This is a genome comparison between ancient Canaanite and surrounding peoples during and after the Bronze and Iron Age in the Levant. In response to Zionist DNA claims to indigeneity or continuity between ancient Israelites/Jews and contemporary Jews/Israelis... 1/
2/ this is an eye-opening chart. It indicates that the closest grouping to ancient Canaanites are Arab Jews in descending order of genetic proximity:
Iraqi Jew
3/ As you can see, Ashkenazi Jews are outside this parameter. While we may have some genetic connection to ancient Israel, it is quite remote.
I don't think DNA or even indigeneity claims are very convincing. But since many Zionists do...
4/ it's important to understand just how near or far Jewish groups are from their genetic forebears, the original inhabitants of what was ancient Israel
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🧵Zionism-which once seem a viable, even necessary part of Jewish identity, has now reached a dead end. There are, of course, Jews who will cling to it either out of nostalgia or instinct. And Zionism itself will continue. But it has passed its sell-by date. 1/
2/ Genocide is not a feature that most Jews can accept as a legitimate|expression of Judaism. You have to choose. Either you're a Jew or a Zionist. But you can't be both.
Yes, many Jews will say otherwise. But they are living a contradiction.
3/ Over time, that contradiction will become more and more evident.
Of course it didn't have to be that way. If Zionism had chosen accomodation with the indigenous Paiestinian majority despite all the complications that involved,
Press Call on Humanitarian Aid for Gaza Ahead of the State of the Union | The White House
Following are critiques of main pts in this administration statement: 1/…
2/ 1. US will build "port" off Gaza coast calling it "temporary pier." Aid will be offloaded on the coast, where presumably Israel will control its entrance to Gaza & further distribution via humanitarian NGOs.
3/ 2. Aid shipments will be shipped via Cypriot port with Israelis inspecting cargo & approving it. 3. US blames Hamas for refusing ceasefire deal, yet ignores its demand for return of refugees to northern Gaza. US claims they can't return w/o aid infrastructure.
🧵1/There are 2 seemingly contradictory Talmudic dicta relevant to Israel's genocidal policies. Israel uses 1 to defend itself; the other is barely known in this context.
2/ If you discover someone plans to kill you, you may "rise & kill him 1st." This is the slogan of the Mossad & its policy of targeted assassination, which has murdered 3000 Palestinian leaders & others since 1948.
3/ This appropriation of a Talmudic dictum deliberately ignores that *you*, the alleged victim have also tried to kill the murderer and his family and his people. So *he* has the same right as you to rise and kill *you* 1st.
🧵 1/ Some thoughts on Israel's defense in the @CIJ_ICJ genocide case:
Its representatives attempted to put South African on trial, claiming it was the legal arm of Hamas, etc. The sole legal question is whether Israel is committing genocide.
2/ Diverting the attention of the court from the facts of the case and impugning South Africa is a red herring typical of Israeli hasbara tropes in general. SA is an independent state entitled to act in its own interests...
3/ of the international bodies of which it is a member, such as the ICJ.
As to other Israeli claims in its defense presentation:
The claim it warned residents before destroying their
The procedural argument that South African didn't engage in "dialogue"...
1/ The GOP war on science & education is a fraud which has transformed them into a "menace" the the American Way of LIfe. When in truth they R vital social institutions, w/o which our country would face disaster. If it succeeds the US will becomes a second rate, backwater
2/ Take the war on education, exemplifed by DeSantis' dismantling of the New College and efforts to suppress or eliminate the criticial thinking at the heart of academic discourse. Studies show that young people with college degrees are overwhelmingly more likely to be liberal
3/ and Democratic voters. A college education is the enemy of the GOP. Those without college degrees are much more likely to vote Republican. Expect GOP legislatures to go on a massive campaign against higher education.
.@SimonPlosker of [Dis]Honest Reporting has been peddling a survey by Jewish People Policy Institute claiming 7% of Israeli Palestinians identify as "Palestinian." This of course is misleading because the actual results show that a plurality of them identify as Palestinian. 1/
2/ Polls by the leading Israeli-Palestinian sociologist, Sammy Smooha, show consistently over more than a decade that Israeli Palestinians declare a hypenated identity (similar to "American-Jew," "Anglo-Israeli" etc). But a plurality include "Palestinian" in their self-definition
3/ These are Smooha's 2021 survey results: 43.8% identify as hypenated "Palestinian." While 31/1% identify as hyphenated "Arab."
The game Plosker is playing is designed to erase the concept of "Palestinian."