@RonFilipkowski 1).
„ @POTUS @realDonaldTrump and @VP @JDVance both turned on the embattled wartime leader during a remarkably tense exchange in the Oval Office on Friday, Feb. 28, 2025, accusing @ZelenskyyUa of failing to express sufficient gratitude for U.S. involvement...”
„Dr Fabian Braesemann, a researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute [1] [2] says it’s not just the insider access to information and data that could be a potential problem, but that people coming from the private sector may not understand the point of HUD programs.
Something like Section 8 housing, he notes, could be perceived as not working in alignment with market forces
– »Because there might be higher real estate value, these people should be displaced and go somewhere else« – even though its purpose is specifically to buffer against the market.
@RonFilipkowski 1).
„The matter came up in the 2000 United States presidential election [...]. The Republican nominee, the Governor of Texas George W. Bush, criticized [her] during a general election debate:
@RonFilipkowski 2).
»I think they’ve moved that line the buck stops here’ from the Oval Office to […] the Lincoln Bedroom« [1].
However as it happened, Bush had engaged in a similar practice with visitors to the Texas Governorʼs Mansion [1].
@RonFilipkowski 3).
Furthermore the first year and a half of the Presidency of George W. Bush also saw some instances of big-money contributors staying over at the White House [1] [2].”
@RonFilipkowski 1).
Edward Coristine employed at @elonmusk's @DOGE team, is the grandson of PGU KGB LCol. Valery Fedorovich Martynov (1946–1986) [1], executed for treason against the Soviet Union in 1986.
@RonFilipkowski @elonmusk @DOGE 2).
Martynov, along with other double agents of the First Main Directorate, was exposed thanks to the betrayal of CIA counterintelligence officer Aldrich H. Ames [2] [3] [4].
@RonFilipkowski @elonmusk @DOGE 3).
Natalya Martynova, Martynovʼs widow [5], settled permanently in the U.S. with her children in 1995. Her daughter Anna is the mother of Edward Corsine [6].
@RonFilipkowski 1).
„ @AGPamBondi (@PamBondi) on Friday said the Jeffrey Epstein client list is »sitting on my desk right now« and she is reviewing the JFK and MLK files as well after @POTUS @realDonaldTrump's earlier directives.
@RonFilipkowski @AGPamBondi @PamBondi @POTUS @realDonaldTrump 2).
– »Itʼs sitting on my desk right now to review« – Bondi told »America Reports« host @johnrobertsFox on Friday Feb. 21, 2025. – »That's been a directive by @POTUS @realDonaldTrump«.
@RonFilipkowski @AGPamBondi @PamBondi @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @johnrobertsFox 3).
Bondi also stated she is »reviewing« the JFK and MLK files, which the president signed an executive order to declassify at the start of his second term.
„[...] @elonmusk has personally taken it upon himself to destroy organizations built over decades to promote democracy and oppose Russian, Iranian, and Chinese influence around the world. For example, he described the journalists of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
(@RFERL: @SvobodaRadio; @sibrealii; @svaboda; @radiosvoboda; @RadioFarda_; etc.), who take extraordinary risks to report in Russia, Belarus, and in autocracies across Eurasia, as »radical left crazy people«.”
In April 2020, a prisoner riot occurred in correctional colony No. 15 in Angara [Irkutsk Oblast]. After the riots were suppressed, many of them complained of torture [1]. E.g., Kezhik Ondar was raped with a coil heater, which left him disabled [2].
„The torture was carried out not only by prison staff but also by other inmates at the detention center” [1] [3].
In 2023, the SHIZO detention [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] employees responsible for torture were each handed down 4 and 5 years in prison [9] [3];
as result of reduced sentences [10], they were released in 2025 [11]. „The inmates who tortured Ondar under orders from prison staff were sentenced to 10 and 11 years in prison” [3].