Importantly, the actual document that Rubio sent up to the Hill yesterday contradicts Elon's assertion that the agency is gone.
And contra Elon, it also acknowledges that any major re-org of US aid policy must involve Congress.
This is notable because outside of the twitter echo chamber, the USG still runs based on laws - a reality that the document acknowledges multiple times.
It's clear they still aim to absorb USAID into State - but they're also acknowledging they can't do so unilaterally.
Meanwhile Congress has affirmed that same reality.
Outside of Elon's twitter feed, here's where things actually stand:
- DOGE staff acting on unclear legal authority have attempted to unlawfully shut down a federal agency
- In doing so they have compromised sensitive government personnel, procurement, and classified info systems
- These actions have badly disrupted critical US-funded activities around the world and placed taxpayer-funded resources and assets at grave risk of waste or abuse
- US personnel operating overseas have been put at grave risk by being expelled from Embassy security & oversight
- USAID continues to exist as a legal entity, per State Dept notice to Congress; Rubio & Marocco in charge
- But most staff at the agency are being obstructed from carrying out their lawful duties
- Congressional funding mandates are being violated by the State funding freeze
- Russia is cheering all of this on from the sidelines (wonder why??)
- And vital USAID programs that save lives and advance US values and interests around the world remain disrupted and frozen.
To be clear: this situation is still a disaster. But there are some hopeful signs here that this attack on USAID will not pass unchallenged.
Stephen Miller said on Fox today that USAID is a rogue slush fund. Trump & Elon have made the same accusation.
FALSE. They're either ignorant of how USAID spends money, or willfully lying about it. Or...
Anyway, caffeinate and read on.
Buckle in for a roller coaster ride through the USAID budget process. To keep you reading, I will use memes.
Step 1.
Every year, the White House (via OMB) puts together a federal budget proposal to Congress. Every federal agency (incl USAID) sends OMB their budget wishlist.
OMB goes over everything and begins cutting down Agency requests and reviewing them for alignment with the president's priorities.
So to be clear: every dollar that USAID requests from Congress goes through White House review.
The state of play, a week into Elon's assault on USAID.
USAID is in a state of suspended animation - it has been powered down, but it's not *quite* to the point where it can't be powered back on.
What happens next comes down to the courts & Congress.
Ignore the wood-chipper tweets and here's where things actually stand:
- USAID's HQ is intact and could resume work
- USAID's staff are mostly furloughed - but could be recalled
- Overseas missions have been told they'll be drawn down - but for now remain intact and in place
- Much of USAID's partner base faces financial ruin - but is not yet *in* financial ruin. Orgs would survive if funding resumed.
- USAID's many grants & contracts are frozen - but only a few are yet cancelled. They could resume.
Since last week rumors have been swirling of a potential Exec Order to dissolve USAID into State.
I did an earlier thread on why that would be deeply damaging to the USG's ability to advance American interests and values in the world. Would harm millions.
In fairness, it's easier to make this kind of basic mistake when you have fired half the workforce of the Global Health Bureau and pushed out much of the senior leadership.
Doesn't leave too many people around to gently point out that you're getting it wrong.