this is the nuclear blast in the summarian tablets:
"he [Marduk] created the evil wind, and the tempest, and the hurricane, and the fourfold wind, and the sevenfold wind, and the whirlwind, and the wind which had no equal."
Thread start, all my dif sources on this topic. MY THEORY: how it relates to mudfllood.
>2) Barbara Marciniak in 2024 (i don't remember the date) has mentioned: Marduk nuke weapons more powerful than
3) Kryon- Proof of ancient nuke blast can be found current day, detonation point somewhere in Mid East. I have looked up and verified and tweeted this location b4 years ago.
4) the heat and energy from the nuke explosion went all around the world burning everything. i imagine most things turn to ash, rocks would melt, water evaporate, etc.
clouds of smoke and debris could block out the sun for days.
5) the exposive shock waves would be like winds and strong enough to hurl rocks and debris as quoted in above.
similar to the debris flying around in tornadoes.
6) obviously weather patterns were changed. i feel a all the evaporated water would be in the clouds but the heat of the earth from the nuke blast would stop the rain. This would in a sense block out the sunlight with dark clouds: nuclear winter comes to mind.
7) during this "baking" of the earth all the debris and ash "eventually" turned into the toplayer of soil.
This is the Mudflood layer; that is shown in numerous old photos from all around the world.
8) All this above only represents 1 time mankind was on a "self destructive" path.
Kim Goguen has mentioned mankind started over at least 4 times.
Its not too far fetched to deduct a advanced nuclear blast would alter the "tilt" of the earth as well.
9) this in turn would shift the tetonic plates of the earth (I call it the earth puzzle) : creating earth quakes, volcanos, and pushing sea beds into mountain ranges- all of which is verified by modern science.
10) The safest place to be during the "baking of the earth" period would obviously be inside the earth.
I feel this accounts for the vast underground complexes that have been discovered.
Were these underground cities actually the "Ark" in the Biblical scriptures?
11) End Thread save pt 1: Blog start w/ additional details and research web links: #Anunnaki #Marduk #Mudflood #Noah
12) Anunnaki Marduk Mudflood Noah why I feel a layer of dirt aka the "mud flood layer" is present all around the Earth what caused it-myth religion ancient clues other worldly resources into a working theory of mankinds evolution on the Earth
8a) here are my 2 bootleg clips from the Real History Videos by Kim Goguen at United Network News h/t @unitednetwork24 : 01-JUL-22 THE REAL HISTORY PART ONE Humans are on version 7.0 not 4.0 as I quoted in (8) - Earth is Millions of years old.…
9a) "The Earth is always changing...The Earth's thin, fragile outer shell is broken into large pieces called "plates." These [#TectonicPlates] plates slowly move... This movement, or tectonic activity, is constantly changing the surface of the Earth."…
3a) adding relevant #Kryon tweets i've made to thread.
Add on. Live Demonstration of how Wind and Water can create mountains shaping the landscape into what we see today. > I love listening to lectures like this. < I envision this happening after the "Dry Out Period" (10)
all of this conversation is part of a larger storyline that I have been tweeting about long before @grok came on the sceen. the contents and links I make in this tweet thread support everything I've been attempting to show Grok……
This website is mentioned above i'm reposting b/c it links to proof aka resources noted in this article about past nuclear events on this earth…
upate on Groks lack of ability to use intuitive abilities when researching.…
tracking the line of cain "Hippolytus of Rome and a few Millennialists propose that the Antichrist will come from the tribe of Dan." #Israel #palen…
2) interesting tell, ai still can't read images well or so it says.
my follow up questions: "@StLHandyMan metrics from grok can't be trusted"
This is why the suggestion to make memes to get around AI censorship on this platform started years ago.
totally smirk worthy @LeaningFarRight > #grok summary reflects the eclectic nature of @StLHandyMan's posts, ranging from serious discussions to light-hearted or satirical takes on contemporary issues...…
im flattered grok > #ConspiracyTheories: There are posts questioning or discussing conspiracy narratives, particularly around surveillance, technology, and cultural phenomena like QAnon.
Grok got another one right. > Technology and Privacy: @StLHandyMan Posts mention concerns about privacy, the nature of technology (like AI and "creepy labels"), and skepticism towards tech solutions or platforms.
@Pepesplants @GeorgeCarr23591 @Truthpolex since you asked.
1) if its trending on this hellsite its #propaganda.
image from book "the story of mankind" published in 1938 and mankind hasn't learned a damn thing or the warning of where following the forced dialect will lead everyone.
@Pepesplants @GeorgeCarr23591 @Truthpolex 2a) Get better sources of info> @unitednetwork24 outs all the cabal minions and their cohorts 3 times a week-…
@Pepesplants @GeorgeCarr23591 @Truthpolex @unitednetwork24 2b) I laugh alongside @ivanteller as he outs the
new age alien agenda/religion "cult" following of many of the things I see you share about.
@The1Parzival @RedTeamActual 2>Are bloggers protected by First Amendment?
US Constitution Bill of Rights Clearly States:…