🚨The following story was told by Michael Shane Daughtry, a J6 survivor.🚨
I'm going to relay it in the exact same way that he wrote it out. Just when you think his story cannot get crazier, it does. His story is one of full-on corruption, and he exposes names.
Thread starts here 👇
Prepare yourselves for this.
My name is Michael Shane Daughtry and this is my January 6th Story.
I was a Police Officer with SWAT and Sniper Certifications, 20+ years Police experience and over a thousand hours of training. I'm also a Master Gunsmith with a Federal Firearms License and a Gunsmithing Business with over 10 years experience.
On January 6th 2021, I traveled to Washington DC with my wife Tammie to watch the Trump Rally. As the rally was completing, the President of the United States told the crowd to go to the West Lawn and "peacefully" protest, which we did. As we arrived at the West Lawn, the police officers removed the barricades and waved us onto the West Lawn. I had video of this but the FBI later raided my home and confiscated this Video. I never went into the Capital Building or damaged any property but I did later observe people causing damage to the Capital Building so I took a few pictures of these people and then returned to my motel room, we returned home the next morning.
On January 16th, I was charged with trespassing on the West Lawn on January 6th even though the President had ask me to go there and the police had moved the barricades and waved me onto the West Lawn.
The FBI contacted me around midnight and asked me to turn myself into the Federal Marshalls at the Federal Courthouse in Macon by 9:00 am the next morning. I voluntarily turned myself into the Federal Marshalls at the Federal Courthouse in Macon Ga. Upon arrival I was advised by Federal Marshalls that Pelham Police Investigator Adam Lamb, Assistant Chief Rod Williams and Chief Mccormick had turned me in to the FBI after finding out I was in DC.
In 2020 I was working as a Police Officer for the Pelham Police Department and also owned a Firearms Gunsmithing Company named "Cazy Coon Armory" My business was named after my pet Raccoon that was named Rocket but we always called him "Crazy Ole Coon". On November 13th 2020, Pelham Police Department Investigator Adam Lamb had showed up to my home stating Police Cheif McCormack had fired me for having a Logo with a picture of a Racoon on it with the words "Crazy Coon Armory" telling me that the logo had the word "Coon" on it and that made it a Racist Logo. The police department said they didn't know I had an outside business with that name even though it was on my resume and on my application for employment. I had also worked on several of of the Pelham Police Department weapons including pistols and full auto rifles at Crazy Coon Armory.
The paperwork they asked me to sign stated I was being fired for being a Racist. I refused to sign this separation letter. After I was fired, without even being giving a chance to resign, I decided to expose the Pelham Police Department and it's very corrupt Chief for several of the crimes they had committed and were committing including insurance fraud, illegal gambling and cover ups. I was posting this corruption on my Facebook Page and the City of Pelhams Facebook Page every night which made the Police very angery and this was the reason for turning me into the FBI so they could silence me.
After the Marshalls read me this affidavit, I was put into a jail cell for several hours before being brought before a Federal Magistrate Judge. Even though I was a Law Enforcement Officer with no other criminal record, I was placed in handcuffs, leg irons and belly chains and was advised not to speak. And even though I'm a certified Law Enforcement Officer, have never been arrested or charged with any other crime in my life and had gotten up before daylight and driven over 100 miles to turn myself in, the judge advised me that I was a flight risk and ordered me to wear an ankle monitor, be place under House Arrest, placed on Pre Trial Probation, forced to post $25,000 bond and was placed on Tap 4 internet restrictions saying I couldn't use any computers our internet. At that time I was not allowed to make a plea and was not allowed to plea until over 18 months later.
I was appointed a public defender without even being asked. I had a very experienced federal attorney that was willing to take my case for free but I was advised that I could not have an attorney of my choosing and could only hire an attorney from the Washington DC District that was certified to take cases in federal court in DC. The only attorney I could find meeting these requirements wanted over $100,000 plus $10,000 per hearing which I had 5, which would have been a total of $150,000.00 and my case isn't even over yet.
Upon my release from jail late on January 16th, I returned home where my home and firearms business was immediately raided by Federal Agents that were waiting at my property. Numerous Federal Agents searched my home and property without a warrant and all my weapons and ammo were confiscated from my home and from my licensed firearms business, all for a crime that I would not lose my 2nd ammendment rights even if I were convicted.
I was forced, with threat of prison, to give Federal Agents:
*My Email Passwords and User Info with written permission to access these accounts.
*My Bank Account Passwords
*My Bank Account Numbers with written permission to access these accounts.
*My Safe Deposit Box Info with written permission to search this box
*All my Social Media User Names and Passwords with written permission to access accounts.
*I was not allowed to change any password or information without permission from the Federal Government.
*I'm not allowed to take out any new lines of credit without prior Government approval.
*I was forced to swear under oath that I did not have any money, firearms or other items buried anywhere or have any storage units.
*I was forced to swear under oath that I did not have any photographs or videos hidden or buried.
*I Was not allowed to possess any phone, camera or recording devices other than the one phone I was allowed by probation to have and the FBI took that phone the next day and kept it for weeks.
*I was forced, with threat of prison, to fill out a financial statement listing:
*My Checking account balances and passwords
*My Savings account balance and passwords
*Credit Card Balance, and account information and password.
*My vehicle loan information and value
*My Vehicle Tag #, Year, Make & Model
*My home loan information and home and property value.
*The amount of cash on hand.
*The value of my clothes.
*The value of my home furnishings.
*Names, Addresses, Birthdays and Social Security Numbers of all my family members.
*Names, phone numbers and Addresses of my friends.
*Names, Addresses and Birthdays of any Ex Wives and Children.
Early the next morning Federal agents confiscated all my FFL files including my FFL Log Book and 4473 files. Later that day, my home was raided again by Federal Agents who confiscated my phone and searched all my computers and electronic devices. My phone was not returned for 2 weeks. I was under court order to not use any other phone or computer so I was without any communication with friends, family or my attorneys for two weeks. This also gave the Federal Government access to all my email and text message communications between my attorney and myself.
I was then forced to pay for home phone service and to pay for phone monitoring services and monthly fees for my ankle monitor.
Approximately a year later my home was again searched without a warrant and without any explanation and I was threated with a probation condition violation if I complained about the searches of my property and that a probation violation would have a 17 year felony sentence.
Three weeks later, my home was again raided and all my electronic devices including my phone, computer, thumb drives, hard drives and memory cards were searched then confiscated. My desktop computer was confiscated without explanation and Federal Agents said they didn't know when my computer would be returned. This computer contained all the files needed to file my taxes that month, all my social security files I needed to file for my retirement benefits and all my private correspondence between my attorneys. This computer also contained all the software needed to run my business. My computer and phone were not returned for two weeks. When I received my phone back I noticed that all my pictures and videos that I had taken January 6th were missing including the video evidence I had of the Capital Police removing barriers and waving me onto the West Lawn of the Capital that I was charged with trespassing on. I also noticed my FFL Digital Logbook had been removed from my computer and my FFL Logbook backup files had been removed from my Google Drive Account that I had been forced to give the login information. Federal Agents had already taken my hardcopy FFL Logbook and 4473 files in a previous search of my firearms business so they now had all my FFL Files not even leaving me a copy.
Even though I've only been charged with a non violent, misdemeanor crime, I've been on house arrest for almost two years for a crime that carries a maximum punishment of less than a year. I have not been allowed to plea in this case.
When I asked about my 6th Amendment right to a speedy trial, I was advised by Federal Court Judge Randolph D. Moss that the Sixth Amendment had been suspended due to Covid-19 and the large number of arrest made from the January 6th incident. The Sixth Amendment also gives me the right to a Fair Trial, does this mean I didn't have the right to a fair trail either? I'm not sure how a Federal Court Judge can legally suspend one of the Bill of Rights.
In June 2022, I was told by prosecutors that I could plea guilty to Trespassing on the Grass or face going to court in Washington DC on several other (made up) felony charges that they knew I had not committed. So because I had no chance of a fair trail and facing several false charges, I was forced to plead guilty to Trespassing on the Restricted West Lawn. My plea agreement stated the maximum amount of probation I could receive would be one year but for this non violent misdemeanor crime, I was sentenced to:
1: Two additional months of House Arrest with Location Monitoring for a total of 18 months.
2: Three additional years of Supervised Federal Probation with travel restrictions for a total of 4 years and 8 months of Supervised Federal Probation even though the plea agreement I had signed stated a maximum of 1 year probation.
3: Firearm Confiscation and Restrictions in clear violation of my 2nd amendment rights.
4: Mandatory random drug testing even though I have no drug history. I have passed all these tests.
5: Mandatory mental health evaluation, even though I have no mental health history. I passed this test.
6: $525.00 in restitution for damage to the Capital Building even though I never entered or even touched the Capital Building. I paid this fine.
7: 60 hours of community service. I completed all the community service.
After my sentencing, my home was again searched by a Federal Probation Agent who searched backpacks, closed closets, closed drawers, including my girlfriends underwear drawers even though they had a court order advising that Probation Agents could only take illegal items that are "In Plain Sight".
My home has now been searched 7 times in 4 years. It's been searched by the FBI, the Federal Marshalls, the DOJ, and Federal Probation several times. Everyone always come wearing SWAT vests and heavily armed even though the only crime I've ever been accused of is illegally walking on the grass.
The government then, using a fake name and phone number, attempted to send firearms to my FFL business through www.guns. on two different occasions in one week. I recognized this persons voice as Assistant U.S. Attorney Graciela Rodriguez Lindberg. Another person then, using another fake name and number called asking if they could bring a firearm to my business for an appraisal. I recognized this person's voice as my probation officer even though he was giving me another name. I told the person that I could not look at the gun and advised him that my business was closed. I also lied and told this person that I was out of state at the time so they would leave me alone. I'm on travel restrictions and can't go out of state so my probation officer almost immediately called and asked my location and when I told him I was home, a person stating he had just spoken to to me about the gun appraisal arrived at my home even though I had refused to look at the gun and had told him I was out of state. This person had a different voice, was extremely pushy and would not take no for an answer even when I told him several more times that I couldn't look at his firearm. This person then opened his vehicle trunk stating he was going show the gun to me anyway. At this time I drove away on my off road buggy leaving him at my home. When I later returned home this person was gone.
I was then contacted by Police Officer Safety & Training Officials stating my law enforcement certification is being revoked for not reporting my arrest to them even though the federal government had taken my phones, computers, I had federal imposed internet restrictions and was on house arrest with no way to contact POST. Also the Federal Agents who confiscated my phones and computers advised me they would contact P.O.S.T. for me because of all my communication restrictions.
Now I've been contacted by the Department of Justice stating they were processing my request for a refund on my FFL renewal even though I haven't requested a refund. The D.O.J. then contacted me by phone and stated my Federal Firearms License is being revoked even though I haven't committed any crime that would prevent me from possessing a firearm or FFL.
Today I was contacted by my probation officer stating the ATF had contacted him stating that the ATF had requested me to send my FFL files to the ATF and that I had not responded to their request. I hadn't received any requests from the ATF and can't understand why they contacted my probation officer. The ATF has my phone number, Email Address, Mailing Address, and Physical Address that's required for my FFL, I'm very easy to contact. Even though the ATF field officer is required to do regular inspections of my FFL Business, I haven't be contacted by the field officer since I was arrested three years ago and the only correspondence I've had with the ATF was a letter in February 2023 stating I owed them $90 for my FFL renewal. I sent this letter back with a check which they cashed.
Today the ATF Agent contacted me stating my FFL renewal was denied because I failed a background check and stated I was now a convicted felon and could never own a firearm again. After notifying my attorney, the agent called back the next day stating that the FBI had "accidentally mis-coded" my case into the computer and I was not a felon or restricted person but they refused to give my FFL back even though they now had no reason to deny me. The ATF advised me that I was required by law the send them all my FFL Files. I advised the agent that all my FFL Files had been confinscated the day after my arrest.
Now I've been contacted by an ATF Agent who stated he couldn't find any agency that would admit taking my files and then threatened me several times with felony charges for Retention of Files for not returning 4473 files that the government had already confinscated 3 years previous. I advised the ATF that my files had been confinscated previously by two unknown government agents who took my files and left without identifying themselves or giving me any paperwork. The ATF Agent called me a liar several times and every time he called me a liar, I hung up on him. I advised the agent that I would try to find a backup copy of my digital log book somewhere but I was going out of state to take my wife to court as a witness in an unrelated case for about a week and that I had court approval for this trip. A few days later I traveled to court about 5 hours away in Tuscaloosa Alabama and asked my neighbor, who is a Newton Georgia Police Officer, to watch my property and feed our animals until we returned home. On the third day out of state, I received a notification from my security system stating my power had been off but was back on. I was told by authorities that the power had went out for about 30 minutes in the entire city of Newton for an unknown reason. I looked at my security cameras to check on my home and animals and noticed a package holding my storm door partially open and it had been placed there while the power and my cameras were out. I asked the officer to check the package and asked if he would make sure someone hadn't mailed a firearm to my home FFL for repair because I'm restricted from possessing firearms. The officer stated that the box didn't have a shipping label and appeared to contain FFL files and folders. It appears that the Federal Agents (DOJ, I believe) who illegally took my files got scared of all the inquiries and returned my files. The only markings on this box was my federal case number. The Officer took the FFL files into evidence, put them into the evidence room at Newton Police Department and contacted the ATF Agent. The next day the officer called me to say he had notified the ATF about recovering the files and that the ATF Agent was going to recover the files from the police department. The ATF continued to threaten me with felony charges of Retention of Files even after the files were recovered by the ATF Agent.
I've contacted my court appointed attorney's office 6 times over the past year advising them that I needed to speak with my attorney with no response other than the secretary advising me that the attorney is very busy.
It's now September 2024 and my home has again been searched by the Federal Government who again found nothing illegal in my home.
On January 30th 2024, I contacted my attorney's office and asked for a transcript of my motion for a speedy trial. During this previous hearing, I was advised that I didn't have the right to a fair and speedy trial because the 6th Amendment had been suspended by the Federal Court because of Covid and the large number of arrest during January 6th. My attorney's secretary told me that there was no transcript because the judge said there was no court reporter during this hearing and the video of the proceedings are not available to the public. I was also warned at the beginning of that Speedy Trial hearing that it was a Federal Felony for me to record my own hearing.
This is the type of government corruption that all January 6th defendants have faced and if they can do this to me then they can do it to you one day also. This is just 1 of over 1500 similar stories with many of them much, much worst than mine.
January 20th 2025
President Donald Trump issued Me and 1500 other January 6th defendants a Full Presidential Pardon.
Please share this story to everyone you know.
I am incredibly excited to announce that Alex Jones producers have reached out and want to interview Daughtry!
• • •
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Another mom, Melody Zare, ripped apart LTISD at Wednesday night’s board meeting, when she revealed that the district ignored her reports of her 7th grader’s bullying and threats, including being threatened with a 🔫. LTISD ALSO HID the footage of the bullying.
She brought up another example of a cover up by the district, when c0c@ine was dropped by a parent in the halls of their elementary campus. No fewer than 30 elementary-age children were exposed to the bag of dr*gs, and the school yet again did not inform parents until weeks later. The charges against the parent were later dropped.
🚨Read report from Mother in thread👇
Melody Zare’s daughter faced persistent bullying at her school in the Lake Travis Independent School District (LTISD), with significant incidents beginning to surface on April 17, 2024. That day, during lunch and in a subsequent hallway encounter, a group of boys surrounded her, shouting insults, urging her to harm herself, and making threatening gestures. She raised her arms in distress as other students recorded the event. Teachers passed by, with one gesturing for the group to move to class. The campus officer, alerted by a student, appeared to have observed the situation but took no action. Footage later revealed the campus officer talking to staff after a student reported it, looking toward Melody’s daughter in distress with a friend, then walking away.
Counselors downplayed it when Melody was called in, blaming school stress and “some kids not being nice.”
On April 17-18, the 12-yr-old disclosed the full extent of the bullying to her parents. The next day, the campus officer described video footage of the hallway incident to Melody’s husband, a retired law enforcement officer, and their daughter after she provided a statement identifying the students involved.
However, the family was unable to pursue charges. The next week, the officer dodged showing the parents the footage; administration claimed they didn’t have it, saying he did. He stalled, didn’t write a report, and only issued an incident number.
On April 24, in math class, one of the students named in the April 17 statement threatened to obtain a weapon and sh00t the girl, her father, and target her grandfather’s home. Witnesses reported this to the assistant principal in May, who advised the girl not to mention the student’s name again, warning of consequences if she did. She withheld further reports out of fear.
On April 26, legal counsel informed the family they would need a Public Information Act (PIA) request to access the April 17 footage. By May 13, Melody discovered harassing texts and calls on her daughter’s phone, revealing the April 24 threats. The family reported these to LTISD police, who did not file a report, follow threat assessment protocols, or release related footage. The school took over three hours to contact Melody after her call and DID NOT notify parents as required by Texas School Safety Laws.
On May 16, two of the involved students attended a trial jujitsu class in the same building as the girl’s dance studio. Studio footage showed them mocking her, prompting her to retreat to another room. The family sought a protective order, but local police have not received the studio videos or investigation reports from the district.
In June, after a PIA request yielded no footage, the campus officer denied having accessed the April 17 video. On October 10, 2024, Melody unexpectedly viewed the footage while meeting a legal assistant about a separate matter at her daughter’s new school, which confirming it had been withheld by the campus officer, police chief, superintendent, and administration.
On January 9, 2025, the family submitted a level 3 grievance appeal, which has since been stalled. The following day, the chief of police resigned amid misconduct allegations tied to Melody’s complaints, though these were delayed by a level 2 hearing officer.
On February 7, the superintendent, on leave for misconduct, resigned, but the family was excluded from a special board meeting finalizing the decision, raising due process concerns.
As of February 21, 2025, the family has not received body camera footage, all related documents, or the April 17 video, which remains unreleased to them and local police. The local police have the studio video provided by the owners of the studio, but the local pd do not have the videos from the school district.
This shows the manipulation of data reports mentioned in board meeting by Melody.
Look through the thread of this post to see peer reviewed studies from published medical journals from medical professionals showing the possible dangers of vaccines. A large portion of this was written by Amy Lew, Mother and long time researcher.
If you choose to read this, please read the whole thing. This is based off of my own research, opinions, research of other mothers and peer reviewed studies. Ultimately it is up to YOU to research.
So here it is, a little bit of why we no do not vaccinate, with reasoning for each particular vaccination on the schedule before 12 years old:
As of 2016, a child in America is scheduled to received 74 vaccinations by the time they turn 18. With each shot, you are taking the risk of your child suffering the side effects, even as severe as SIDS, paralysis, deafness, blindness, and death. That's 74 times... I just personally can't agree to roll those dice with the lives and lifelong health of my children. With most shots, you are also allowing heavy metals to accumulate in their body.
I am extremely uncomfortable with the notion that as a duty to society, I must choose to inject known poisons into my child's body. I will never be convinced again to stick a needle into my child containing recognized carcinogens, neurotoxins, and other poisons that can cross the blood-brain barrier and build up in my child's body. When you put something like aluminum into the body by way of injection, it bypasses the protective mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract, circulates in your body, and is deposited in your body tissues.
There are NO STUDIES that prove that the amount of aluminum in vaccines is safe to inject into an infant or a toddler (or human for that matter).
Aluminum IS however known to cause neurological harm, degenerative problems, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory conditions. Conditions that fall under these categories are: Lupus, Graves' Disease, Lupus, Celiac Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chron's Disease, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Distrophy, Cancer, Parkinson's, Diabetes, Asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and more. These are debilitating ailments that a child can develop at any time and face for the rest of their lives. How can someone tell me as a mother that I need to do this to my child because "it's best for everyone else?"
Other harmful ingredients and additives whose toxic effects have NEVER been examined by injecting them into small children are Formaldehyde, MSG, 2-Phenoxyethanol, and others.
Formaldehyde is a carcinogen, that is a fact. It can cause genetic damage and kidney damage if inhaled, but no one has bothered to study the effects of shooting it into our children with needles. Glutamate, a component of MSG, is an excitotoxin which is a chemical that affects brain function. They've taken MSG out of baby food, but left it in vaccines...
2-Phenoxyethanol is a chemical preservative used in perfumes, insect repellents, germicides, solvent for dyes, plasticizers, and antiseptics. It is harmful and can cause reproductive defects and severe skin and eye irritation if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. Again, despite this, it's still in vaccines and the harm hasn't been studied by way of injection. But let's just assume they're all safe, right?
Also to be considered is the use of any sort of human DNA such as aborted fetal cells. This can trigger autoimmune reactions. The immune system will attack the foreign human DNA, and this attack can then in turn become an attack against the child's own body because it can't tell the difference between same-species DNA. The injected human DNA inserts itself into the genes of the child and alters their genetic function. Animal substances are concerning as well, because when they are screened for disease, there is a possibility of missing animal viruses there are no tests for. This has happened before.
Continued in thread 👇
I can't fathom routinely injecting poisons that I know are harmful and toxic into my child and taking the risk of life-long ailments. Yes, that means I am taking a bit of a higher risk of her catching a disease that vaccines may offer some protection against, but the risks are low, and *vaccinated children catch them too.* It is a FACT that certain toxic ingredients are cause harm, while it is only a possibility that my child may catch diseases we could vaccinate against. There are healthy ways to prevent and combat these diseases, and contracting and managing most of them will result in lifelong immunity.
What I've written below this are the chances of my child catching the diseases vaccines are supposed to protect against, and the risks that I feel outweigh the benefits of each vaccination. This includes the side effects of the shots and the harmful chemicals that they contain.
HIB: HIB is NOT a common disease. A breastfed child who does not attend daycare is at an even lower risk of catching it. The fatality rate of those who do catch it is 5%, usually when it is not caught soon enough. There are about 25 cases per year in the US, meaning the risk for my child to catch it in their first 2 years of life is about 1 in 200,000. After age 2, it's nearly 0. It is also treatable. Concerning adverse reactions include seizures, encephalitis (brain swelling), autoimmune reactions, nervous system dysfunction, anaphalaxis, angiodema, apnea, hives, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), convulsions, renal failure, and severe allergic reactions. The vaccine contains aluminum and formaldehyde, which I'll explain the issues about later.
Lakeway, TX - 🚨 Lake Travis ISD under investigation by parents for using taxpayer funds for personal furniture deliveries, gifts, and dinners. District is shutting down free speech.🚨
Do you know what country does NOT allow citizens to petition the government for redress of grievances? North Korea, and Lakeway, TX.
Petitioning the government for redress of grievances is a constitutional right, and Lake Travis ISD threatened to have resident and mother, Kara Bell, arrested for trying to exercise it.
Kara Bell was signed up to speak at an open meeting in January of 2023 to bring attention to the illegal use of funds and the fact that Superintendent Norton was not in compliance with his contract.
The Trustees were to vote on renewing Norton's contract, and she had pertinent information that needed to be heard so that not only would they not renew Norton's contract, they could stop the bleed of their funds.
Misuse of funds included
• $2 million illegally used of bond money to pay salaries.
•Thousands illegally used to buy gifts and dinners on Superintendent Norton's credit card.
• Sending items to their own homes on the taxpayer's dime, and Illegal reimbursements to corrupt employees for used furniture. The school paid a woman for her used furniture and made up the receipt.
Chief Andy Michael, Todd Sumrall, and Donnie Williams took orders from Trustee John Aouielle to have Bell REMOVED.
Since this occurrence, the district has ignored dozens of emails. Kara Bell contacted the TEA, who told her to file grievances. However, Lake Travis ISD won't acknowledge the grievances.
"They will not allow my filed grievances to be heard. It's been over a year since we filed our level 1 grievance with over five hundred documents proving our allegations."
This is unconstitutional and a violation of the open meetings act. Tax payer money is being abused on the local level, it goes all the way up AND all the way down!
Documents of evidence
“Dozens of emails and phone calls to the district ignored.
TCOLE said they didn’t have jurisdiction! TEA kicked it back to the district so we have filed over a dozen grievances there but they won’t hear us.
They paused our grievance for 6 months to do a forensic audit which proved to be fraudulent.”
Follow @KaraQBell for support. And make sure @ltisdschools gets attention.
The Lutherans were given over $600 million dollars (that we know of), but did zero background checks. Ilhan Omar’s father and many other were regime officials fleeing justice were SPONSORED by the Lutherans. Nur Omar Mohamed was involved in Somalia’s Brutal Marxist Dictatorship.
The Lutheran immigration service is responsible for sponsoring Ilhan Omar’s father, a Marxist colonel.
Ilhan Omar is funded and paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood via CAIR and other similar organizations.
Upon Omar Mohamed’s death, Minnesota’s progressive, Omar-friendly Sahan Journal praised “his climb in the military hierarchy, eventually becoming a colonel.” Yusuf Ismail Faraton, another colonel who served alongside Omar Mohamed, told Sahan Journal (which was founded in partnership with and using money from Minnesota Public Radio) that Omar’s father “played a significant role in the war” Somalia waged with Ethiopia from 1977-1978 (the Ogaden War).
Other outlets like the Blaze have also reported that Omar’s late father served during the 1982 Somali-Ethiopian Border War.
The first of these wars were defensive, the latter was offensive, and both occurred under the leadership of former Somali president and Marxist military dictator Mohamed Siyad Barre, who has been described by the United Nations as having “one of the worst human rights records in Africa.”
Saxafi Media Reports - Barre came to power in Somalia in 1969, instituting a program of “scientific socialism” under the dictatorial, militaristic one-party rule with the support of the Soviet Union. Omar’s father was part of Barre’s military. He joined after traveling to the USSR to receive a military education in the communist state, Sahan Journal reports.
During his rule, Barre used the military that Omar’s father helped lead to rape, terrorizing, and pillaging his own countrymen. He eventually committed genocide of the Isaaq people, killing as many as 200,000 civilians in the late 1980s.
However, long before the situation escalated to genocide, Barre’s military was perpetually busy oppressing dissident groups that turned against him after the regime suffered a swift and resounding defeat during the Ogaden War.
“If President Barre had enjoyed even a limited measure of popularity until the mid-1970s, the 1977/78 Ogaden War with Ethiopia would profoundly alter the course of political events in Somalia,” Human Rights Watch (HRW) observed in a 1990 report. “The bitter aftermath of defeat led to criticism of the government’s handling of the war and created new political tensions. In an effort to deflect criticism of his conduct of the war, and nervous about threats to his position, President Barre sought to reassert control by stifling political activity even further. Every challenge was to be met by fierce retaliation.”
Human Rights Watch’s subsidiary Africa Watch compiled testimony of Barre’s brutality between the failed Ogaden War and the Somali-Ethiopia Border War. “The first-hand testimonies Africa Watch has gathered from many witnesses make it clear that the slaughter of defenseless civilians was not an ‘aberration.’ Rather, it was the result of calculation, the outcomes of a specific conception of how the war against the insurgents should be fought,” the group concluded.
It is unclear if Omar’s father was in the military during the period from 1978 to 1982 between the two wars he led soldiers in. However, it is extremely unlikely that he would have been unaware of the brutality his own government-employed against dissidents during that time. “The government’s response to any hint of resistance” during this period was “indiscriminate use of deadly force, massacres, the looting of private homes and the rape of women by soldiers that accompany arrest and house to house searches,” per HRW.