'Grooming Gangs' - last May @BylineTimes published a four part special investigation by @AndrewKersley into The Far-Right Grooming of Survivors of Child Sexual Exploitation
The Network of Far-Right Groups Exploiting the Survivors of Child Sexual Exploitation
The interconnectedness of far-right groups reflects the extent to which they have used the issue of child sexual exploitation to further their own ends 3/5 bylinetimes.com/2024/06/01/spe…
Muslim Grooming Gangs’ – An Old Conspiracy Mainstreamed by Today’s Politicians and Press
In 2020, a two-year study of crime data and academic research by the Home Office concluded that ‘group-based offenders are most commonly white’ 4/5
Society’s Reluctance to Acknowledge the Scale of Child Sexual Abuse and a Lack of Political Support for Its Survivors is Keeping the Vulnerable At Risk
🔴 For those asking for a thread on our Wootton investigations that have been published over the last two months, the archive is here, but now follows a thread on each one 1/18
@TomLatchem and @danevanswrite broke the first #MediaToo story in mid-July after a three year investigation about how 'GB News Star Dan Wootton Unmasked in Cash-for-Sexual Images Catfishing Scandal' 2/18bylinetimes.com/2023/07/17/gb-…
They followed up with his on-air reply (he never replied to us)
"Dan Wootton Reveals ‘Regrets’ and Claims ‘Dark Forces’ Attacking GB News in Response to Byline Times’s Investigation" which was quickly followed by threats to our team 3/18bylinetimes.com/2023/07/19/dan…
BREAKING THREAD: Dan Wootton tonight crowdfunded for legal fees as he faces a series of allegations made by Byline Times he sent a message to dozens of celebrity contacts book begging for them to contribute - including at least one of those he is alleged to have catfished
In a round-robin message, Wotton wrote: "This has been the worst week of my life, but I have to fight these disgusting smears against me. I wouldn't ask for your help unless I was desperately in need.
"If you can please support this crowd funder. It will go entirely on my legal fees to fight Byline Media, which is on the most sick and twisted campaign to push me over the edge.
This year we've uncovered crony contracts, Whitehall parties, police misbehaviour, gender inequality, dug into asylum data and much more. Here are 12 of our winter BITEs…
1. First up - our agenda-setting investigations into Covid-19 contracts revealed how the UK's outsourcing of Covid response has cost more than the GDP of 140 countries. bylinetimes.com/2021/07/12/uk-…
2. We exposed how £121.7 million increase in profits for Covid contract winners with Conservative links. bylinetimes.com/2021/10/12/121…
Both Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicle, and Douglas Murray have left up Tweets claiming @NafeezAhmed’s investigation of new Commissioner for Counter Extremism is an “Islamist smear” & “Conspiracist Pap”. Why have they done this? bylinetimes.com/2021/04/13/new…
Could it be due to our investigations of them and their associates?
Stephen Pollard’s paper is now run by consortium including Sir Robbie Gibb who also was an early founder of GBNews. We’ve been looking at their close ties to media and Government bylinetimes.com/2021/02/10/gb-…
Well before the appointment of Simcox, Nafeez Ahmed had been investigating the Henry Jackson Society where Douglas Murray used to be a director, and their funding links to Trump backers and hard right US groups bylinetimes.com/2020/11/03/tru…
We're delighted to announce that we are publishing the first book by @kyletaylor – founder and director of @fairvoteuk – The Little Black Book of Data and Democracy. Pre-order a copy at littleblackdatabook.com
How did we go from short, 140-character tweets to attempted coups in less than two decades? The Little Black Book of Data and Democracy demystifies these seemingly complex topics to help you understand how our way of life is under threat and what you can do about it.