1/ The mRNA platform must not be a consideration for humans animals or plants! The Lipid Nanoparticles alone are a deal breaker, period! 🧵
2/ Risk/benefit analysis is key in all medical intervention decisions.
3/ Don’t fall for “safe and effective” without full analysis.
4/ Such decisions require informed consent and transparency. This, from the @CDCgov is medical disinformation (yes I’m using their own terms).
5/ They ended the biodistribution studies before Cmax was reached. Nothing peaked yet before study was ended.
6/ They knew back in 2014 that the accumulation increases and continues far beyond their study duration.
7/ The very same LNPs in the liver within 15m.
8/ More definitive evidence that the CDC was not honest in their representation of the LBP gene therapy.
9/ the LNP/modmRNA transfer through breast milk, yet as late as 2023 “experts” recommend it during pregnancy!
10/ They knew this going back to 2010.
11/ The LNP carriers can reach the trophoblasts on their own and induce apoptosis.
12/ Just the LNPs alone wreak havoc on the reproductive drive system. Morexreas ns why this platform in healthies is a hard pass!
13/ they knew it wouldn’t stay at the injection site, and even called it a #bodyhack and described it as a “feature”.
14/ we know these particles core are the ones used in Pfizer.
15/ where are the tox studies, and teratogenicity, carcinogenicity, genotox studies?
16/ Not for human use, until an #EUA allows more lax regulations to experiment on the once-healthy masses.
17/ and they got away with ignoring their x studies because they classified LNPs as excupients. I even argued with Paul Offit about this distinction, but he is clueless about CMC, and pushed a false narrative.
18/ They cause universal inflammation. So many implications of harm.
19/ Multiple pathway triggers anyone?
20/ LNPs alone triggering foam cells? What implications do they have on platelet, or blood cell formation?
21/ the carrier alone modulates clot formation. What could go wrong with this platform?
22/ This platform alters both innate and adaptive immunity! IgG4 makes recipient more prone to constant infection.
23/ Don’t get me started on zeta potential!
24/ When others know it’s dangerous and discontinued development, maybe it should be an indication it may be harmful?
Was this a good idea to roll out to the world’s population for an infection that they couldn’t even find enough mortality to properly study necessity of such an intervention? I fear an entire generation plus will feel the consequences of such an irresponsible measure.
Weird autocorrect (excipients)
Tox studies. (Autocorrect hates science almost as much as our captured agencies do.)
Vaccine efficacy, and why they push for therapeutics to be classified as vaccine- and what it all really means 🧵
For these examples, I’ll use the RSV shots being pushed on every living being……
You can see the creative statistics used in proving “vaccine” efficacy. It is NOT the same method used for therapeutics.
Looking at those graphs, you think, WOW I need that shot! Look at how effective it is! But look closer and take into account of total number of patients in each cohort….
1) You want to really understand the sinister mindset of our agencies and scientific community?
Riddle me this. How is it that with a study this clear and this old, the USDA and FDA states Beef Tallow is unhealthy?
Carnivore rationale: 🧵
2) This study is from 1989, you cannot refute the results.
3) yes the title coincides with the results. Feeding rats 40% of their calorie intake in the form of ETHANOL, those given beef tallow showed zero signs of alcoholic liver disease.
This person just outed himself/herself as mentally ill displaying classic psychopathologic avoidance behavior having little ability to cope with the realities of life. They seem to be fostering this behavior in our youth to boot. Bring back trade schools!
Though the COVID EUA data was manipulated to make it appear that symptom severity presented less in modified mRNA recipients, the truth was it didn’t. 0.345% > than saline placebo. That said, the study did not allow for the time required for the harmful adaptive and innate immune modification that was anticipated by this technology, which would ultimately cause those recipients to present with worsening of disease.
“COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.”
Did this true informed consent happen? As this paper suggests, the fear of inability to convey true risk to subjects were of concern. How many that received the injections only to find they continue to get covid infections with some severe sequelae? Was this risk clearly spelled out before administering the shot?
I’ve mentioned it before and I guess since I’m c e n s o r e d, let’s chat again about Human metapneumovirus? It is predominant, and why you’re sick for 2 weeks, lethargic and neg for covid and flu.
Historically, it presents like a cold. This time it’s different and quite transmissible. My question is, WHY? @btysonmd @GeorgeFareed2
@btysonmd @GeorgeFareed2 It’s nothing to freak about, but it’s annoying. It lingers.
Can any voiceprint / voice ID specialists do a little favor please? I Renner being so disturbed by this. It sent me to tears. If we can identify the voice, that would be helpful.
Warning: sensitive material
It was alleged to be J Podesta. I would want to be sure. Would be easy for an expert to verify.