Merrick Garland is leaving as AG. He should be going to a prison cell.
Garland covered up the existence of John Doe #2 in the Oklahoma City bombing. I have the receipts. Here is exhibit A:
Garland handled the 4/27/95 Preliminary Hearing on McVeigh. He tried to hide that McVeigh was in the Ryder truck with someone else. Here is from the transcript, which I have and anyone can read:
Here is the transcript of the preliminary hearing 4/27/95 if you would like to read it yourself and see how Merrick Garland attempted to conceal that McVeigh had someone in the truck with him, and tried to conceal the videotape evidence:…
I thought that was as bad as it might be, but it gets worse.
Merrick Garland had been in Oklahoma for about a week prior to 4/27/95, preparing for the hearing and going over the evidence.
Well, in 2020 I filed a Freedom of Information Act Request with the Clinton Library seeking the U.S. Secret Service Visitor's Logs for the Clinton presidency.
It took over a year to receive them, because the library was shut down for a long time due to COVID. They are so incompetent, also, that they asked me to provide my credit card via email. I declined and I called them.
When I received the visitor's logs, what I found, astonishingly, was the Merrick Garland met directly face to face with Hillary Clinton on April 26th, 1995 in the evening. The day before the preliminary hearing.
He could have just called her from Oklahoma. What this tells me, however, is that whatever they discussed was so sensitive that a phone call was not secure enough. White House comms could be (and was by the Israelis at the time) intercepted.
Why did Merrick Garland meet with Hillary Clinton the day before the April 27th, 1995 preliminary hearing and WHY did he try to conceal John Doe #2 and the surveillance tapes at that hearing?
Whatever the case may be, this is why Merrick Garland was going to be made a Supreme Court Justice. He earned his chits in the OKBOMB cover-up.
Thankfully he did not get to do that.
What else did I find in the visitors logs?
Well, I can see that Larry Potts had to visit with POTUS on April 20th. Probably to 'explain himself' as to why the sting failed and why PATCON has left him with 168 dead people to deal with.
I also found about 12-15 people whose names are redacted who visited Bill Clinton's personal residence the morning of April 19th, 1995.
I also found that some people were checked into the White House under the names "DONALD DUCK" and "MICKEY MOUSE" (among other fake names) -- to avoid leaving a documentary trail as to who actually visited. This was concerning to me. This happened on a number of dates.
Oh and yes Jeffery Epstein is in the visitors log. Not on the 19th but I did search it for him as well.
This thread has blown up, did not expect that. Wanted to say that I found the Garland stuff when I first read the Preliminary Hearing transcript in 2017. I found the Visitor's Log stuff in 2021 when I got the visitor's logs for Jesse Trentadue.
@scotthortonshow has generously hosted my archive of OKC documents and clippings since 2018, totally searchable for all:
@scotthortonshow I have had some people ask me how they can donate to support my research. That was a surprise. After getting about five such requests I set this up:
My work will always be free. But if you do want to donate, I thank you for
@scotthortonshow Outside of my essays on Substack, which is the primary place I publish anything I've worked on, I also work as a research consultant on the subject. I was hired by Blowback Productions for their HBO/Max documentary film:
@scotthortonshow I was also hired by Margaret Roberts, former News Director of America's Most Wanted. I'm a research consultant assisting her with her upcoming book "Blowback" where I provide documents, answer questions, clarify things, and write end notes.
@lynxx77541 Supposedly they tried to use that against Bill to request that Pollard be let go. He said no.
@Bacontrophy84 he's a soldier. You don't name your accomplices. When Scott Stedeford of the Aryan Republican Army was facing 40 years in prison he also refused to name names or say anything. It's the principle of the matter. Tim McVeigh was perfectly fine taking full credit so his comrades
@Bacontrophy84 could continue the fight
@Bacontrophy84 for example if the building had in it Hexagon (RDX) or C4 on the columns that detonated at the same time as the truck, that sure as hell would show the damage pattern we saw if a few of the column charges failed to go off (and were then found in the rubble, as happened!)
@stonybromo @soniaro23257918 I literally think about the OKC bombing all day every day
@stonybromo @soniaro23257918 OKC PD had a few of the tapes in their evidence locker before they went to the FBI. For example this one from the Southwestern Bell building:
@stonybromo @soniaro23257918 More importantly, the OKC PD also had the Regency Towers tape--which would have shown a direct unobstructed view of the face of the Murrah building and would show truck park, and two people get out
@stonybromo @soniaro23257918 I believe that Terry Yeakey may have made copies of some of these tapes. They were VHS (VCR) tapes, to make a dub of those you need to have two VCR decks. Terry had one VCR deck, and he borrowed a family member's VCR so he could have two at one point. What for?
@stonybromo @soniaro23257918 When he was found murdered, his vehicle had been ripped apart--door panels removed, seats, etc. Whomever did that was looking for something. They also broke into his apartment and his wife Tonia Yeakey's apartment, and his friend Romona's place. They were looking for something.
@MarsLucas Garland said he intended to address white supremacists when taking office. I asked him to start his crusade against them by identifying and capturing McVeigh's other white supremacist accomplices who have gotten away with it for 30 years.
@MarsLucas I said that he can start his review of white supremacists with this, and he could end it by apologizing for letting dangerous white supremacists involved in the OKC bombing get away with it for nearly 30 years.
@admx470 @Bacontrophy84 It is not spelled out exactly that it was explosive charges, rather, what we can say as fact was that 3 times rescue efforts were stopped when "explosive devices" were said to have been found, one of those is what Governor Keating mentioned on the video.
@admx470 @Bacontrophy84 The rest is a bit of an assumption, though I believe it is correct based on the evidence we do have.
Another horrific crime covered-up by Clinton, Obama, and Biden DOJ and FBI apparatchiks:
Jesse Trentadue received today his 7th FOIA dump, supposedly responding to two of his requests issued and paid for years ago. He filed the lawsuit end of 2024 due to failure to produce and since August they've released 500 pages per month
Almost everything that has been turned over to him in those monthly dumps has been NONRESPONSIVE material that is clearly not any of the responsive documents he had previously been told the FBI possessed
Today he received roughly 406 pages
Zero were responsive to his PUNCHOUT request
two pages are potentially indirectly responsive, but also previously released material
Former CIA director Bill Colby told his friend John DeCamp just before the OKC bombing that "the militia movement" presented a grave threat to the country
Of course following the OKC bombing the militia movement was neutralized overnight. McVeigh was flipped from a white supremacist to a "militia guy" [which he wasn't] and that did the trick
And yet, they did not interview Andreas Strassmeir. Nor Dennis Mahon. Nor Mark Thomas. Nor Chevie Kehoe.
They did interview McVeigh's 2nd grade teacher. This is how the FBI works. They do this so they can say "we left no stone unturned."
Meanwhile, they own the quarry.
and when they did get witnesses who told them things they didn't want to hear, Jon Herlsey would berate and badger them for hours to try to get them to change their story in increasingly hostile interviews.
Jeff Davis saw this man in Dreamland Motel room #25 (McVeigh's room):
David actually ended up hiring a lawyer due to FBI's behavior. Later, in 2001, he commented on the impending execution and how others were involved:
So this morning I finally figured out why the CIA pushed so god damn hard on this bogus story that Terry Nichols met with Ramzi Yousef in the Philippines
It was more than just an opportunity to exploit the OKC bombing for foreign policy purposes to advance this neocon legend about "all Islamic terrorism is connected" - it was not just that at all
most researchers on this subject have a real issue with TLN's excuses as to why he was in the Philippines so many times when his wife stayed here in the states. We all view on particular trip with skepticism:
in the smallest scenario, FBI grooms this kid to be a shooter and USSS covers everything up and kills the target
in the wildest scenario this kid's parents were both hypnotherapists who 'cared for' him, he was U.S. government property, he was deployed and was defective
why the scenario isn't 'crazy kid takes a shot at Trump'
- body immediately cremated
- crime scene destroyed
- USSS waits way too long before shooting him
- USSS can't get their stories straight: constantly changing stories
i would have bought 'crazy kid takes a shot at Trump' if none of the above had occurred, all of the above, sorry not buying that shit gtfo
it's interesting that whenever this guy (Buell Wesley Frazier) has to recount working with Lee Harvey Oswald he nearly bursts into tears weeping
This guy worked with Oswald and absolutely knows he didn't do it, and the 'read' or impression I get is overwhelming guilt and shame whenever he recounts that time. I think he feels guilty about something
As you look deeper into this case you find out that one of the times Oswald was supposedly at a rifle range in Dallas, he was "with Buell Frazier." Frazier denies he ever went shooting with Oswald. But I wonder if he had a simple job like: just collect some of his shell casings