The shale revolution has undoubtedly helped keep prices down over the last 15 years. its increase has helped balance the market.
However, it is the Canadian Oil sand sthat have actually had a much more pronounced effect and have allowed the US to use oil as a weapon
2. Shale is light sweet crude and what did it do. Well it menat that US imported less light sweet crude. But it has had the effect of flooding the Atlantic basin with cheap light sweet crude oil.
Oil sand son the other hand has been far more important.
3. Oil sands has helped shale because it allowed the US to reverse pipeline directions to send shale to USGC. Without oil sands, US would have needed to build many more pipelines to move shale south while moving heavier crudes north. thjose pipelines may have been keystone XL'd
4. Now here is the kicker.
in 2006, The United States General Accountability Office ran models and found 6 hypothetical scenarios of oil disruption when the US SPR would need to be used. it only neede done of them to happen for the SPR to release.
The six scenarios were
- Hurricanes in USGC
- Strike by Venezuelan Oil workers.
- Terrorism event at an oil facility in Saudi Arabia
- Iran oil embargo
- Closure of the Straits of Hormuz
- Saudi stopped producing oil.
It has to be remembered that only one of these would force the SPR to release.
6. In fact the top 4 of those events have happened at the same time. Venezuela and Iran were in effect reverse embargoes.
It was Oil sands that allowed those to happen because the oil lost to the market in Venezuela, Iran, Saudi were all medium and heavy crude oils.
7. Shale could not replace these especially to the US. What replaced them was Canadian Oil Sands.
This is why a Canadian embargo on the US is incredibly powerful.
Padd 2 and 4 would run out of gasoline within 1 to 2 months. And with no way to replace it.
8. US just does not have infrastructure anymore to cover this loss. It would take and years to get the system transformed
Pipelines operate North to South, it would take 30,000 trucks per day to move 1.8mbpd of crude to padd 2/4 refineries, no train loading facilities in south
9. The US is absolutely paranoid about energy. The energy independence and dominace rubbish is a way to hide that paranoia. Beat your chest and pretend you are a force.
But the US in oil is really only the equivlent of Europe in NATO. Oil sands is equivalent of the US in NATO.
10. Without Oil sands you would effectively have to find 4mbpd of heavy production from elsewhere. Saudi may have only 2mbpd to cover it becaus eof quality, UAE may have 1mbpd. where is the other 1mbpd from?
11. That would be on top of billions of $ needed on infrastructure changes to be able to process it
I hear about investment in refining to run more shale. Yes but would cost billions and take years to achieve. it would also leave you with a slate of products you may not want
12. Further, US is extremely wasteful with regard to energy and oil in particular. You are likely at somepoint not to far in the future, to return to increasing oil imports because you have wasted your shale oil. But Canadian Oil sands will remain a supply for a much longer time
13. And as I said before, treat the Canadians well and oil sands becomes a North American SPR. Treated it badly and it could become a bigger achilles heel than OPEC ever has been.
Get your heads out your arses.
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1. Quick 🧵why you cannot run the same amount of light crude in a refinery that is designed to run medium or heavy crude. Why US need sCanadian and cant run US crud eoil.
The problem is the overhead system cannot take the volume of light ends that are produced.
2. It all starts in the pipework that takes the light ends from the distillation coilumn to the downstream secondary units.
The most important factor that this overhead pipework is designed to do is to minimise the pressure drop between the CDU and downstream
3. Now if you introdcue more lightends by running light sweet crude instead of heavy sour. There are more light ends than normal. To get the extra out of the column you need one of two things to happen
1. Why Trumps “drill Baby Drill” is actually not great for US crude oil producers.
I keep posting this graph and there is a reason why I do. It shows that demand for U.S. crude oil particularly light sweet crude oil is not growing. Actually in 2024 it is actually falling.
2. The reason it is all about crude oil quality and the ability of refineries to run it without compromising its throughput. It is all to do with the first important piece of equipment the crude distillation column.
3. When a refinery is designed it maximum throughput is designed using a base quality of crude oil. Much of the Med refineries are designed to run urals or Arab light crude oil or the blends that mimic them.
- Trumps “ Drill baby Drill” likely has little effect. U.S. production likely unaffected by either candidate too much. Any costs Trump saves producers will go to bottom line rather than huge increases in production
- Any increase in US production would mean it has to be exported. But the market is already long light sweet crude especially in the Atlantic basin. So demand may just not be there either.
3. - Harris will look for a new JCPOA with Iran. Trump will likely increase sanctions but ask OPEC to cover.
- Harris likely to increase secondary sanctions regarding Russia. Trump likely removes them. Hates China benefitting. Would leave Atlantic Basin even longer.
If you are an equity cargo holder within Brent Complex, yoou will have one or more of the following cargoes Brent (physical), Forties, Oseberg, Ekofisk, Troll or WTI MEH cargo. Known as BFOET
2. You have two options up until 32 days (taking 31 days in a month as fixed) before the first day of loading of the cargo
- You can keep it i.e. Put it in your refinery or sell it as a Dated Related Cargo later
- Or you can put it in the Chains systems.
3. What is the Chains? Well it is the basically the selling of a cargo via Forward contract at fixed price via 3 basic methods
- Brent Contract (700kb cargo)
- 7 partials contracts (100kb each) bought from or sold to same counterparty
- EFP (Exchange Futures for Physical)
1. Why an attack against Iran refineries would make more sense than against Export facilities. Putting together a number of my posts
Iran produces 3.9mbpd of crude and condenstae and refines 2.6mbpd according to the Energy Institue Statistiacal Review of World Energy (ex-BP)
2. So Iran exports 1.3mbpd of crude oil and condensate and its biggest weakness is that it has only one real buyer and that is China. Even India does not touch it.
So if Israel attacked Kharg island it would remove 1.3mbpd from the market China buys from
3. However, China has been importing 1.11mbpd that has gone directly to inventories in 2024. That is just excess buying. Losing Chinese crude oil and condensate would just mean China's inventories would be flat