In the 1800s, Brazil controlled 90% of the world’s rubber supply.
But the British didn't like this, so they sent a spy to Brazil with a detailed strategy to destroy their empire.
Here's the full story:
With bicycles, automobiles, and industrial machines taking over the late 19th century, the world was hungry for rubber.
And the heart of this boom?
A Brazilian city deep in the Amazon: Manaus.
Rubber made Manaus the richest city in South America by the late 1800s.
They even called it the "Paris of the Tropics."
The Amazon basin basically held the global monopoly.
Brazil controlled 90% of the world’s rubber supply, thanks to its latex-rich trees.
Rubber barons lived like kings, convinced they’d dominate the industry forever.
But cracks were already forming…
The British didn’t like being left out of the game.
By the 1860s, they were quietly plotting to break Brazil’s monopoly.
Their plan? Steal the rubber trade right out from under Brazil’s nose.
But there was a problem.
Rubber seeds were tough to transport. Rich in oil and latex, they rarely survived the long journey across the Atlantic.
It seemed impossible—until an unlikely hero stepped in.
Meet Henry Wickham.
Born in 1846, he was a failed entrepreneur with nothing to lose.
In 1876, he turned spy, hatching a plan to smuggle rubber seeds out of Brazil.
And not just a few seeds—70,000 of them.
Wickham hid his cargo, evaded suspicion, and sailed to London.
The seeds arrived at the Royal Botanical Gardens (Kew Gardens), where experts nurtured them carefully.
Out of the 70,000 seeds, over 2,000 survived.
Enough to kickstart a revolution.
While Brazil reveled in its wealth, the British quietly planted these seeds in Ceylon, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.
Unlike Brazil’s wild rubber trees, these plantations were tightly controlled and efficient.
They produced rubber faster, cheaper and in greater quantities.
Asia’s climate was perfect for rubber.
By 1920, Malaya alone had one million acres of rubber plantations.
Southeast Asia quickly took over the global rubber market, leaving Brazil in the dust.
The fall was swift.
By 1910, Brazilian rubber production had dropped 50%.
By 1914, Brazil’s market share was down to 30%.
And by 1940? A mere 1.3%.
The collapse devastated the Amazon.
Rubber tappers lost their livelihoods, and entire communities were thrown into chaos.
But for the rest of the world?
The shift to Southeast Asia meant cheap, reliable rubber—and a transformed global economy.
Today, 80% of the world’s rubber comes from Southeast Asia.
And it all started with Henry Wickham—a failed entrepreneur who smuggled seeds, dismantled an empire, and changed the course of history.
Henry Wickham’s actions redefined global supply chains.
By moving rubber from Brazil’s wild forests to the organized plantations in Southeast Asia, he turned an unpredictable resource into a cornerstone of industrial efficiency—changing trade forever.
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