🚨There is an ENORMOUS power grab today with Govt publishing a new law to
- take money directly out of our bank accounts
- revoke our driving licenses (!)
- constantly monitor the population’s bank statements
- search houses + devices
Unprecedented and outrageous - a🧵
Labour (!) ministers are selling this on the premise of ‘the biggest fraud crackdown in a generation’ - it’s actually one of the biggest assaults on the welfare system in a generation.
It’s part of a wider plan that is turning British welfare into a digital surveillance system.
We all want genuine fraudsters to face the law - especially multi-millionaire tax avoiders and Covid scammers…
But these extreme powers are not only about fraud but about correcting the government’s own frequent payment errors.
And they set a truly chilling precedent in law.
Under these powers
- Spying on your bank account will happen without ANY suspicion of wrongdoing
- Seizure of money from your bank account can happen WITHOUT a trial or court hearing
- Driving licenses be revoked*
(*In what other context can such a basic freedom be revoked?!)
It’s breathtaking that a Labour Govt is creating a second tier justice system reserved for people who rely on welfare that side-steps fair hearings in courts to take away people’s funds and freedoms.
Lives will be destroyed by mistaken punishments.
This affects us all, with the elderly, disabled & people on the poverty line at serious risk.
These are totally unprecedented privacy intrusions & punishments - that will do far more damage to our fundamental British values of fairness and justice than to the serious fraudsters.
Please SIGN + SHARE our petition to #StopBankSpying
Our response to Starmer’s bank spying plans in “Fraud, Error and Debt Bill” in full:
I also want to give context & explain why this is *exactly the same* so far as the Tory Govt’s benefits bank spying powers Labour criticised & we defeated just 3m ago🧵bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/bankspying/big…
Labour’s bank spying plan, published today, is set out here:
Everyone wants fraud to be dealt with, and the government already has strong powers to investigate the bank statements of suspects. BUTgov.uk/government/new…
to force banks to constantly spy on benefits recipients without suspicion means that not only millions of disabled people, pensioners and carers could be actively spied on but the *whole population’s bank accounts* are likely to be monitored - for no good reason.
If the history of chaos that threatens democracy teaches us anything, it is to protect our democratic rights with more vigour, not less, when they are under threat.
Criminal activity and inciting violence online should be prosecuted.
But lawful speech should be out of bounds.
No serious anti-racist should accept that misinformation must obviously result in real-world violence, framing it as some kind of natural consequence. It is not.
Had the suspect been Muslim, surely we can agree the racist thuggery that followed would have been just as heinous?
💥We have new docs showing multiple arms of British military have monitored *domestic* social media under the banner of countering “mis/disinformation”
They even factored the “presentational risk” of “spying” & doing “PSYOPS” in UK - but thought it “unlikely” they’d be found out
For the 1st time, docs show it didn’t only involve the information warfare army unit 77 Brigade, but the RAF!
And that they weren’t only spying for the Cabinet Office but also for DCMS (now @SciTechgovuk) Counter Disinformation Unit - & checking for terms of service violations🙄
Many docs we have relate to the pandemic. Focus areas were public health, public order(…) & the “UK’s reputation” 🙄
They show 77 Brigade did things like take notes on Green MP @CarolineLucas & even BBC Question Time (!)
We’ve been working with the Mail on Sunday to report it
We’ve got documentary evidence that UK MoD 77th Brigade monitored British politicians inc @CarolineLucas & press inc @BBCPolitics under the guise of “countering disinformation” - if they (I kid you not) “questioned government decision making”
Because the British Army previously claimed that the 77th Brigade “do not, and have never, conducted any kind of action against British citizens” and that “all work is internationally focused.”
That was a lie.
Also, following our previous revelations via a 77x whistleblower, ex-Defence Secretary @BWallaceMP claimed the unit only works “against hostile state actors and violent extremist organisations based outside the UK” and that “its role is not to monitor or counter opinion”. 🤔
This is in no small part due to weak, ineffective regulators.
We made a 45pg complaint to @ICOnews with all the ways facial recognition company Facewatch is breaking the law. A year later, they sent a 1pg reply that didn’t address the facts + said they’d take no further action.
Whilst Dutch & Spanish data regulators stopped live facial recognition surveillance like this, under the same law as ours (GDPR), our weak regulator buckled.
Allowing Facewatch (below) to make banners with @ICOnews logo (!) claiming a green light to biometrically scan the public
Parliament’s Economics Affairs Committee analysed CBDCs last year and concluded there was *no case* for a UK CBDC - but serious risks of state surveillance and a “centralised point of failure”.