My general read on everything I've seen of him so far, to include follows etc, is a Rogan listener with +20 IQ points to the median.
Not particularly interested in political discourse but very interested in political philosophy. Microdosing gym bro with bland bipartisan follows.
Not quite a redditor, not quite a chud. But unless he's got a burner somewhere, he doesn't seem to really be into "the discourse" or any kind of mirth nor vulgarity.
If this is all organic I would bet this xray of a pinning on his spine in his banner pic probably has something to do with any kind of grudge he may have against the healthcare industry.
It seems very out of step from how this usually goes. Generally we all scramble to get this information because it goes down within an hour of the name of a suspect getting out.
I'm at waffle house with my family and there's a trad Muslim family of Pakistani extraction here.
They are putting nice white boy zoomer worker through the ringer about "cleaning the grill so no bacon grease is present"
I'm passive aggressively queueing up Creed on the jukebox. The staff are jamming out to With Arms Wide Open rn.
I used my song credits up and it was quiet, guy started playing some kind of ethnic stuff on his phone. Bought some more touchtunes credits and it's with arms wide open time now
Feel like the John III Sobieski of waffle house rn
I think perhaps Elons issue with the Visa thing is that O1 Visas are very restrictive and effectively limited to established, older, already credentialed and famous people.
So if I try to cut through all the noise on both sides of this issue, it sounds like we need a drastic reduction in granted H1B visas overall, coupled with a drastically more strict definition of what kind of jobs qualify for an H1B application.
We're seeing everything from cooks to helpdesk IT guys to online moderators for Cognizant on these H1B registries. These are not skilled jobs, these are not hard to hire Americans for, and serve only as the cheap imported labor that everyone on the right is *justifiably* complaining about and wanting to stop.
However, on some level, it *is* fundamentally useful to import talent. The problem is the system that is designed to do that is being fundamentally exploited and needs an overhaul. It's doing more harm than good in its current state.
We probably do have a STEM gap on some level that does need to be addressed, primarily because universities have become extremely hostile to the most prominent and productive demographic, young men. The universities need to be beaten and tamed ASAP, because as it stands right now the best universities, law schools, and medical schools, are handing out enrollments to people who don't deserve them and who can't perform because of DEI, and each of those people is effectively occupying a chair that belongs to someone who can.
I think the most realistic and achieveable compromise on this would be a reduction in overall H1B visas (and other programs), while tightening the criteria for even being able to apply for them. In-demand specialist fields only, and the Government and the private sector needs to do a better job of defining what fields are actually in-demand.
I think getting rid of nation caps is also a bad idea, India would dominate the visa process due to sheer numbers, and candidates from smaller nations would be lost in the shuffle.
That being said, the other half of the problem isn't the program. And it isn't "contemptibly racist" or whatever to admit that a ton of these firms and HR departments are effectively Indian Recruiting Firms.
They're the guys calling me on my phone or emailing me or messaging me on LinkedIn asking if I want to apply for a job in a completely different discipline of tech 5 states away, just so they can say they "tried" to get Americans for the job but failed, and need an H1B visa.
None of the tech bros will ever address that last part because they're afraid they'll be labeled racist for admitting its true. The ethnocentric and very tribal nature of a lot of Indians is responsible for a lot of the hatred towards the Visa program.
And let's all be honest here, while techbros are being incentivized to support the mass importation of Indians, the reason the State Department allows this is because they want to forge nepotistic ties back to India.
They want those ties in order to backchannel influence into India so they can use their surplus population as a meat grinder on Chinas western flank.
The reason we aren't granting these visas to Europeans on the regular is because NATO would have a shit fit.
Nowhere in the calculus of the elites does the welfare of the founding stock population ever become a priority, all that they and the elites of other nations care about is The Great Game.
How many of these Indian CEO's in America are already related to wealthy Indian families in India? A ton of them. It's like giving away an ambassadorship in exchange for influence.
While to their credit, many have legitimately humble beginnings and you can argue that successful parents have successful kids, successful *families* have important networks. And whether they realize it or not, influence channels in both directions. Channeling many of the young elite of India into American institutions forms a reciprocal concern between the two nations over the long term. The type that can generate backdoor political support in either nation.
So at the foreign policy level, the support for mass immigration from India at the white collar level is support for tying us at the hip geopolitically. Something that many an economist would defend as a smart decision, given the size of their emerging consumer market. But not so much if you're an American citizen trying to get a white collar job.
One thing I notice on the mainstream conservative circuit, especially in the more outwardly religious circles, is the mouthpieces spend way too much time talking *at* men in videos like this.
This content isn't for men, it's meant to be consumed by women scrolling Tiktok or Reels so they can feel validated/self-righteous with the side effect of giving a critical eye to their marriage so they can find a reason to be mad at their husbands when they otherwise wouldn't be.
The reason I know this is because my wife sees this kind of content constantly. She'll doomscroll facebook reels from time to time and because in their ad profiles she's tagged as Christian, Female, Republican, she'd be exactly the person to see content like this.
So if your wife is religious and consumes algo slop videos, just keep in mind she's gonna see a constant queue of videos where some divorced gen X pastor on TRT talks about men and porn addictions and "treating women right" which feels almost purpose built to attack foidbrains
There is that underlying subversive "vibe" that shows a certain degree of intent from the writers in the trailer. They show you.
Ciri being a witcher is a disregard for canon in the name of having a female protagonist. But the plot of the trailer itself gives it away, it's meant to send a retarded message of "women are to be sacrificed by men" in a perversion of the old folk tale of the princess being sacrificed to the dragon, and the fact that when Ciri kills the monster she comes back to find the villagers killed the girl anyway because by damn they're gonna sacrifice that woman whether it makes sense or not, shows that somewhere in CD Projekt is a wine aunt or hateful uggo troon who is making key story decisions.
Speaking exclusively to IGN ahead of the reveal, executive producer Małgorzata Mitręga said Ciri was “the very organic, logical choice.”
I think such things are real, but I don't think they have anything to do with them rising to power. They rise to power because of cabal theory: (Bit of a long post here, but hopefully of interest)
Normies don't network, not really, not with the enthusiasm of a cabal. People form powerful networks when they have something in common. Engaging in the taboo leads to secretive groups of people with a common interest, the more taboo, the more exclusive the cabal.
Normal people and bonds of social adjacency cast too wide a net. You can't extend a positive bias with anywhere near enough focus to your ethnos/nationality/geography/faith to move the needle easily in the direction of a chosen characteristic.
An innocent group of hobbyists can be a cabal of sorts, people who are friends lend each other mutual aid/network. But benign things like hobbies don't lend themselves to the type of thinking that makes for a cabal most of the time. Lifestyles do, the taboo or illegal does most of all, because it's an interest in something that can't be shared with the vast majority of people. It is exclusive.
This is why you have gay mafias taking over institutions and corporations while your local HAM radio club is just a bunch of dudes. A group surrounding a hobby usually stays limited to merely a focus on the hobby at hand. They talk about radios, and adjacent topics, then go back to their lives.
A cabal of people with an interest in something that involves the political implies a need or desire for power to advance it. Your local neighborhood of sodomites gossips together, hangs out together, gets each other jobs and promotions.
But more than anything, the type of thinking that the well-off engage in creates them. There is a different mode of thinking to the business owner or the wealthy investor or salesman compared to the wagie on a salary. For the former, time is money. People in this strata of life have a propensity to not waste their time on relationships that don't advance their goals or career, because they have a large incentive to use their time to make more money.
So the country club of well-off men talk shop and network to advance each others goals. That's a cabal too. But the group of wealthy people with a taboo interest they can't talk about with most of the population advances the most.
Secrecy and exclusivity is baked in because of the taboo. So when powerful people with a lifestyle/taboo extend a bias towards other people in the same category, those lesser people become powerful too because of the preference. The sweet spot for a cabal is the social scale larger than friendship, but smaller than ethnicity/nationality/geography.
Lets take the California National Guard for example, when I was in, the leadership core was largely composed of the same extended group of swingers. This is network of military officers gave the extended swinger network preferential treatment due to social proximity, and eventually filled up the ranks.
Then a long chain of scandals and retirements weakened the power of that group, and now it's an extended network of homosexuals and fag hags that rushed to fill the vacuum and run things over there now.
Or the problem the Catholic Church has had with gay priests. They all have a secret they can't talk about with anyone but each other, thus they have a level of social intimacy and preference for one another over regular members of the Church, which makes that group difficult to ever root out entirely.
The world largely moves to the tune of small social groups of well resourced people who have a baked in incentive to give each other preferential treatment within a given milieu and pretend it's not happening.
I think a big part of why things have begun to swing the "right" way, is because through pure accidental entropy, anons came about and are a cabal of our own.
If the recipe for a good cabal culture is secrecy+exclusivity+resources/influence, all in the correct amounts, anons did it.
And like any cabal it attracts similar personalities with similar interests into one place where they can network with an in-group. The reason that anons aren't quite like these other cabals based around fetishes is because our "taboo" is impolite truth, and the truth is always a better backstop that is easier to defend and justify.
The irrational and punitive system put in place by liberalism largely necessitated being anonymous if you wanted to speak impolite truths without retaliation.
It's the right level of secrecy, but it's different than theirs. Instead of relying on others to keep your secrets, which breeds mutual dependency and lockstep action to protect each other, anons keep their own secrets. Combine the lack of that dependency with the disagreeableness to value the impolite truth and we have the infighting that we are accustomed to.
Resources is just coming with time. As anons are from all sorts of walks of life, and the general unifying principles are the pursuit of the truth for fun and satisfaction, coupled with a disagreeable autodidactic intellect. This is a rare combination in society that is its own form of exclusivity(less so these days as impolite truths become less taboo)
So the difference between a cabal of gay pedophiles in Washington DC and Anons are that they are mutually dependent on each other, which breeds cohesion, silence, and moving in lockstep.
Anons lack those advantages, but because we aren't mutually keeping secrets, we can exist in fragments, like steppe tribes on the plains. Several groups that are loosely confederated and even actively don't like each other can exist without imploding the whole thing. It means we can scale.
It also means bad ideas can be burned and good ideas can evolve, there's no dogma that becomes outdated because it'll just keep changing as we keep pushing up against each other and arguing. The wisdom of the crowd decides on the direction of that evolution, and a bottom up structure is way more stable than a top down structure.