.
Envy | Motivation and Manipulation: Envy spurs personal ambition or societal change by pushing people to strive for what others have, whether it's wealth, status, or rights. However, envy is manipulated to create discontent or to fracture social solidarity, where the haves and have-nots are pitted against each other, sometimes used as a tool in class warfare or consumer culture.
Pride | Motivation and Manipulation: Pride drives individuals to achieve personal or communal goals, promoting artificial self-esteem and cultural identity around destructive cultures. It can be manipulated to foster an 'us vs. them' mentality, leading to arrogance or xenophobia, deep rooted bigotry of obvious and insidious forms. Pride blinds individuals to their own faults or the merits of others, making it a double-edged sword in social dynamics.
What is far less known than the Seven Deadly Sins of Resentfuls and Resentment-Oriented Adoptables, is the Seven Deadly Vulnerabilities of Responsibles and Responsibility-Oriented Adoptables, those ways in which the Responsible can be manipulated into conducting malevolent acts:
Disgust | Motivation and Manipulation: Disgust is often used to motivate actions by highlighting behaviors or conditions deemed socially or morally unacceptable. Politicians, marketers, and social reformers exploit disgust to push for changes in policy, personal behavior, or public opinion by associating their targets with revulsion. For instance, campaigns against littering or poor hygiene practices leverage disgust to encourage better community behavior. However, this emotion can also be manipulated to stigmatize groups or behaviors, leading to exclusion or discrimination under the guise of moral or sanitary improvement.
Fear | Motivation and Manipulation: Fear is a powerful motivator, often used to ensure compliance or to drive sales (e.g., insurance, security systems). It's manipulated in politics to rally support by emphasizing threats, real or exaggerated, to national security, health, or economic stability. Fear can lead to protective behaviors but also to irrational actions, like panic buying during crises, or supporting legislation that might compromise civil liberties under the banner of safety.
Anger | Motivation and Manipulation: Anger mobilizes individuals and groups towards action, often seen in protests or social movements where anger against injustice or oppression fuels activism. However, it's also manipulated by leaders or media to incite violence or to divert attention from other issues. Anger can be channeled constructively for change or destructively to maintain division or to suppress other emotions like empathy or reason.
Pride (see also above) | Motivation and Manipulation: Pride can drive individuals to achieve personal or communal goals, promoting self-esteem and cultural identity. It's used positively in campaigns to boost morale or nationalistic sentiments. However, it can be manipulated to foster an 'us vs. them' mentality, leading to arrogance or xenophobia. Pride can blind individuals to their own faults or the merits of others, making it a double-edged sword in social dynamics.
Guilt | Motivation and Manipulation: Guilt is employed to encourage reparative or charitable actions, like apologies or donations. Marketers use guilt to sell products with a social conscience angle, while societal norms might use it to enforce behavior (e.g., not wasting resources). However, chronic guilt can be manipulated to keep individuals or groups in a subordinate position, preventing them from challenging the status quo or asserting their rights.
Righteousness | Motivation and Manipulation: A sense of righteousness motivates individuals to uphold what they perceive as just or moral, driving activism for rights, against corruption, etc. However, when manipulated, this can lead to self-righteousness, where actions are justified regardless of their impact on others, often seen in extreme political or religious movements where the ends justify any means, potentially leading to conflict or intolerance.
Envy (see also above) | Motivation and Manipulation: Envy can spur personal ambition or societal change by pushing people to strive for what others have, whether it's wealth, status, or rights. Advertisers often play on envy to sell luxury goods or lifestyles. However, envy is also manipulated to create discontent or to fracture social solidarity, where the haves and have-nots are pitted against each other, sometimes used as a tool in class warfare or consumer culture.
On the 5th of November, last, we were given a chance, a yet most fragile opportunity, a start point for a new beginning from which to take up the hard work will consume the remainder of our lives. Image
The Regime, as it is wont to do, WILL and MUST fight back, to crush this flicker of a flame, before it becomes a raging fire removes the Praetorian Regime and its pet Mob State, for a century or more. Which it will do using the only tools it has, DECEPTION, MANIPULATION and COERCION - driving the good to do the very worst.
We MUST NOT and CANNOT allow the Resentfuls to tell us who the enemy is, what right and wrong are, to manipulate our Seven Deadly Vulnerabilities such we THE GOOD do the very worst. As Resentfuls have so oft throughout history and our own lives, fooled and coerced and manipulated us into, such we and our own are utterly and totally enslaved, such millions of innocents have we slaughtered.
Resentfuls and their Adoptables are weak cowards, terrified of real violence. We Responsibles are not just so afraid or terrified. While it may come that violence is required to take the flicker of a flame given us this past November 5th, to turn it into a raging fire resets the West. We must never-the-less employ such with the most absolute of care and precision. Or all we will do is kill ourselves, the innocent, and ensure the Praetorians and their Mob State survive to enslave us for another four hundred years.

• • •

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Nov 7
The Transition Problem - a 🧵

"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet." - Saul Alinsky / Rules for RadicalsImage
The following are seven examples from history in which a defeated political party began an insurgency within their country leading to violence:
The Weimar Republic and the Nazi Party (1920s-1930s, Germany): After their defeat in the 1918-1919 elections, the Nazi Party, under Adolf Hitler's leadership, resorted to violent tactics. The Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 was an attempted coup by the Nazis to seize power in Munich, which ultimately failed but led to increased political violence and intimidation against political opponents, contributing to the instability of the Weimar Republic.
Read 32 tweets
Oct 24
Peaceful Transition of Power - a 🧵

John F. Kennedy made the statement, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable," during a speech at the White House on March 13, 1962, known as the "Address on the First Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress."Image
Historical Context of JFK's Speech:

Timeframe: The early 1960s was a period marked by the Cold War, with tensions between the United States (individual sovereignty) and the Soviet Union (slavery to the State) at a high. Latin America was a significant arena for this ideological battle.
Alliance for Progress: Kennedy initiated the Alliance for Progress to foster economic cooperation, promote democracy, and advance social reforms in Latin America. The aim was to counteract the appeal of communism, particularly following the Cuban Revolution.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 9
The Mob State Problem - a 🧵 (Final)

"History tells of fallen Mob States, not a one of which willingly surrendered their slaves and power; instead, crumbling only when the ground beneath them shook with the force of slave revolt, revolution, or external conquest." - E.M. BurlingameImage
Given the operational tactics and strategic goals of the Mob State and related organized crime groups as outlined in previous threads in this series, here are some examples of more destructive actions they might engage in prior to or after the upcoming elections:
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Oct 5
The Mob State Problem - a 🧵 (3rd of 4)

The aversion to Princes, is a manufactured thing, manufactured in men by the very Mob State has, over the past four hundred years, so come to utterly and totally enslave men, women and children in ways no Prince could ever have imagined, much less would have ever allowed their People to so be.Image
The Kennedys and other elite figures threatened the mafia and paid with their lives for trying to prevent the rise of the Mob State, from the late 1950s into the late 1960s:
Legislative and Legal Pressure: Robert F. Kennedy, as Attorney General under his brother John F. Kennedy's presidency, used his position to launch an aggressive campaign against organized crime. This included his role in the Senate Rackets Committee where he investigated figures like Jimmy Hoffa, who had connections with the mafia. RFK's tactics included extensive use of wiretaps and other surveillance methods, which, although controversial, aimed to dismantle mafia operations legally.
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Oct 3
The Mob State Problem - a 🧵(buckle up, it's a long one)

The intricate dance of governments, Wall Street, and organized crime over the past century isn't merely about collaboration or competition; it's a testament to their deep interweaving, where the lines blur, creating a tapestry of power and profit that operates beyond the reach of common law and oversight. A relationship has evolved, becoming so sophisticated that it's impossible to distinguish where one entity ends and the other begins, each playing its role in a complex game of influence, control, and economic supremacy.Image
During Prohibition and in the subsequent years leading up to World War II, the Mafia, or organized crime syndicates, utilized their amassed wealth in several strategic ways to purchase power and ensure the continuation of their operations:
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Sep 26
The Praetorian Problem – a 🧵
The Praetorian Problem isn’t merely historical. It’s once more a very real threat to Western Civilization. It’s the security state, individuals, entities and institutions, having once again attained near absolute political, martial and economic power. Power they’ll never give up willingly. Praetorians, who, as history’s shown, are bound by no moral constraints related to abandoning, overthrowing and killing leaders and people from the least to the greatest halls of power.Image
How the Praetorian Guard ruled Rome for three centuries:

- The Praetorians leveraged their unique position as the emperor's bodyguards to influence policy, assassinate rulers and leaders they disliked or who wouldn’t defend and expand their power, and to install new emperors and leaders of their choosing.

- As the only armed force within Rome itself, as the only sanctioned intelligence and security forces for the emperors, military leaders and governors, the Praetorian Guard held unmatched military power in all the capitals and military camps of the Roman Empire, allowing them to act as the powerbrokers and kingmakers and to intimidate virtually all political actors.

- The Praetorian's dual role as both protectors and ever-present threats to the emperor, military and many other imperial leaders, gave them unprecedented access and bargaining power, enabling them to extract concessions and accumulate immense wealth, influence and real power over time.
Why Constantine went to war with the Praetorian Guard:

- To restore to themselves the power reduced under Diocletian, the Praetorian Guard declared Maxentius as emperor in 306 CE, setting them on a direct winner-take-all collision course with Constantine.

- Constantine long recognized the Praetorian Guard as a corrupt, treacherous and parasitic force that had for centuries been synonymous with political, military and economic instability. A force that needed to be eliminated for the empire to survive.

- Constantine understood that by defeating and ending the Praetorians he would consolidate power while removing the greatest source of rebellion, and single most powerful obstacle to the implementation of his vision for reforming the empire's military, political and economic structure.
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