I expanded on the horrors of California's government for @TheSpectator. It's much worse than you think.
1/ Lack of resources in the face of a natural disaster cannot be blamed on global warming:
2/ The Keynesian fiscal policy experiment that is California has failed. Here's how the state fares for roads, education and public safety despite all those taxes:
3/ California's high progressive taxes & endless welfare have also failed. It has the highest poverty rate in the US despite being the 4th largest economy in the world.
Many who push back on this are using outdated measures:
4/ The questions we should be asking are: wtf happened to California and how did we, as individuals, let this happen?
5/ If the LA fires had been handled competently, it would have been an outlier for the Californian government.
Chemical imbalance was only a theory for depression causation yet presented as facts to simplify a narrative in order to prescribe SSRIs. Most of psychology and psychiatry is based on myths. telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/2…
If you want to take the psychiatry blackpill, flick through copies of DSMs (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). The first edition came out in 1952 and you can find old copies on Abebooks. I got one from every decade. Psychiatry is politics
And if you want the super blackpill, read Thomas Szasz' The Myth of Mental Illness/ The Manufacture of Madness or R. D. Laing's The Divided Self
Epstein-Barr Virus (aka HHV-4 -mono/glandular fever) is even more terrible than just potentially causing all of multiple sclerosis. Research shows links between early exposure to HHV-4 and cancer (esp gastro) and numerous autoimmune disorders (eg Arthritis and Lupus!)
The biologist Paul W. Ewald puts forward that many of our diseases are caused by earlier pathogen exposure - "If I were going to put my money on it, I would bet that by 2050—hopefully earlier—we'll have found that more than 80 percent of all human cancer is caused by infection."
It's not just EBV. How much of our "mental health issues" are actually caused by things like Toxoplasmosis..Or neurodegenerative disorders from ignored Prions. And wtf is happening long-term with the other 8 Human Herpesviruses aside from HHV-4!