Thursday Dec 5 : Today's Romanaland Hour of Grift recap will be here. Darlene Ondik or Cindy might be hosting. Thread will continue at (8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST). I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340
Credit for the graphics
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala Romana seems concerned by the fact that posts from her telegram get shared on other social media pages by black hats etc. Romana needs to take a wander over to @I_AmGinaLee twitter.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee The #RomanaDiduloCult had their You Tube channel terminated last night. Hopefully they are banned from Twitter and Rumble next. It will make Romana's grifting a little bit more challenging.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee It is a bit hard to hear what Astrid is saying as the Cult members in the compound are still talking.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Meta is following Romana's decree , of course it is Romana.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Are they discussing being sick, I hear them talking about their throats and clearing their throats.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Gina Lee is up next.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Boy they are a noisy bunch. 🤣🤣🤣
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Gina tells us Kenya is not happy with the gates Foundation.…
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee The cult seems to have Covid again. Quiet Gina we can't hear properly.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Gina is still interrupting the cult, Now Gina is babbling about Russia.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Grift number 1. The Cult desperately need water proof shower curtains asap. And Food etc.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @I_AmGinaLee is clearly slipping further and further on her downward spiral. A visit to her twitter shows how easily she can be manipulated by Romana.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Darlene Ondik is up next with her "News Briefing"
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Romana is all about Aliens lately.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Today we saw more signs that Romana is loosing what sanity she has left. The briefing was about the aliens who have been on earth for billions of years.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee They are the true Indigenous people according to Darlene. Romana is Indigenous to the Philippines.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Tis briefing isn't very long. Though the back ground chatter is good.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee *this
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Romana has a serious problem when it comes to Indigenous people in this country. Darlene tells us all treaties etc are void, cancelled. Myself I say #HonorTheTreaties. Once again Romana you are providing content that is useless to your #Cult members.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee I think they just said they are short on security people, 2 down?
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee Alberta is scaling down Photo Radar, but of course it is because of Romana.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee IAM cult member is no longer to see her grandchild. It is sad to see so many of theses #Cult members choosing Romana Didulo over there own children and other family members.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp provided the above text.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Darlene reminds us of two upcoming nonsensical events. Dec 24 4:00 pm CST or 5:00pm EST will be another fake Minister's Oath of Office Ceremony. Dec 31 4:00 CST 5:00pm EST will be Coffee Time with Romana and Darlene.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Melany Hope Rinker is up next.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp "The Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan is recommending that the province improve its system of monitoring sales of farmland to foreign entities"
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Melany played the above video.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Mikey Hawkins is up next. I don't hear Romana in the compound chatter she must be sleeping, or showering with stolen water.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Mikey is reading an article about a Taiwanese firm halting plans to build $1B battery plant in B.C.…
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Remember Romana banned all things electric so it must be her fault.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp So is Shallow Throat gone?
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Grift number 2, I wonder if they will forget to mute when the French edition starts, I hope so.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp Lise Beauchamp is up next for the French edition.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala @I_AmGinaLee @SMetharp I don't think Romana will be pleased when she gets up and finds out the #Cult members in the compound were spilling her national secrets.
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Wednesday Dec 4 : Today's Romanaland Hour of Grift recap will be here. Darlene Ondik or Cindy might be hosting. Thread will continue at (8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST). I'm filling in for
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@RebeccaO1340 @botelala The #Cult seems to be running a bit late tonight.
Monday Dec 2 : Today's Romanaland Hour of Grift recap will be here. Fluffernutter might be hosting. Thread will continue at (8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST). I'm filling in for
Credit for the graphics
@botelala #RomanaDiduloCult
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala As we wait for them to start. #IAMCult members are still discovering Romana deleted her telegram groups. Was it for a fresh start or trying to hide evidence?
Friday Nov 29 : Today's Romanaland Hour of Grift recap will be here. Darlene Ondik should be hosting. Thread will continue at (8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST). I'm filling in for
Credit for the graphics @botelala
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala Romana's Telegram Channels seem to have been removed from Telegram. The #Cult appears to be in a tizzy. Hopefully they were removed because of an investigation. Post from her twitter.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala Was Romana's channels removed by Telegram or did Romana's paranoia cause her to delete the channel's herself to weed out infiltrators?
Wednesday Nov 27 : Today's Romanaland Hour of Grift recap will be here. Glenn Derrick Janke should be hosting. Thread will continue at (8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST). I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340
Credit for the graphics
@RebeccaO1340 And we have Cindy again. Has Fluffernutter fled the compound? I hope so.
@RebeccaO1340 WOTD. Shyster meaning: A shyster is a person who is greedy, unethical, and dishonest, and who lies and deceives for their own benefit.
Romana is clearly a shyster.
Monday Nov 25 : Today's Romanaland Hour of Grift recap will be here. Glenn Derrick Janke should be hosting. Thread will continue at (8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST). I'm filling in for
Credit for the graphics
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala Here is the recap from this mornings "Ministers Meeting"
Friday Nov 22 : Today's Romanaland Hour of Grift recap will be here. Darlene Ondik should be hosting,unless she is off helping Gail Magarrey with her Bank issues. Thread will continue at (8:30pm EST/5:30pm PST). I'm filling in for @RebeccaO1340
Credit for the graphics
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala And we have Cindy.
@RebeccaO1340 @botelala Cindy reminds us Gail Magarrey is in trouble. Banks don't like #cults grifting through them.