FREE JEREMY BROWN - SOS to the WH and POTUS' fabulous legal team
🧵 1/ Why The Pardon Applies: Jeremy Brown’s FL conviction is 100% "J6 related.” Jeremy was arrested and imprisoned based on J6 allegations.
Bottom Line: After his D.C. case was dismissed, the US Marshals decided yesterday at the DC Jail (where Jeremy was moved for trial) when the J6ers were moved for US Marshall transport, that Jeremy does not qualify for pardon and release because of the FL case conviction. The case is on appeal in the 11th Circuit. His appeal derives from the FL Middle District conviction in Tampa that arose from an illegal, out of jurisdiction search warrant for J6 charges.
2/ The Search Warrant was Part of a Targeted Setup:
Prior to arrest and search, Jeremy exposed the Tampa DHS/JTTF attempt to recruit him as an informant against the Oath Keepers.
The search warrant was signed in DC (out of jurisdiction to search in FL) under the false pretense of “terrorism.” Gov. DeSantis ought to be enraged.
The warrant was illegal because it had no "items to be searched for" on its face or incorporated. The warrant said "see Exh B." That exhibit was a picture of a place to search. By the Grohe case from the U.S. Supreme Court, still valid, the warrant was illegal and cannot be saved. Additionally, the warrant was not on-site when the search began, and searchers said they didn't know what they were looking for. There was no good faith search.
Magically, after ATF, FBI and DHS searched, items appeared in his girlfriend's RV parked publicly in the cul de sac. He said the items in the RV (grenades and a CD allegedly with classified) were not his AND forensics showed he never touched the items.
Forensics showed the prints, DNA, hairs and fibers were not Jeremy’s, not from the residence or RV, or his dogs.
3/ I am 99.99% certain the items were planted because of the timing, targeting, and because Jeremy knows a lot of things nobody ever wants made public.
Based on my experience with all the evidence against detainees during my ~ one year at the Detention Center in Parwan, AFG, I know the FBI's "The Explosive Device Analytic Center" - TEDAC capabilities. When they get hairs, fibers, DNA, and fingerprints off tape (as were on the 2 hand grenades) they know this IDs who had them and where. It wasn't Jeremy.
Mysteriously, the logistical accounting for these grenades showed up to 1989 in Germany (coinciding with base realignments and shipments thereafter to Desert Storm). Jeremy was not in Germany, and it would be logical that a 3-letter agency acquired them and was able to get them stateside.
4/ The Tampa Prosecution Was Malicious for all the Counts. Mere possession and home storage with no illegal use of a family heirloom, short-barreled gun is normally treated as a misdemeanor with maybe a fine – and not over 6 years as a felony for prison. It’s in the statute that was ignored. The search and planted evidence were a set-up. All stemming from J6 and the accusations by a “cooperating government witness” who conveyed fabricated 8-month old stale fabricated hearsay. The “terrorism” predicate was illegitimate for this reason and no magistrate in D.C. should ever have signed that warrant. But they rubber stamp everything for J6. The search warrant was illegal. There was no "good faith" exception. And worse, the court should have excluded the fruits (govt. planted) of the poisonous tree that would have forced case dismissal. Now some form of pardon must ensure release and vindication.
5/ What Should Justly Happen: Direct the US Marshals to release Jeremy Brown. Can we get the 11th Circuit to mirror the motion to vacate the conviction based on Rule 48(a) and the pardon as has started in the DC Circuit? The U.S. Marshals are likely to drag Jeremy out of the D.C. gulag in 36 hrs. and move him to Philly FDC. That hellhole can be described as inmate gang and tribe run. I think there is a hope that he will be killed in detention.
C. Stewart
J6 Defense Attorney
As of last night Jan 23 Jeremy is in KY - in transfer by the US Marshals. Waiting on and praying for an order to tell the Marshals to release him. 🇺🇸🙏
Update 24 Jan: J6 hostage Jeremy is OK but was moved to Grayson Cty Detention Center, KY. The facility is overcrowding US Marshal transfers w/ 15 men in a room w/1 toilet & 10 beds. Jeremy had a mat on the floor by the toilet. No commissary bc of the 2 wk delivery time. Kudos - Sen Rand Paul went to the jail to raise hell. Waiting results. Further transfer (FL?) not likely before Mon.
Word has been taken to WH/advisors that Jeremy's FL fed case IS J6. W/ recommendation that Marshals be ordered to release under J6 pardon; & the US Attorney for FL Middle Distr. (dual hatted for 11th Circuit) follow a pardon's legal precedent: Nix any detainer as part of vacating the convictions at appellate court and remand to district court to dismiss the indictment.
DOJ has to clean its laundry: the fed US Attorney (Biden appointee who persecuted Jeremy) for the FL Middle Distr. is ignoring the J6 pardon.
Maybe we can make some X noise for his termination & designation of an acting US Attorney for FL Middle Distr.
@CowboyLogic_RAV @HelpStopHate @RogerJStoneJr @laralogan @InvestigateJ6 @elonmusk @SenRandPaul @charliekirk11 @mattgaetz @realDonaldTrump @HanneBlaze64 @SenRickScott @SenAshleyMoody @hodgetwins @J6patriotnews @OANN @julie_kelly2
1/25/25 Jeremy Brown Update: Reliable sources confirm that our facts about Jeremy reached the White House & the solution is in the works - Actions underway. Have faith. God bless all who helped w/o publicity & the many who care. Agencies are on weekend but POTUS & team are working. God bless & protect #47 & Jeremy. More to follow.
@laralogan @CowboyLogic_RAV @HelpStopHate @InvestigateJ6 @RogerJStoneJr @charliekirk11 @mattgaetz @SidneyPowell1 @julie_kelly2 @yesnicksearcy @FreeJeremyBrown @J6patriotnews @j6defender @HanneBlaze64 @OANN
Sunday Jan 26: Roger Stone relays the known facts and we discuss freeing Jeremy Brown. Live at around 4:15 or 4:30 ish on his weekly broadcast. Short break from football.
Jan 27 am: No word whether Jeremy is being transferred from Gov Beshear's inhumane KY hellhole. Shame on Beshear & the US Marshals. 15 men stuffed in a 10 man room. Sleeping on floor mats. No commissary. No books, TV cut off. No outdoors. Jailer said "I'll check." Everyone is encouraged to call or write US Marshals in DC & the DHS OIG to report fraud, waste, abuse since ur tax dollars go thru Marshals to pay for inhumane treatment at Grayson County Detention facility in KY. And the DC gulag. Multiple J6ers, in separate cell rooms, subjected to this.
Anyone willing to contact the Grayson County KY fire marshal to ask them to inspect adherence to fire code - with floor covered with sleeping mats - please do. And Sen Rand Paul and KY members of Congress. McConnell - sure let's see what he doesn't do
Greg Kelly supports Jeremy Brown - live tonight at 9:30 pm eastern on Newsmax
Gov Beshear's office reportedly told an inquiring citizen that he is not responsible for that facility. Really? No state funding?Apparently it is impossible to find anyone at county level who claims oversight and funding of a "county" fac. Jail & prison seem for profit from taxes
Jan 28: no word of any future transfer of Jeremy Brown. The US Attorney for the FL Middle District, who oversaw deliberate creation of a J6 related case in FL, apparently designed before the illegal search, hasn't filed a motion acknowledging that Trump's pardon applies to Jeremy
Jan 28 pm: confirmed Jeremy Brown and at least Mr. Box, possibly other Floridians, were taken out of the KY jail late this morning. Allegedly to Atlanta FCI. Not sure if just for overnight. He is not shown in BOP custody in fed prisoner search. Coordinating motion to release.
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Jeremy Brown Feb 8 Update: Yes he was moved into a worse hell and illegals were just given new mattresses & treated better. 4 advocates were blocked. @elonmusk @EagleEdMartin @CowboyLogic_RAV @laralogan @RogerJStoneJr @charliekirk11 @HelpStopHate @PaulIngrassia
🧵See his note
"Just when you thought it couldn't get worse..."
No time for wit and jokes (besides, I'm TOO pissed!)...Coming out of 40+ hour lockdown and about to get locked down again until, who knows?
4 key advocates emails have been blocked. They must be doing something RIGHT!
Been moved to a WORSE POD about 50 feet away to make room for illegals. They get the nice POD. We get the shit POD. Dark, dank bank of cells with no working cameras. For the first time in 40+ months of being an illegal prisoner, I finally saw BRAND NEW, NICE and THICK mattresses...they were for THEM, not us!
In 3 weeks, I've been moved 7 times, between 4 jails/prisons in 3 States/Districts (but driving across 5) with only a single set of clothes (1 pair socks, boxers, pants and a least they have changed them out). The last 3 weeks has been worse than the previous 40 months. If this is what "being Pardoned" is like, then make it stop! Thinking I'll be free with every noise, footstep or turn of the keys has been the worst torture of all.
If people are telling you, "we are working on it" you know the line..."THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!" They're gonna keep me in here as long as they can. Monday is gonna be their NEXT excuse..."Federal Holiday".
"Hannibal Smith" for the "A-Team" was the "Who said it" and YES, Chris, TPS Reports was "Office Space". G. Patton and D. MacArthur, NOT GREEN BERETs.
Sorry for the shortness, but only have minutes to get something out. Anger is setting in. This is intentional and no one seems to be able to fix it. Judges have time to rule on stopping Federal Employees from getting SWEET buyouts and preventing the shutdown of USAID. Admin Officials have plenty of time to "X" about releasing J6ers, but can't seem to make it happen. How many steaks have THEY eaten in 3 weeks? How many glasses of wine have they tossed?
How many times have they had to take a shit 18" from their roommates head in 3 weeks?
If "THEY" wanted me out, I would be OUT! At least, if I were President, that's how this would work! ACTIONS not WORDS! You are all demanding ACTIONS and all you are getting are WORDS, because I am 100% still in a US Prison. RIGHT WHERE "THEY" PUT ME and WANT ME!!! And THAT is the "evidence of outcomes". NOTHING takes 3 weeks, when you want it! De Oppresso Liber! -- Jeremy
2/ "Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the LONE SURVIVOR. Rangers Lead The Way!" -- 6th Stanza of the "Ranger's Creed"
That reminder was for me, not you guys. Because in the last 48 hours, I have quit 1,776 times in my mind, but never out loud. I guess, as much as I wished it was, THIS mission is not yet complete.
I was encouraged to see Joe Biden lost his Security Clearance. I guess he won't be committing anymore Treason by running illegal Enemy General Prisoner releases under the cover of Special Access Programs (SAPs) and claiming they were "swaps", like "back in the day". Although, there must be SOME Communist is prison we could trade for me, right? Just kidding, I know they NEVER arrest their own.
There are some NEW names on the distro and some the BOP has banned permanently (Tylene A., Debbie A., Jen H. and Karen S.) without cause or explanation. Whatever they censor, that's what scares them! So, let me give you all the current run down...
Thursday at 3pm we were locked down. Thurs night, we were moved about 50 feet into a new POD, out of the blue. All night long, they cleaned, repaired and painted our old POD (as I could watch through the door window) and brought in scores of brand new, in the wrappers, thick, comfy mattresses. For who, you might ask? Illegals. When we were released earlier today, for about 2 hours, I found myself no longer sharing 6 phones and 3 computers with about 30 inmates, but instead, there are now between 125 to 150 crammed in an equal sized space. So, needless to say, it is crowded, but at least the illegals are comfy.
So, my updates will not likely be as regular or long, as everyday brings more limitations. I'm not even really sure what else I can say that won't sound like bitching. I am just simply amazed that I'm still in here, but only if I allow myself to accept the common belief, which is that "THEY" are working to get me out. Unfortunately, I have a brain, so THAT idea is hard to grasp. The fact is, I have the receipts. I have the recording. I have the background and experience to know what has actually happened, and it just seems like NO ONE in power cares a whole lot about me getting out. Almost like they believe what the Executive Chairman of the Pinellas County GOP said to someone he wrongly assumed was not a supporter of mine. On election night, 2022, this clown (I can't remember his name, Cathi C, help me out) said the "quiet thing out loud" when he saw I only had 34.5% of the vote and with relief proclaimed, "Thank God THAT guy didn't win!"
The Politicians are NOT working for us and are NOT our friends. They piss in our face and ask if we like sweet tea. The Democrats stab us in the FRONT while the Republicans stab us in the BACK, then they split the money they steal from our wallets. Don't believe me? Think your favorite Congressman or Senator is helping? Ask ANY of the people that are in power, telling you all "We are working on it". just ask them, "So, have you spoken to Jeremy?" "Have you visited Jeremy?" "Have you sat down with Jeremy's Attorneys and examined Jeremy's claims?" "Have you even LOOKED at his case?" "Do you even know who he is?" They'll pretend to be interested and claim they will "look into it", and then run the other direction. January 6th in Washington DC is like cocaine, hookers and Jeffery Epstein...Everyone knows the TRUTH and pretends they don't while they hide the fact they enjoy the benefits.
Here is the truth. In Ranger School and as a Special Operator, you learn to "take copious notes". Over the almost 41 months since my arrest, I and my team have been building a case. A case against those that ORDERED and carried out this operation and a case against those that have IGNORED my case with every fiber of their being. Hell, some of them even turned my legal communications with them over to the FBI, THE NEXT DAY!
Jan 31 Jeremy Brown update: 🧵 1- he's still in FCI Atlanta. He's being screwed with. He was moved yesterday to a different pod usually for those leaving. And told he was "not supposed to be there" (ATL) but the employee didn't know if that meant release or more diesel therapy by US Marshals. The action required to release him is at DOJ 11th Circuit or the US AG. He us not being held for the DC case. That was dismissed w/prejudice.
2 - The US Marshals HQs will not answer under what order by who they moved Jeremy Brown out of DC and refused to release him under the pardon. The FL case 100% falls under the pardon bc the district court DOJ in writings & court oral argument said it was all "H6 related." At the appeal level, the DOJ adopted the writings that said in multiple places the case was "Jan 6 related. " Yet the USAO will not abide by the language of the pardon that mandates release first "Jan 6 related." Pres Trump said Jeremy will be released yet no anything from DOJ who won't file the motion to vacate and won't order its BOP to release.
@CowboyLogic_RAV @laralogan @charliekirk11 @RogerJStoneJr @HelpStopHate @J6patriotnews
3- This is not a FL state issue. The charges in FL were deliberately separated from the DC case in a design to use against Trump & OathKeepers. The two planted grenades were supposed to show a conspiracy on Jan 6. The residence/RV search warrant and phone search warrant went to a DC magistrate under the guise if terrorism. @RonDeSantis this was deliberately done to trash FL sovereignty. Magistrate appears to have signed two documents w/over 80 pages w/in minutes. Rubber stamp. A different magistrate in DC was used for the arrest warrant that had no terrorism bullshit - just the "trespass." starting to sound dirty by DHS/FBI yet? It was all "J6 related" by DOJ words in all courts
@RogerJStoneJr @laralogan @J6patriotnews @HelpStopHate @yesnicksearcy @EagleEdMartin @julie_kelly2 @gregkellyusa @InvestigateJ6