The REAL story on Pam Bondi, Trump University, and Trump's $25,000 payment to Bondi:
1/ In August 2013, I was at the NY AG, and Bondi was Florida AG.
On August 24, 2013, I filed the NY AG's prosecution of Trump University and Donald Trump, for $42 million in fraud. 🧵
2/ Our case made national headlines for several days after.
Unbeknownst to us, on August 28, 2013, Trump's assistant, Rhona Graff, had an email exchange with Bondi's campaign finance director, to obtain the payment info to send a $25,000 donation to one of Bondi's PACs.
3/ During that same time, our office was in touch with the Florida AG's office; they were interested in joining our case.
State AG offices routinely join each other's cases when there's a large multistate fraud.
Florida had one of the largest numbers of Trump U victims.
4/ At the request of my bureau chief, I collected all the key documents from our case so they could be emailed to the Florida AG's office.
This was just after Labor Day 2013.
At the NY AG's office at that point, we were excited about the prospect of Florida joining our case.
5/ But then the Florida AG's office ghosted us, and we never heard from them again.
At the time, we didn't know what had happened.
6/ Meanwhile, on September 13, 2013, unbeknownst to us, Donald Trump sent one of Bondi's PACs a $25,000 check, misspelling Bondi's name and writing a note: "Dear Pam, You are the greatest!"
Florida never joined our case or take any other action against Trump University.
7/ Additional fun fact: Trump's donation came from the Trump Foundation, the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity Trump and his family then ran.
That was illegal. And my colleagues at the NY AG's office then prosecuted the Trump Foundation for this and other offenses and shut it down.
8/ For the FULL story of Trump's payments to prosecutors over the years
BREAKING: At least 2 women died in Georgia after being denied emergency care because of abortion ban
Amber Nicole Thurman had a 6-year-old son, a career as a medical assistant, aspirations to become a nurse -- and died of sepsis and organ failure
ProPublica does heroic work yet again, in breaking this story.
The doctors and staff appears to have been paralyzed; they waited for Thurman's condition to worsen, then finally operated, but it was too late, and she died in the…
How could this happen?
THE THREAT OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION -- it means that life-and-death decisions are not being driven by medicine -- they're being driven by legal considerations. And fear.
WTF is going to happen now in the DC case after the Supreme Court immunity ruling?
There is a silver lining here.
Judge Chutkan now takes back over - with a "fact-specific analysis" on whether Trump's actions were "official acts" or not.
This could be brutal for Trump. 🧵
The case now gets remanded back to the District Court, where Judge Chutkan is in charge. She's been ordered to engage in proceedings to determine whether Trump's actions were "official acts" of the office of the President, or "unofficial acts" of a candidate or citizen.
This not a trivial task.
For every single action Trump is accused of, we now need to know the 5 W's and H:
what he did, who he was with, where he was, when he did it, how he did it, and why he did it
We need testimony from the people he was with. We need to see evidence.
I'm tired of being subject to an opaque algorithm and an erratic, right-lurching billionaire, determining which posts you get to see.
You should be able to see EVERY post I do. And we should have a direct connection to one another.
So I'm out. ✌️
You can come find me at
This is where I'll have all the new analysis on legal and political news, bonus content from Taking Down Trump, audio and video content, Q&As, and an amazing pro-democracy community of fighters like you.
MASSIVE NEWS - DOJ says 60-day rule does NOT apply to Trump trials, because he’s already been indicted
So the Trump federal trials CAN happen even if they run into September/October
Drastically increases odds that Trump is tried — and convicted — before the election in November
This was stated by DOJ in the documents case, to Judge Cannon, regarding the trial calendar
It applies equally to the DC January 6 case before Judge Chutkan
For background: the “60-day rule” is an internal DOJ policy not to go forward with cases against elected officials or candidates within 60 days of an election
Up to now it was unclear how 60-day rule would be applied to the Trump trials
BREAKING: Judge Engoron decision on NY AG civil fraud case will likely NOT be released today.
Word I'm hearing is that the Court is aiming for early next week. Subject to change, could be later, or sooner.
Court had previously said they were aiming for decision by end of Jan.
So, while we're disappointed not to be getting the news today -- this is not a significant delay by any means. A few days, in all likelihood.
What will the decision contain? My bet: Trump to pay $200-370 million. Plus Court already ordered cancellation of corporate charters.
Next stop after this will almost certainly be the Appellate Division, First Department - this is the intermediate appellate court covering Manhattan. Akin to a circuit court of appeal at the federal level.
After that, the New York Court of Appeals, highest court in NY.