Covid Cautious Survival Guide: The Terms You Forgot (Or Never Knew)
A field guide to navigating the pandemic reality everyone wants to ignore.
1. The Basics: FAFO Edition
- FAFO (Fuck Around and Find Out) – The inevitable consequence of pretending the pandemic is over. Ignoring precautions? Get reinfected. Act like it's the flu? Develop chronic illness.
- Covid Conscious / Cautious / Aware – Those who still acknowledge that SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus with long-term risks.
- Long Covid – The “post-viral” condition that is likely driven, at least in part, by a chronic infection that the body can’t clear that the ‘just a cold’ crowd pretends doesn’t exist, despite wrecking millions of lives.
- Immune Debt – A fake concept pushed by anti-mitigation folks to justify mass infection. The reality? Repeated infections degrade immunity over time.
- Immune Dysregulation – The real consequence of repeated Covid infections: a weakened immune system, increased susceptibility to other infections, and long-term health risks.
- FAFO Wave – When a new variant sweeps through, hitting those who ‘moved on’ the hardest.
2. Testing & Detection: Knowing When You’ve FA’d and Are About to FO
- RATs (Rapid Antigen Tests) – Tests that can miss early infections and asymptomatic spread but can still be useful with serial testing (test multiple days in a row).
- PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) – The gold standard for Covid testing that people forgot about when free testing disappeared.
- Viral Load – How much virus is in your system. Higher viral load = higher transmission risk.
3. Prevention & Protection: The Layered Defense Strategy
- PlusLife device (near PCR-equivalent testing for 97+% accuracy)
- #CleanAirClub – Movements dedicated to keeping indoor air safe, reducing Covid transmission, and preventing reinfections.
- CR Box (Corsi-Rosenthal Box) – A DIY air cleaner using MERV-13 filters and a box fan to remove airborne viruses. Cheap, effective, and the thing every classroom should have had in 2020.
- HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) – The real MVP of air purification, capable of removing airborne viruses like SARS-CoV-2.
- CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) – A measurement of how well an air purifier removes airborne particles. Higher CADR = better air cleaning (aim for 300 every 500 sqft)
- Fit-Tested N95 / Elastomeric / P100 – The real protection against airborne viruses. Not all masks are created equal. Cloth masks and loose surgical masks? Virtually useless.
4. Nasal & Oral Defenses: Extra Layers, Not Magic Shields
- Nasal Sprays (Enovid now NOWONDER, Nitric Oxide, Betadine, Saline, Iodine, Astronomer Sodium, etc.) – Can help reduce viral load but are NOT a replacement for masks or clean air.
- Oral Rinses (Listerine, Betadine, Xylitol, CPC, Hydrogen Peroxide) – Mouthwashes with antiviral properties that can reduce viral load in the mouth. Again, not a substitute for actual precautions.
- Blis K12 & Blis M18 Probiotics – Beneficial oral probiotics that may help with immune function and throat health, potentially reducing the severity of infections.
5. The Gaslighting Era: How We Got Here
- Endemic Theater – The myth that Covid is now "just like the flu" and we should "learn to live with it."
- Mass Infection Policy (MIP) – The unstated global strategy of pretending repeated infections don’t matter and sacrificing public health for corporate profits.
- Hygiene Theater – The outdated obsession with surface cleaning and hand sanitizing instead of addressing airborne transmission.
- Pandemic Amnesia – The willful forgetting of everything we learned in 2020-2021 about preventing infections.
- Biosecurity Denialism – The refusal to acknowledge the need for clean air, masking, and ongoing mitigation efforts.
6. Staying Ahead: The Real Way Forward
- Variant Soup – The never-ending stream of new SARS-CoV-2 variants, thanks to unchecked transmission and evolution.
- Hybrid Immunity Myth – The false belief that getting infected + vaccinated makes you invincible. In reality, reinfections still harm the immune system.
- Mask Shaming – The social pressure to remove protection and "just live your life," often by people who end up getting sick constantly.
- Viral Load Testing in Blood Banks – A public health issue no one talks about: Are we screening for Covid in donated blood? (Answer: No.)
- Community Transmission Levels (CTLs) – The real numbers that matter, even when authorities pretend Covid is "low risk."
Final Thought:
Being Covid Cautious isn’t about paranoia—it’s about FORESIGHT. You don’t wait until you’re drowning to learn how to swim. You don’t stop brushing your teeth because you haven’t had a cavity in a while. And you sure as hell don’t “move on” from a pandemic when reinfections keep causing chronic illness, immune damage, and neurological dysfunction.
This isn't about "living in fear." It's about living with awareness and choosing not to FAFO.
Oh, you know… just the usual—censorship and uncovering the highly organized, coordinated efforts to target patient-built web resources, organizations, and prominent advocates who provide inconvenient but critical information. These platforms share vital data and survival strategies to educate the public on the dangers and consequences of COVID, including Long COVID.
Ask yourself: Why is this information being suppressed?
Because if people truly understood and believed it, they would start refusing to comply with unsafe conditions—like working in person without airborne protections—and would demand much better vaccinations and public health policies.
COVID-19 may be reshaping young brains. A study of 94 college students revealed:
•40% reported ‘brain fog.’
•37% had measurable cognitive issues up to 17 months post-infection.
•Brain scans showed patterns resembling adults 40 years older.
What does this mean for brain health? 🧠
How they studied it:
Researchers used neuropsych tests and brain imaging (near-infrared spectroscopy or NIRS) to measure cognitive function and blood flow in the prefrontal cortex—key for decision-making and focus.
Findings? COVID survivors showed altered blood flow and more “brain effort” during tasks.
The cognitive issues mostly affected executive functions like task-switching and self-control.
•COVID+ students’ brain scans showed patterns similar to those of much older adults.
•Some compensated better than others, but nearly 40% showed lasting deficits.
This was up to 17 months post-infection.
I’m still motivated to spread the word about the dangers of unmitigated SARS2 & I have endless reasons, but I decided to ask ChatGPT for 101 reasons. The response really surprised me, especially the last one.
Here it is:
Absolutely. Here are 101 reasons why you should continue spreading the word about the long-term health and societal consequences of unmitigated SARS-CoV-2 spread:
1. Protect your future health 2. Preserve cognitive functioning 3. Prevent Long COVID 4. Curb chronic illness 5. Safeguard public health 6. Keep hospitals from overcrowding 7. Maintain a healthy workforce 8. Ensure future surgeries are safe 9. Combat pandemic fatigue 10. Reduce healthcare costs 11. Protect young minds 12. Enable a healthy aging population 13. Reduce disability rates 14. Preserve mental health 15. Prevent dementia 16. Protect friendships and relationships 17. Avoid another pandemic 18. Defend immune-compromised individuals 19. Safeguard teachers 20. Prevent generational trauma 21. Enable safer communities 22. Lower burden on caregivers 23. Preserve national security 24. Prevent childhood long-term health issues 25. Protect pregnancy health 26. Preserve healthcare access 27. Reduce mental fog 28. Encourage scientific progress 29. Enable ongoing medical care 30. Reduce stigma around chronic illness 31. Ensure a healthy workforce for future generations 32. Promote informed decisions 33. Prevent workplace absenteeism 34. Support the economy 35. Promote healthier social gatherings 36. Avoid systemic collapse 37. Ensure future vaccine development 38. Limit environmental impacts 39. Protect the most vulnerable 40. Avoid isolation 41. Stop loss of life potential 42. Combat misinformation 43. Prevent worker burnout 44. Empower individuals 45. Ensure quality education 46. Preserve global stability 47. Reduce future health crises 48. Preserve human dignity 49. Prevent mass disability 50. Limit organ damage 51. Prevent systemic inflammation 52. Enable future athletic competitions 53. Prevent brain damage 54. Combat fatigue 55. Ensure economic recovery 56. Preserve mental sharpness 57. Protect artistic and creative communities 58. Enable safer travel 59. Prevent job loss 60. Promote longevity 61. Protect people’s hopes and dreams 62. Fight systemic inequity 63. Preserve childhood play 64. Reduce caregiver burnout 65. Promote vaccine equity 66. Prevent silent suffering 67. Stop heart disease 68. Support frontline workers 69. Protect food supply chains 70. Ensure responsible political leadership 71. Prevent irreversible lung damage 72. Enable future breakthroughs 73. Preserve family stability 74. Reduce insurance premiums 75. Ensure healthy sports teams 76. Protect mental well-being 77. Limit neurological decline 78. Prevent strokes 79. Reduce strain on emergency services 80. Keep schools open safely 81. Protect personal freedoms 82. Prevent financial strain 83. Promote physical fitness 84. Prevent community spread 85. Enable safe elder care 86. Preserve religious and spiritual gatherings 87. Protect small businesses 88. Prevent autoimmune diseases 89. Reduce medication dependency 90. Protect reproductive health 91. Prevent liver damage 92. Combat rising healthcare costs 93. Preserve the arts and culture 94. Ensure military readiness 95. Promote global solidarity 96. Protect future generations 97. Empower advocacy 98. Support long COVID research 99. Foster empathy 100. Prevent mass grieving 101. Stay human
101. Stay human—ultimately, continuing to spread the word is about caring for others and fighting for a world where health and well-being are prioritized.
100. Prevent mass grieving—the loss of life and health is devastating to families and communities.
Our children are silently facing the threat of COVID every day—breathing air in schools and daycares that could carry this airborne virus. This isn’t just a cold. Multiple COVID infections can lead to lifelong problems—heart issues, cognitive decline, and diseases that we usually see in seniors, not in kids. Imagine your child battling illnesses in their 20s that we only expect in someone’s 70s. It’s time to take a stand. Demand cleaner air in schools. Educate your community. Call your Congressperson today and fight for our children’s future.
The only doctors who they put on TV are the ones so deeply entrenched in Don’t Look Up channels of nonsense, that they can’t break free from their own messaging. They’ll discredit themselves & all those who rose to fame pushing political messaging rather than health science.🧵
No one on our side looks completely comfortable talking freely.
Guests aren’t invited to fill in all the gaps.
They are invited to connect one meaningless dot at a time.
At this rate, segments embody the slowness of the public brain and their above average synaptic distance.
This is why I refer to TV as the life-sucking machine.
The screen represents only those things they want you to see.
Your life is limited by the time you spend watching your constrained dreams in balance with living your self-regulated streams.
Most people think cognitive dysfunction just means slowness, forgetfulness, and general thinking problems. But SARS-CoV-2 🧠damage can lead to loss of self-control and even violence. I've been ⚠️worried about this since the pandemic began, and if you look closely, you'll see it everywhere.
Pro tennis might not seem like the best example to illustrate population-level loss of inhibition control. Historically, it’s a “rich kids’ sport,” and when these players don’t get their way, they lash out like toddlers with the mouths of drunken sailors (e.g., McEnroe). The sexist coverage has often overlooked male tantrums while vilifying women for similar behavior. But that’s another discussion...
I've always admired Johnny Mac's fighting spirit and his incredible touch, but growing up, his temper turned me off. I had similar feelings about Nick Kyrgios. His on-court behavior is just as inexcusable. And now, this? This is shameful. 😡…